What God Told Isaiah

There's this amazing proverb, 16th one in the 14th chapter of them, right there mixed in the middle of all of them in the Book of Proverbs so it is easy to skid past, but it is perfect for the financial shitstorm we find ourselves in right now. Oh, don't get me wrong, it is the same shitstorm everyone has pretty much been in for all time, well, except for the rich and powerful, but well, it is the same one. Anyway, the proverb:

"The wise fear the Lord and shun evil, but a fool is hotheaded and yet feels secure."

Yep. There it is. The entirety of financial scamming at the highest levels of political, financial, commercial, and ecclesiastical levels ever. 

What it truly in the heart of every single human since time began.

The key to what we are beholding more gruesomely visible right now is that the financial sector in every form would love for you to feel secure about how they're handling your value assignments. Are you valuable and is that represented by some kind of hopefully meaningful monetary unit? And those you're paying to make sure your value-assigned unit is protected or, glory be, even used to make more units, are they doing a valuable job of making sure it is not gone?

I love the South Park bit that is getting a bit of airplay as it often does when these kinds of things happen about the banker who confidently puts your money into something meaningfully protective yet the ugly machinations of the dutifully extractive System ensure that your trust is woefully unwarranted.

The boy tells the banker he's been encouraged to save, and after the banker takes his modest deposit and does some gleeful pontificating about how splendid the bank's fiduciary activity is he boldly confesses simply that --

"It's gone."

Hey, at least he is being honest.

Many of these hifalutin fancy-suits don't even afford you that.

Today I spent some time reading and watching on the television any number of people write and talk about what's been happening with the latest bank-run-esque episode. Some of the things said are completely moronic. Others reflect some knowledge of the situation, and a few of those actually have some small bits of insight. This one shared over at ZeroHedge is one of the best. The thing that is good about it is that is gets beyond all the "Fughdabouditt this only happened to this one bank" bullshit and does elucidate the truth that the World System financial universe is truly one huge Ponzi, it really is.

I really like how some "free-market" types are lamenting the Fed and feds doing the bailing out ("Moral hazard!" and "Taxpayers on the hook!") when the big players like Chase and Bank of America should be buying them up -- you know, let the private interests do the dirty work, you know, don't have the government try to fix things because they'll continue to muck it up. And this prevents the average citizen, consumer, depositor, borrower, saver, and middle-class investor out there from doing the ludicrous amounts of still bailing them out how?

Which of course brings us to what God told Isaiah. I've made reference to this a half-a-dozen or so times in my own webzine work, I invite you to look around there, thanks.

In the sixth chapter God commissions Isaiah to share some important things with His people. Isaiah asks God, "So what do you want me to tell them?" God says, "It'd be great if they could see. And it'd be great if they could hear. And it be the greatest if they could be not-stupid. Oh, and (yeah, no-brainer:) I can make that happen, but you know, they just don't want it." That's essentially the idea, you can check it out for yourself, it's there.

Then Isaiah asks God, "For how long do you want me to tell them this?" and interestingly God tells Isaiah,

"Just keep telling them for a while."

I'm thinking Isaiah's going, What -- "For a while?" Why should I do that?

God explains. "You need to wait until they first take a good look at what they've done. They need to gaze intently on what they've done to make their world, their land, an absolute sewer pit." Now I've kind of made the language a bit more colloquial there, forgive me, and believe me I'd use more colorful language but I don't think it'd be appropriate.

But the sentiment from God is very clearly there.

And the purpose for this is obvious. God won't heal people of their blindness and deafness and plain stupidity unless they get something of a grasp of why what God would do for them is so valuable. Really, people must get some grip on the magnitude of their sinfulness for them to appropriate the even greater forgiveness God offers them. The time span of Isaiah's telling them this goes all the way to their exile!

Thing is, God's words to Isaiah are repeated multiple times in the New Testament. Check out the 13th chapter of Matthew, read through the whole passage for context, you'll see it there. It is right in the middle of the whole Parable of the Sower episode, yet another extraordinarily wise word about the meaning of the Kingdom and self-sacrificially sowing bountifully into the lives of others.

Then there is the World System, and how many, how woefully many are there who are simply worshipping Mammon in everything that is going on right now in that hellscape.

I can't help but add a Twitter response I made to a post from Steph Pomboy, a financial advisor of some repute. Did I mention that I've kind-of gotten into Twitter? A while back I'd posted that I didn't get the whole Twitter thing, but now I actually like it. I have to be careful not to get too much into it because, yes, I too can succumb to the wiles of being liked however often.

Anyway, I posted this, only sharing it because of the amusing way the little "Dumpster Fire" toy does that now-classic meme icon, the "This is fine" dog. This is how so many treat what is going on. The dumpster fire is raging and they're perfectly fine hoping just hoping like crazy that their trusted financial mandarins are telling them the truth. What a joke -- it is a joke all right.

I just truly wonder, I really do, when the "business cycle" with its lying and more lying and much more lying and the most lying just so you can truly buy into it then the inevitable unraveling of the lies and the immediate CRASHING-&-BURNING ---- then the lies start picking up with everyone believing there's "recovery" happening when there is really just the latest and more imaginative window dressing on things being erected in the brand new Potemkin Village of financial delightfulness.

Annnd then wash rinse repeat wash rinse repeat and yada-yada-yada-yada-yada...

None of any of the volumes of pontificating about it all will mention the Kingdom.

I'm not sure many of these people will even get to the reckoning they must have with their own contribution to the contemptibly reckless dissipation of it all.

This is a fully Catholicized nation in hyper-mode. This is the Roman Ecclesiocracy feverishly inspiring the System Operative laborers constructing the set pieces that make up the Hollywood extravaganza to cover for the putrid spiritual destitution that will once again spill out like the most toxic sewage. 

The Israelites did it in Isaiah's time and God pointed it out. Yes in many ways it is being pointed out again, right here and now, in no uncertain terms -- and images and sounds and emptied savings and investment accounts.

And yet when will the Kingdom be brought up?

Where will Jesus Christ be proclaimed as the Only One Who Is The Answer?

Furthermore will anyone take that bold step and gather together with other like minded followers of Christ and dwellers in the Kingdom 

And get out of that System?

Become ungrafted. Leave it be. Abjure that realm. Don't offer tribute payments you don't owe -- instead do what Scripture says to do and only offer a debt of love -- to potentates and subjects alike. Get out of being some kind of non-profit tax-exempt incorporated organization and instead be a thoroughly free, charitable, merciful, life-exploding supernaturally-empowered community that is, yes

Healed. Seeing. Hearing. Understanding. 

And above all


From the tenth chapter of Luke, after Jesus' disciples returned from their short mission telling Him that they marveled at how they could heal people and drive out demons. Jesus replied, "That's cool, but never mind that as much as you know your names are written in Heaven."

That's the most valuable thing ever.


Just a quick heads-up about a home page piece I wrote way back in 2008 a few months before the major subprime lending generated crash came in September of the year. Of course at the time Bear-Stearns was reeling so anybody with any decent observation skills could see it. All the basic principles apply today, nothing is different now than it was six millennia ago...



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