The Era of Raging Exhibitionism

When I was a kid and I was out and about with my family, we might see someone doing something painfully unusual, often it was willfully displaying large parts of their unclothed body in public (sometimes it was their entire body!)

My mother would almost always instruct us that this individual was an exhibitionist, and she explained. These kind of people have a pathological need to do something like that to gain attention, to elicit some kind of response from others -- they are terribly insecure and wounded individuals who must act out in attempt to cover for that.

Today you hear about such individuals as being narcissistic, but I think that is not quite as good a descriptive term as exhibitionist. By virtue of the definition derived from the original mythology, a narcissist should be happy spending the day looking at his or her image in the mirror. The exhibitionist, on the other hand, goes out and commands people feed his pathology.

I saw a meme quote the other day and it somewhat applies, though like all memes it doesn't answer everything. But it was as follows: "If a man wants to think himself a woman that's on him. If a man wants us to think of himself a woman, that's on us."

Today there is now quite a bit of news coverage about Riley Gaines, a top class women's swimmer and one of the most vocal critics of allowing men pretending to be women to compete with other women. She spoke at a state university yesterday and was physically assaulted by trans activists, and apparently from the news reports one of them was a man dressed as a woman.

I've also been seeing in the news some government entities of some stature getting going trying to work out their monetary unit consideration in light of what the current federal administration has done to wreck the value of the standard we're all used to: the dollar. I'd heard of one state seeking to establish some kind of centralized bank digital currency pegged to gold, annnd... just more exasperating messiness related to the thing value assignments.

Some are stepping up their screeching for gold-backed currency, but attaching any currency to shiny yellow rocks does not solve the problem. The problem is not paper money, fiat money, crypto money, government-authorized digital money, the shiniest yellow rocks, or poo-bah certified bankers in hifalutin-decked offices wearing $4,000 suits bilging economicese at legislative hearings once every six months.

Ahem, excuse me, but why did I just there shift from the social problem of sexual immorality being shoved into the mainstream on penalty of assault in whatever form that takes -- to what we are using as an instrument for our economic exchanges?

It is precisely because these two are so vibrantly interconnected.

The dollar is losing right now, and losing big-time. It is collapsing as a respected unit of account around the world, and the main reason it is doing so is precisely because the rest of the world looks at the United States and sees what is going on with people like Riley Gaines. This horrific LGBTQ-whatever stuff is gushing its sewage over everything and it is being enabled by powerful academic, broadcasting, and corporate entities everywhere in the nation. It is indeed the era of raging exhibitionism, trying valiantly to get everyone to see how splandastically splendid a human being you are when you join up with the officially sanctioned bilging.

Everyone around the world sees it all right, and they want no part of it.

It is precisely because of what is going on in the image posted right here that will mean the contemptibly regrettable demise of the United States. Here some government official (incidentally from Ontario, Canada) is announcing more enablement of sodomist activity and putting people like disabled persons of color in the photo op to ensure the requisite amount of vitriol spewed at you if you don't agree with it all, you know, because you must hate officially classified minorities in wheelchairs.

Either the US will see the product of its now gaping vulnerability already demonstrated on the economic stage, or there will be a furious secession movement going where a much larger territorial entity will form so it can make a unit of account that completely jettisons the entire crypto, gold bug, fiat paper, and CBDC circus -- a unit of account that everyone can fully trust and confidently employ in their economic activity.

Unless sanity prevails and the forming hegemony of sodomism is reigned in with all deliberate speed, you'll see the US take its dive very soon.

The only thing is, I truly think that cat's out of the bag. That horse is out of the barn. In fact, I'm afraid the whole zoo has taken to the streets. I think at this point it is impossible to round up even a few of the animals on the loose. As much as some are seeking a secession movement, I just don't think there are enough people who want to risk having another civil war to get there, understandably.

Significantly this is a religious battle. So many indications in all of this demonstrate this truth. Just look at the newest addition to the acronym -- you can see it there on the lectern in the photograph. They've added "2S" to the LGBTQ-whatever talisman epithet, and you'll note they've put it there before all the others. That's a bold move. The 2S stands for "two-spirit," inspired by some indigenous people's religious principles, apparently it means you have a masculine and feminine spirit -- ostensibly to convey the idea that because of this transcendent condition you must be considered whatever sexually confusing identity you wish to appease.

Biblically this only points to the fact that demons are consuming you and you are quite happy to let them. How much more will the devil have his way in this country? Any kind of serious secession movement is definitely wrought with dangerous activity that World Ops can continue to exploit. 

What I have always suggested, however, is a spiritual secession. 

For my entire ministry commitment here I have argued for people who really authentically genuinely feel they are followers of Christ to actually have that spiritual secession. I have called it being ungrafted

Get out of any of that World System stuff. Understand the Romanist Ecclesiocracy for what it is and leave it be, far away from what you are doing -- not physically but spiritually. End your contractual obligations to any of those entities that seduce you into paying tribute you should not have to pay. Taxes, tithes, and interest payments are the main ones. I'm not saying don't pay tribute you do owe, just don't pay tribute you don't owe to people who are obsessed with convincing you you must do x, y, or z or else. Honor every commitment you have with anyone, certainly, but mainly form worship communities that are pure and free, where members are industriously earning livings and everyone is involved in caring for one another and there is no need for Caesar to keep track of anything except to commend those who do good, as it says in the 13th chapter of Romans.

I know this sounds like a call for forming one of those silly utopian communes that proliferated throughout the US in the 1800s, but it isn't at all. It is just people gathering together to live faithfully by the provision of Christ and doing so having nothing to do with Caesar's enticements which now include a forceful expectation that you assent to the ugly unrighteousness of its precepts, among which are destroying the value of the currency by institutionally calcifying in public policy grossly immoral behavior at the behest of its best sycophants chiefly the patently sodomist behavior that is enabling more and more violent acts the news media are happy to showcase. 

As always, there is a World with all its viscerally compelling but pathetically feeble attractions...

And there is The Kingdom. This is where the real joy and peace and mercy and reality is in great abundance. 

The radically wonderful thing about this place it is offered to anyone, even the worst of the worst of whom we have all been. Only thing is you simply must enter by The Gate, and from there just do what Jesus asked us to do, pray for those who persecute you. Do good to those who would do the worst evil to you. Be His grace and righteousness with the deepest abiding trust in Him and bountiful love to others that only emanates from that place.

Where do you dwell now?


The first image is from the website "Active for Life" with information about healthy family living. The article in particular was about making Toronto a "walkable" city, huh. The second is simply a screenshot I took of the video of that particular press conference, which, coincidentally is about the Canadian province of Ontario.



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