Suffering the Stupid Person, Part II

I really thought I should add some more thoughts to a post I put up a couple days ago that could easily be called "The Die Hard Factor." I'd mentioned the movie Die Hard was so compelling because the filmmaker did a fine job of showcasing some phenomenally stupid people, and I believe a big part of that was their skill in portraying them in all their self-absorbed exhibitionist glory.

"Look at how danged smart I am while I go full bore into something mindbogglingly stupid that will likely end in my demise!..."

Ouch. Makes me think of the Darwin Awards, you know, those stories about people doing exceptionally stupid things that only end in something very, very painful for them. Hate to say it, but this makes me think too of that quote, you may have seen it before too:

Death and stupid people who don't know they're stupid are the same. It is only painful for everyone else.

That's really the essence of this "Part II" post. Other people's chronic stupidity, especially among the rich and powerful, is extraordinarily painful for everyone else. Even in the Die Hard films everyone else but John McClane and a few other cohorts are insanely stupid, and sadly they do take any number of other people down with them.

As I've shared before it is actually hard to blog about the stupid things all around that happen right now. It just never stops. I've realized there is so much stupidity and it is metastasizing at exponential rates and, when you think about it, it has been going strong for quite some time... I mean you'd think after some 6,000 years or so since humankind really started using their noggins with some reasonable success that they'd get it, but I guess not...

Anyway, I've realized that with all that it is really impossible to get rid of the stupidity, it just is. This is a depressing notion, but really, it is a key component of the Catholicist Nation premise, that the Roman Catholic Ecclesiocracy through its deep-state operatives mostly embodied in the Jesuit Order must do its job of provoking the stupidity among the populace -- virtually institutionalizing it, so it may do its job of legitimizing its rule as an authorized ministry of condemnation.

Please don't get me wrong, there is hope. God does make a footstool of that for anyone who wants to turn to the Kingdom and find liberating deliverance from there. More in a moment, but first just a taste of the stupidity.

I saw this article in my ZeroHedge look yesterday, a report from a journalist who went over to the big climate change shindig, something called the "COP28 Conference," and you can easily glean from that report a couple of tremendously stupid things that happened there.

The first is that the United States is being ridiculed by other countries who are watching it self-immolate with the ludicrous leftist policies that are the wildly sprouting seeds of the nation's own destruction. The sodomy stuff otherwise known as LGBTQ, the climate change hysteria, the massive numbers of migrants putting enormous pressure on the social infrastructure, the horrifically deceitful public health demands, the wrecking ball that is being wielded against the dollar and the entire US economy because of the brazenly ravaging socialist policies.


You can read the article, get the idea, but the other thing of note is this idea that our young people are being brainwashed into pushing all this, and that the conference big-shots are boasting about it. That's true for sure, but the reality is

Our young people have been being brainwashed with all this for decades.

In fact, a point I've made before, young adults' parents have already been brainwashed with all of this, so their children are just getting the very best indoctrination at home.

I know, because as I've also already shared, I was cancelled in the classroom because of my principled and somewhat outspoken pushback against it all. Sorry, but I could not teach a group of students with richly impressionable minds and hearts without teaching them truthful things no matter how sobering, I couldn't do it. This means, yes, there were times when I shared things like, "I'm with you, let's work to stop pollution, I'm all in, but trying to change the climate with policies like 'Net Zero' and insisting every energy source is green, forgive me, with all due respect, these things are just stupid."

Of course, teaching to classes filled with young people already browbeat with the idea that human breathing contributes to excessive CO2 levels is going to get you assaulted. Not physically assaulted, of course, but really? What is going to happen as this stupidity just gets worse?

It's already happening! It is already physical assault in the sense that well-organized climate alarmists, most likely paid by those well-funded 501c3 non-profits, are blocking reasonable vehicle movement on highways -- movement that could mean life or death for emergency personnel to get where they need to go. This is just one example. And this is just one related to the climate change hysteria -- hundreds of millions more will die if they are actually successful at eliminating fossil fuels. 

We're not even talking about all the other violence in store for 2024 from all the other stupidity. 

I posted the accompanying screenshot from the menu of ZeroHedge stories to show you the link right next to the referenced story. Huh, some official law enforcement agent is promising that the law will start being carried out -- huh, what a novel idea!

See, the biblical position on all of this is simple if you'd only read it. It is.

All over Scripture are stories of the stupidest people you could imagine. Yes, they either get theirs, or they actually find God and call on His Name. Not hard. You want to know Jesus' response to stupid people? Two things.

First, exasperation. Go ahead, just look at the gospel of Mark, and look in chapters three, six, and eight. He confronted stupid people all over the place. And He felt it. And people saw how He felt about it.

Second, self-sacrifice. The most incredible thing of all is He still dies for them. Sorry but willful stupidity is a patently sinful thing. Jesus died to take that out and for people to put their faith on Him and get them very very far into being not-stupid.

Want to get a good idea about what not-stupid is? Read the book of Proverbs. You don't have to read it all at once, but pretty much every single word is something about what you should know about being not-stupid. Really. 

Here's a good one. I'll share it with you, from the second chapter.

"Wisdom will save you from the ways of wicked men, from men whose words are perverse [in a very real sense that means weirdly stupid], who have left the straight paths to walk in dark ways, who delight in doing wrong and rejoice in doing the perverseness of evil [they can't help but boast about how smart they are at being stupid], whose paths are crooked and who are devious in their ways."

Out of all this you really only have three choices in life. Really, tell me if there is another, I'd be happy to hear of it. There are only three:

One, you can viciously insist on living by your own wretched concupiscence and think you're all that, but it will inevitably lead to death. Someway, somehow, somewhere down the line it is just plain death. And of course a long stay in Hell follows. For many this does involve a rich, robust, and desperate engagement with the crusading (and fully manufactured) rebellion against The Man.

Two, you can still do all that but work really hard to wallow about in the "City of God" Augustine talked about, that place Rome has firmly established and continues to sustain, a splendidly wholesome and righteous and upright place -- the World System itself administered by showcased mandarins who smile at you a lot lobbying for your vote and your tribute but much more by brilliant opaque operatives who make sure all the racketeering window dressing looks spectacular. The advantage is you can feel like your stupidity is not having that much of a lethal impact on things, you know, because fluffy words like DEMOCRACY and FREEDOM and INCLUSIVE are incessantly bleated through the airwaves. There have been some eight thousand formulations of this thing throughout the ages, I dunno, maybe nine thousand, I think I've lost count.

Three, you can dwell joyfully in the Kingdom. It is there where your Savior resides, the Real One who died for you and saved your soul -- not one of the counterfeit ones widely marketed in the System. This is the place where genuine, authentic, charitable, meaningful, thoughtful, and (from the Economics instructor in me) productive love prevails.

And really, let's face it, if the stupidity is just not -- going -- to -- ever -- end, then why not go to the one place where it simply cannot afflict you since you are securely in His embrace?


The image from Die Hard with Hans Gruber threatening Holly McClane was taken from the photo catalog at The one of The City was simply in my stock file, thank you to whoever created it.



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