The Racket Humming Along Very Nicely Right Now

I absolutely had to put up a post simply with the image I saw at the ZeroHedge piece about yet another guy blapping about how rotten all the dollar exploitation is nowadays (a very veritable truism certainly) and how much we all need to move our asses and get into gold or crypto (just as veritable a truism that this is just as rotten).

It doesn't matter what it is, the Roman Catholic Ecclesiocracy Racket will still be exactly like the image depicts. (Forgive me for not knowing who to afford attribution, but here is the page with that story and the image there about halfway down.) As I looked at this thing in all its splendid glory, I could only think of the rule established in all Roman Catholic dominated towns in Europe through the last few centuries, as really pretty much all of them were even at the height of the Protestant Reformation. The rule stated that no building could be erected that was higher or as high as the main Roman Catholic church building or cathedral.

Really, here you see the modern-day cathedral.

It is the money-printing machine with the supremely ordained mandarins keeping the power knob turned up to 11. This is Rome. It behaves exactly the way a racket behaves, spending as much money as it can to engender the support it needs to thrive. I caught this proverb just this morning, it relates nicely:

"A bribe is seen as a charm by the one who gives it, they think success will come at every turn." (17:8)

I love how the artist has depicted there in the heavens all the massive databases and processing units that will generate all the spectacularly beneficent "A.I." so there will be no issue with the merits of the Sikorsky-helicopter-dropped dollars, I mean, "A.I." Come on, that's the best! The number of television advertisements I've seen so far (and I really don't watch that much television) that have "A.I." appearing somewhere -- "Our product is this and that and this with the help of AI! That means it's gotta be waaay better than ever!"  

I also thought I'd add a link to this piece by Peachy Keenan. While she's still too hypnotized by the tried-and-true Catholicist machinations to truly get what Rome is really about, she does a bang-up job of pointing out how horrifically lethal the racket is. I will give her credit though! She does amazingly mention a critical arm of the racket, Catholic Charities, which are doing great work to augment the border invasion of half the destitute world desperate to leave their tyrannical hellholes.

Her remarks about leftists working very hard to win the latest round of Darwin Awards makes for great entertainment, but I don't exactly think her side will win as she so confidently asserts. Excuse me, but Rome wins. It will every time. Its expert World Ops make these things happen to do the human sacrificing it must. You'll still see people dying all over the place even if Mrs. Keenan gets the Pyrrhic victory she anticipates. Doesn't matter if they are leftists or rightists or the Reds or the Blues or anyone favored or disfavored -- as long as the herd is culled, the Jesuits have done their job well.

So go ahead, as the country and its toadying world all steam headlong into the much more destructive civil war, go ahead, keep doing stuff through the System. You're just being played. It isn't going anywhere. Mrs. Keenan's exposition just contains all the latest absurdities. It'll get worse, you'll think you'll win but you'll lose. It is all designed that way, as it should be. 

Look at the artistic rendering there. You can't miss it. That's not changing. And as long as it isn't changing, you could be into gold, schmold, crypto, schmypto, voting and campaigning and screeching as loud as you can for your guy (or gal) the spiffiest looking dude (or dudette) at the 723rd Iowa town hall blapfest joining the thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands who braved the cold and snow to show up how brave! ... it isn't going anywhere.

Funny, Mrs. Keenan even kind of intimates that

But what is the answer? She ends with pretty-much the same tailing-off blather about bucking up and sucking it up and toughing it out and and and...


There is, however, 

The Kingdom.

And yes, I am still looking for someone who will mention His Name.

After the big playoff football game the other day, winning Texans quarterback CJ Stroud was asked the standard initial question about football yet he said it. He did. Several other players have done this too, but he said His Name.

"I do want to give all the glory to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." First thing he said. He did, of course, then go on to talk about the game and how this football thing was done and how that football play happened. That's fine. 

Here's the thing.

When are we ever going to see a Peachy Keenan end a piece with that? Say His Name anywhere in their exposition?

When are we ever going to see, read, hear, enjoy watching, reading, listening to someone of this stature write articulately about all this and emphasize something as unequivocal as this:

"The Roman Catholic Ecclesiocracy manipulates all of this. It is supposed to exploit the sinfulness of human beings in the service of Cain's Legacy of human sacrifice to administer its authoritative role in the ministry of condemnation. Messing with the value of the standard monetary unit destroying your purchasing power and the value of your savings is indeed just another form of this. If you want genuine freedom, it can't be from the World System's pathetic offerings. It only comes through repentance of one's own role in all of this, from one's own evildoing, and from one's own foolishness believing all the pukifyingly sweet but patently asinine things it loudly bleats, and going to Jesus Christ and the Kingdom the only place where Truth and Grace reside.

"The Roman Catholic Jesus isn't Him. In fact their operatives have invented hundreds of different concoctions that look like Him but aren't. If you read His story in the Bible you can see that. But please don't mistake Rome as being useless -- it is a legitimate instrument of judgment in God's hands. On the Last Day it will be summarily discarded, but for now it serves its purposes -- some of which is to generate all the ugliness you see [as described by Mrs. Keenan in her piece] to get people to gaze upon the abject wretchedness of their condition and turn to Christ and Kingdom in reality, not in the fluffy performance art stuff of Rome and all its political, financial, and commercial subdivisions.

"Having a reckoning with ourselves, understanding what the World is truly about and what it regularly does, and promptly stepping onto the narrow path toward The Gate, the Only One available for entering true freedom and joy and beauty for eternity-- that's the answer, that's what we should be putting deep into our minds and hearts and souls, and then into our feet so we get moving. And then, wow, then from there can you truly fully richly rapturously love others with His love."

I'm still looking around. Still hoping to read it somewhere. To see it or hear it somewhere, bold and courageous and with some measure of reach. And in the apocalyptic revival that follows enjoy the new-found freedom ravenously enjoyed by people who are seeing and hearing and getting all that.

Oh glorious day!


Just a plug here for my webzine work, and my latest home page piece which gets into a very small snapshot of the entrenched Jesuit dominion reigning over everything the past couple of centuries. For those who think the evangelical church is working on that revival, I am a bit cynical, yes. This is because I don't think it is happening as it would if we were fully sold-out to Christ, and that means being ungrafted to the World System. Here is a page with one of the most significant ways many churches are contractually obligated to the World.


Again, the posted image is from this Zerohedge page, and thank you to whoever did it for letting me post it here. The other image was clipped from a film about Francisco Franco during what I'm pretty sure was the Spanish Civil War, in which the Roman Catholic Church was unabashedly supporting Franco's fight against Spain's leftist insurgents. The banner says "Neither Reds Nor Blues [I only see] Spanish!." An estimated half million lost their lives, half of those to systematic killings and mob violence.



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