What It Is, 2024 Edition

With the year 2024 looking like it will be something of an explosive one, I thought I'd just direct you to a piece from Off-Guardian yesterday, a fine exposition by its editor Kit Knightly. It does a pretty decent job of sharing precisely why so many people, especially people in some positions of power, do incredibly stupid things.

In simple terms it is because they are so beholden to the Big Lie to which all World inhabitants and all System mandarins must give their utmost fealty. Knightly's piece had me considering it a sort-of present-day rendition of Tupper Saussy's epilogue in his book Tennessee Waltz called "The Politics of Witchcraft." In that very real sense anyone who is in a position of authority in Cain's Legacy are bound by what he called the "lie contract."

Thing is Knightly does not do the one thing I don't think he can do without fearing some kind of repercussion -- hey, no worries, I always fear some sorts of repercussions for what I write in my ministry work. I've already suffered some measure of that being dismissed from a number of different education-oriented jobs, and I have never even truly shared with any striking detail the what it is in the classroom. I have shared some of the critical substance of things my students should know, but as I think about it now I probably should have shared more. I had nothing to lose, didn't I.

But then, because I don't have the power of reach that other punditary individuals have, I don't really believe any of those mandarins consider what I share anything of a threat to their positions. This is besides the fact that what I share has nothing to do with any kind of resistance movement at all -- it is just for understanding. The agents of Cain are in their offices for a specifically defined, and, yes, divinely appointed reason, and my Lord prohibits me from interfering with their legitimate work.

But again, what is the what it is?

Well, in this post I thought I would just direct you to those posts, my blog series from just last January, titled, ahem, "What It Is." I'd been reviewing it and, wow, sure enough, it would be pretty much the very same thing I would have written here. Yes, I do feel sometimes I get a bit redundant about things, because those posts really just emphasize things I wrote in some previous posts, and those repeat what I wrote in some other posts... and so on and so on and so on.

It'd be nice if people really started to get it, irrespective of anything I myself write or say.

It doesn't mean I don't try to write something new about the latest imaginative ways the System mandarins try to pass off some other stupid thing they must do to keep stupid people in the fold.

In fact I've been re-reading the book of Jeremiah, again, and again I do so because I see so much of what he tried to say in what my vision is for sharing what I share. Anyway, this thing with calling people "stupid"? Well, it is biblical. Jeremiah does it a number of times in his book. And he is sharing God's words. He's just sharing what is real out there, and really, we should just look at reality as reality is. God pulls no punches in sharing reality. Yeah, it is often brutal, but, there you go.

Sorry, but the reality is if people are not following the wisdom so profusely expressed in the book of Proverbs, they are indeed being stupid. Murderously stupid. Those proverbs even mention this distinction many times!

And that is precisely the thing so many of these kinds of Off-Guardian things will not add, because, well, they've been so indoctrinated with Epicurean thinking. It is safe to be an Epicurean, it is safe to settle into waddling about in some secular materialist folderol, it is safe to be "tolerant" and "polite" and "inoffensive" -- you never have to be ridiculed for actually believing in any of that "God" stuff...

Don't mention Jesus Christ as the absolute only way to break the chains of one's own stupidity and Cain's ruthless administrative grip it has on you. Don't say anything like that or the System mandarins will definitely make you look stupid, really, very painfully in fact...

Anyway, check out the Knightly piece. just get a nice description of the vicious stupidity that has energized the Big Lie. Check out Tupper's epilogue, and also his magnum opus, here on PDF, to get an idea of how proficiently the Big Lie was propelled though history. Tour through that blog series I put up, still a fine pretext for understanding the present civil war that will likely become much more lethally virulent this year. 

And above all, read this. Find true deliverance in The Deliverer. Be in His secure embrace no matter what sublimely elevated stupidity makes the world a madhouse all around you.


The image of the NPC audience being indoctrinated with the spiffiest virtual tech was clipped from a piece in The American Mind from December 2019. I know I'd used this image for my post "Trotsky's Pathodicy" from a few years ago, but it is just such a fine image of a very impressionable Catholicist populace schlurping up the very trendiest System instruction.



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