The Civil War Reality

Have you been seeing this image, or really a very fine GIF used in memes? I don't know, maybe it's been employed much more often and I just haven't noticed, but I've seen it a few times. The latest was something about this being the IT guy coming into work after this morning's major global Microsoft update disaster that grounded flights, impeded distribution center activity, and messed up hospital care, among many other bad things.

I discovered it is from a scene in a Pirates of the Caribbean movie when some huge 18th century battleship is obliterated -- I mean utterly destroyed -- with lots of massive explosions and wounded sailors flying all about and parts of the ship crushing bodies and cries of agony filling the air and a culmination featuring a gargantuan fireball reaching to the skies and all the rest of it.

All the while the captain is confidently but of course morosely resigned to his quite imminent wretched demise as he saunters down the ship's middle staircase, cannonballs smashing against everything sending shards of the ship streaking through the air until -- I mean... the hyperbolic annihilation of what I assume was a vehicle occupied by all the really smug snotty bad-guys... I don't know I haven't seen a single Pirates of the Caribbean film, but I can guess.

I bring it up because I really don't think it can be denied that every single one of us wants that to happen to that Really Bad Guy we really don't like and who makes our particular life particularly bad in some bad way.

And yes, it comes in great magnificent glory in the ongoing Civil War. 

No, wait, you mean the one that could happen but we all hope, especially with Donald Trump and his brave bad-ass assassin survival skills, will not happen.

Um, "no" back-at-ya: the Civil War is a very present reality, it is ongoing, it is always extraordinarily deadly, and it is all designed, arranged, and sustained by those authorized ecclesiocratic World Operatives given the task of doing all that.

I bring it up because CJ Hopkins has another fine piece out doing a great job describing the characteristics of that conflict. Here it is for you to look at, go ahead, it is fine work. The only thing is, straight away, he still doesn't, and sadly I don't think he ever will, get to Christ and Kingdom as the only deliverance from it all. He'll either position himself as above it all and conclude with resignation, or he may get a bit into "Come on be a part of the resistance!" mode. It is always some form of those things. Just like all the other such pundits. Oh well.

Thing is he does share some very perceptive things about the Civil War, which as you can see he seems to feel is some kind of simulation. Well, yeah, in some key ways it is.

But the ultimate lethality is still very real.

Today's Civil War reality is indeed smothered by the fake reality which itself is smothered by the simulacra the officially ordained World Operatives have shoved in everyone's faces -- pretty much what they've been doing for eons and eons, it is just so much more fun now what with the best computer graphic technology and social media maelstrom.

What Hopkins illuminates is precisely what Rome has been doing for all those eons. Precisely. It is all the very best performance art to elevate the simulacrum that amplifies the "reality" they want you to see. Funny I was just reading a bit about the Council of Trent, when the World Ops of the budding Jesuit Order all got together to take on the spreading Protestant Reformation by tightening up all things Roman Catholic, there in the mid-1500s.

One of the most critical things they did was to get the institution to wildly magnify all the performance art activity -- all of it, from the liturgy to the sacraments and the processions and the showcases and all of the design elements: the art and the music and the architecture. Play it to the hilt! Thus began the baroque period and lo and behold, the very first edifice to get the full majestic however-garish baroque treatment was the main church building belonging to the Jesuit Order -- the Church of the Gesu in Rome! 

The Jesuits knew it could not compete against the overwhelming power of The Reality, The Living Word that is Truth and Grace embodied in the very real Jesus Christ. So they went to work on the simulacra.

Here it is manifest today, in a brief excerpt from Hopkins' piece:

What is actually happening is, a dominant power — a globally hegemonic dominant power in our case — is eliminating internal resistance throughout the territory it occupies, which in our case happens to be the whole planet. Any and all forms of internal resistance. The character of the resistance makes no difference … Islamic fundamentalism, Christian fundamentalism, neo-nationalism, “populism,” socialism, whatever. Any form of resistance that interferes with the consolidation of its global hegemony and commodification of virtually everything.

Rome is the globally hegemonic dominant power, it always has been. This is the interminably consuming Roman Catholic ecclesiocratic mission. It is has never done anything differently albeit with thousands of imaginative permutations. It is supposed to be doing this, and always has, for millennia.

In fact, might I add that Jesus Himself said that the Civil War was ongoing, and it wouldn't ever stop until the Last Day. Want to know where He said that? Thirteenth chapter of Matthew. Here it is, I'll share it with you.

Another parable He put forth to them, saying: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field; but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way. But when the grain had sprouted and produced a crop, then the tares also appeared. So the servants of the owner came and said to him, ‘Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have tares?’ He said to them, ‘An enemy has done this.’ The servants said to him, ‘Do you want us then to go and gather them up?’ But he said, ‘No, lest while you gather up the tares you also uproot the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, “First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn.” ’ ”

This is a perfect illustration of the perpetual Civil War. All the bleats for this thing "anti-bullying" are thoroughly pointless because every single person on the planet wants a bigger bully on their side. I always shake my head when people like John Whitehead screech bloody murder about the extent to which government can crack heads, what with all the newfangled surveillance technology and prosecution powers and all those other nasty things it has. "Lions and tigers and bears oh my!" 

Excccept John Whitehead wants something with some strength to fight back against the evils he sees government doing! Huh. And please, I only pick on John Whitehead because he so often writes so articulately about just how danged much power whatever-whichever government has and is getting. 

So what.

CJ Hopkins is in the mix too. They all are. They're all just anarchists at heart, really, nice smiley I'm on YOUR side! anarchists. All the powers-that-be whoever-wherever they are are VERY VERY BAD! They may call themselves libertarians or freedom fighters or just good gol-darned patriotic Americans who just want their proper liberties as they should have them.

But they're just as much part of the war no matter how much they insist they aren't.

Come on, LET'S GET 'EM the way I say we should get 'em!!!

Then what? How are you going to get them? What are you going to do? 

"Fight fight fight!" as Donald Trump so valiantly shouted just as he'd survived an assassin's bullet?

And your fight will be what, exactly? What noteworthy belligerence will that entail, exactly?

You can't miss it, at least in the largest political arena there is right now in the US. Each party's members are wrestling with one another to try to get the biggest bully they can. As it is the Democrats seem to be getting the idea their present bully doesn't have the mental or even physical capacity to be a bad-ass enough bully, so with the pending open convention they'll be flailing about trying to find that one person who can be the very best bully he or she can be.

Which bully will prevail on November 5th? This of course blows my mind that the date is that one, something I wrote about in my last blog post.

Don't get me wrong.

I'm no different.

I too want someone who'll kick ass when I need him to stop the bad guy. In the depths of my heart I can't stand the asinine things people do or want to do through their favored powers-that-be. Those things make me sick inside, just how harrowing and lethal those things are.

But I also know I'm just as much the bad guy.

Oh. Ouch.

Which means everyone who rages in the midst of the conflagration that is the Catholicist nation is just as much at war with himself or herself.

Double ouch.

This is precisely why the real spiritual battle is to wait on God to move and with His mercy impact those caught up in it. And when He decides to move you to share with another the Jesus you already have in your heart then go for it. Be the Kingdom to another. Be His reconciliation, His restoration, His revival. Be His joy and peace and real true actual freedom.

There is indeed a place for the mainline political machinations, both widely broadcast and deep-state opaque, for the Ministry of Condemnation to do its work to hopefully convince the fully immersed System warrior that there is a place away from the agony of such interactions. But the path there is narrow and the entrance is accessible only by The Gatekeeper.

There is time, but it may not be long. The Ministry of Reconciliation to God is right now, and He opens His hands to invite you in. Don't worry about what happens outside of His wonderful sanctuary, He will take care of business as He promised. Going to be with Him and listen to Him and then, glorious day, you may even by Him touch the lives of those others -- that's the thing to do now.

But you must go in His way. There is indeed, very much right now, all the simulacra of the explosive World Culture War, and it is so enticing, it is. Look at its real ugliness, however, by reading the things that people like Hopkins and Whitehead write, it's good to read, good to know.

But be careful to act on their conclusions because they are just System avenues for more of the same.

Go to the Living Word and rest in Him. 


Real quick added note here on July 22: To be fair to Mr. Whitehead, here is his latest. It is actually terrific in describing how things really work out there, just as Mr. Hopkins is with his expositions. Yet again what neither of them will ever get to -- or maybe they will sometime, maybe -- but they never get to who is driving all of it from the deeper deeper state. It has been, is now, and always will be Rome at the behest of a God Almighty who sends its ops out to crack heads of unrepentant evildoers as legitimate instruments of judgment. Go ahead, read all about them and their weaponry in Whitehead's piece, go ahead, for the very best understanding of the present raging conflagration. Excellent illumination.

But it means absolutely nothing unless you know it all emanates from the bowels of the Roman Catholic Ecclesiocracy, presently, right now, and that the only escape is to fall into the saving arms of Christ and finding true sanctuary in His Kingdom. That's it. Nothing else. Fuming like a banshee against it all simply because you now know what they can do means squat. They'll still do it. They're doing it now, and they'll be doing it ten thousand years from now if Jesus tarries.

Really, I'd get into this book. Please, do yourself a favor and get how it's happened in history, leading to what they're doing today just as proficiently. Sorry, it will make Mr. Whitehead's exceptional unveiling of System machinations look like the dab of whipped cream on your 16-scoop banana split. And here is the link to my humble webzine for maybe a little bit more. And make triply sure you are reading this!


Psalm 52

For the director of music. A maskil of David. When Doeg the Edomite had gone to Saul and told him: “David has gone to the house of Ahimelek.”

Why do you boast of evil, you mighty hero?
    Why do you boast all day long,
    you who are a disgrace in the eyes of God?
You who practice deceit,
    your tongue plots destruction;
    it is like a sharpened razor.
You love evil rather than good,
    falsehood rather than speaking the truth.
You love every harmful word,
    you deceitful tongue!
Surely God will bring you down to everlasting ruin:
    He will snatch you up and pluck you from your tent;
    He will uproot you from the land of the living.
The righteous will see and fear;
    they will laugh at you, saying,
“Here now is the man
    who did not make God his stronghold
but trusted in his great wealth
    and grew strong by destroying others!”
But I am like an olive tree
    flourishing in the house of God;
I trust in God’s unfailing love
    for ever and ever.
For what you have done I will always praise you
    in the presence of your faithful people.
And I will hope in your name,
    for your name is good.


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