Messing With The Economy is Always a Great Way for Tyrants to Virtue-Signal

I simply have to direct you to this article over at ZeroHedge, one that comprehensively lays out the ironclad economic laws related to price controls. There are a number of things that should be augmented to make this idea much more clear.

First, note all the imaginative ways value assignments have been messed with in the worst ways. For forty centuries leaders with their hands on the reins of the economy try to show how blangdanimously magnanimous they were by effing with the transcendent value assignments, valid value assessments, and vibrant economic interactions of their people.

So many different ways to do it each with their own spiffy sounding names! I mean who could be against something where we all "commune" with one another -- so much more wholesome!

Today that takes the form of printing up dollars and handing them to irresponsible people, or yes, to exploited people who've been effed with by government decree such as what public officials did with the Covid hysteria: Shut down millions of livelihoods. Of course a nation populated with devout Catholicists will demand that government take care of them and hand over gobs of dollars to make up for what-was-clearly unnecessary lockdown despotism.

Think things like bitcoin or a return to the gold standard will make things different? No, sorry crypto bugs or shiny yellow rock bugs -- and right now thousands of them are coming out of their dinky little holes right now -- just means you'll get a whole different group of people working like crazy to skim off the top while virtue-signaling their asses off. Congresspersons and Fed officials are behaving as wicked as hell, yes, but it won't be any different if you succeed in your modern-day gunpowder plot. There won't be a lick of difference.

Second, people are squawking about communism rearing its ugly head in the United States. The Democrat party's national convention is this week and much of their policy initiatives are truly very communist items. The price control thing, or, as they say it to sound really helpful, "fighting price gouging," is a fully destructive communist policy, and the article dives deep into how.

Thing is, we're already communist. This pathetic blapping about "Wake up Americans cuz communism is almost here!!!" means bupkis. It's already here. We're already effectively a communist nation, and Donald Trump does just as much of it as anyone. When US president he once said at some important economic function about some significant economic thing, "There is a philosophy in some circles that if you can't pay for it, you don't get it. That's not going to happen with us." He too spent like a drunken sailor.

Want to not have communism in the USA anymore? Get rid of Social Security, like, today. Get rid of Medicare, unemployment insurance, welfare, any and all of that. Get rid of any subsidy or handout to anyone who can't work out their livelihoods with others who want the same. Want people to have real freedom? Respect them and their talents and hard work, and afford them the privilege of taking care of themselves and their own. That's freedom. 

No? No -- you say people paid into it? Great, take an extra day then, figure out what people paid in, then give them that back. Then stop. What is that you say? How are elderly going to live when they depend on it? Great, work out who in their immediate circle can take care of them. Family, good friends, relatively well-off benefactors. Great. If people are as gol-danged nice and kind and caring and giving as everyone seems to comport themselves as, then they'll do it.

Otherwise, the whole of World System activity is to cull the herd. Reduce the population. Get rid of the useless eaters. Commit the acts of human sacrifice they are committed to doing as described in the fourth chapter of Genesis. Just look at what is being offered at that Democrat party convention right now. They literally have "birth control" trucks around the venue offering free abortions and vasectomies.

Besides the idolatrous idea "Go off and be your true sexual selves by committing grand acts of sexual immorality with our full blessing!" this is simply a way to keep people from having children and establishing families and building communities and in that sense replacing today's producers who'll be retiring sometime.

For you see, this is a critical component to all of this. It is really too freakin' simple, really. The only thing that makes an economy what it is is if you have a critical mass of people who are

Working to produce things.

That's it. People's lives are better when they enjoy produced things. People who work to produce things should get the value assignments they deserve, however many dollars that actually is. And they'll do it as long as government people don't eff with its value so they can virtue-signal about how much they're doing for this person or that person or this group or that group or whatever whatever.

It is the simplest lesson in the Economics 101 textbook.

And for the children, elderly, disabled, or even those who are for some reason or another just pathologically irresponsible and won't do a thing to help themselves by actually working and producing, then yeah, they'd better be hooked up with someone who is. Sorry, but that is life, and the economic reality is that that unencumbered activity is what makes everyone in a community, and perhaps even a nation, prosperous.

Working and producing by most of us, charitable caregiving for the least of us, and appreciation for God's blessing with whatever income He provides in it all.

This is the total antithesis of what is going on in the United States right now. Just about every plank of the communist vision for a nation is already irreparably woven in and includes one of the most detrimental of all: "moral" instruction provided in a public school setting that is really just atheist, humanist, materialist -- all rationalized as the default "truth" about things. Really? Thoroughly jettisoning a parent's responsibility to teach character, discipline, and industry to their kids? Is that not the entire educational environment in this country today?

No wonder so many young adults are so confused, and so viciously so.

Third, I really wonder, why does an article like this even need to be written? I mean, the guy is spot-on, he's right about everything he's written, effing with the economy in these ways is so diabolical it is frightening. But let's look at this, he goes on and on and on and on with the greatest detail as to why what some politicians are crowing about is so mindbendingly destructive.


My point is, why haven't we gotten this already? Like, millennia ago? Are we just that stupid? For forty centuries? I tend to give these politicians the benefit of the doubt waaay too often. Sometimes I still can't believe how extraordinarily moronic some of these people can be. And they openly boast about their policies in widely broadcast speeches!


But that's really the fourth thing about all this.

It's all legitimately sustained by Rome. The Roman Catholic ecclesiocratic hegemony does all of it. They do all of it because they've been authoritatively given the reins to do it, much of that because the people they "serve" want it. They are too Catholicist, far too given over to Rome's designs against them for anything other than these things to happen.

Just listen to the cries of agony when I mentioned completely ending Social Security -- go back and read that proposal there that I wrote earlier, here, I'll do it again: "End Social Security, RIGHT NOW." Wait wait... listen... listen... ::NOOOO!:: ::WAAAIL!:: ::MOOOAN!:: ::AAAAGH!:: ::You're-just-a-very-very-mean-person-for-even-thinking-about-such-a-thing!::...

Nah, I know it won't happen. That's cool though, I get it -- that's the World System. It is what it does. It is what the Legacy of Cain represented by Roman Catholic dominion does, no worries. It is what people want. And you know how I know that?

Because some guy who is clearly very smart and seems to be something of a smart investor with some substantial attention to the pulse of the economy writing something posted over at ZeroHedge had to write a lengthy polemic against a policy initiative that should never ever ever ever ever ever ever at anytime ever in the history of the universe EVER be even remotely crossing the path of any brain cell in anybody's noggin.

Really, I'm just eagerly waiting for any of these guys to actually add, "Well, that's the World System for you. It is as evil as it should be. That's that. But hey, how about going over to the Kingdom? Where Jesus reigns a trillion bazillion light years from any of this idiocy? Where you can find really meaning and purpose and joy and life and freedom because He died for you to enjoy that?"

Ahhh, that someone would minister in that way.

I don't see many Christians doing that either. Oh they'll talk about Jesus, that's cool too, but they'll never make the case to distance themselves from the World System and its enslaving obligations.

So yeah.

We have to endure all this.

We get mass effect stupidity that truly detonates the imagination.

The righteousness required to be truly free from all of it only comes from the Kingdom, and from the One who reigns there. And only people who come through His entrance and are willing to don the attire He gives will enjoy it.

Otherwise the rest will be outside with... with... that.

No wonder there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Looking at so many of these people it is obvious there already is.



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