What Happened to the Immigration Debate?

Isn't it interesting that now that the subject of immigration is dead in Congress, it is nowhere in the news. Once the gods of the Catholicist have stopped making it an issue, it doesn't much matter any more.

Over the two weeks since I posted my take on immigration, I thought I'd amplify a couple of things. I'm really adding nothing new; in fact, nothing I write is new, at least this is my goal. That may seem counterintuitive-- you'd think I'd want to be putting up stuff that's new and fascinating, after all, that is kind of the idea behind a blog, isn't it?-- "What's new that Dave has found out?!..." The fact is, my goal is to be about as redundant as possible--redundant about the word of God that is. If it isn't already in there, then what I'm saying may go against that. So please, challenge me about what I say and tell me if it isn't already in His word. I want to know.

Anyway, back to the immigration thing-- I thought I'd bring those things up just to highlight them a bit more.

1. Don't think that I give a toot what the U.S. does about illegal immigration-- status quo, let 'em all in, annex Mexico, dig a trench across the border 20 feet deep filled with piranhas--whatever it is, it is part of the strategy of the General to keep people without Christ in subjection to him. The only thing I care about is people coming to Christ. Thuh end.

Oh, but what about caring about them to actually want to do something for them?

Of course I care about them-- my entire home page piece is about that. But it means a gazillion times more if they'd let Christ care for them. Only Christ can care for them so they aren't in the nightmare of an existence they are in whether in the corrupt pit that is Mexico or dying in the desert crawling into this country or sitting in a fetid waiting room in a county hospital because they can't afford even the teensiest decent medical care for their kid.

It is the General that sets it all up to make these things happen, and unless they have Christ they are toast no matter what piddle the U.S. serves up to solve immigration.

2. What exactly is the World's way of doing stuff-- as opposed to the Kingdom's way? Once again for review, the Kingdom's way is to love with Christ's love, and that only happens if you know He loves you. You can only know that He loves you if you're immersed in knowing His truth and living His grace. If you're in the Catholic Church or some such subdivision, you simply can't know this, and the people you interact with can't know it either.

What does the World System do to "love" someone? It's very simple, actually. They tell you how much of a fool you are and insist that the only way to keep you from doing too many foolish things is to take some of your money so they can monitor your foolishness. They take that money in many imaginitive ways, all of which come down three different flumes:

First, the one the political racketeer uses, taxation. Please note that I'm not protesting taxes in any way. If you are indeed a fool, you should pay lots and lots of taxes because it is good government can keep you on a chain.

Second, the one from the economic racketeer, lending. This is really usury, essentially the modern-day slavery, the practice of waving fiat paper money around in your face and then stating, "You can only have it if you sign over to us this that and this." Ah, yes, again with the chain.

Third, the one of the religious racketeer, indulgences. Oh yes, all tithing payments to any state-church is just another form of indulgence. Pay up so God'll like you more. Hey, need those religious leaders to smack us around a bit. Think they use a chain?

I mentioned in my home page piece that 501c3's are actually impotent to help the immigrant. How could this be? What if they're just a boffo church with really boffo church things going on? The reason they're impotent is simple. Again, this is not new. It's right there in Scripture.

It is because they've made a commitment to follow the law.

Oh, I'm not against the law. The law is great. I like it. But I like it because it showed me how much I need Christ. Him, worshipping Him, living out the bounty of His love, sowing His great things-- that's what the poor immigrant needs. Not another God club.

As it is 501c3 incorporated state-churches will all hold up their straw-man Jesuses, and they may even say a bunch of spiffy things about them, but if they are still signed on to the law, a law that is now obsolete because is should have already shown them Christ, then they are not doing anyone any favors...

Unless of course that law gets someone to Christ!

But the law must be about doing that. It can't be about keeping people burdened with a body of death. Look at that.

A 501c3 is signed on with Caesar. Caesar is all about confiscating your wealth and productive value and keeping you in bondage to covetousness and poverty. That doesn't go away simply by saying "Hey, look at my Jesus!"

This is just so not new. God said it all already thousands of years ago. Sometimes I'm just aghast at how many still just don't get it-- they go out of their way to not get it.

It is amazing.


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