What You Hear

On the way to work this morning, heard a news report that announced a lot of victims of the Catholic Church priest sex abuse scandal were upset about things so much that they were going to meet with Cardinal Roger Mahoney to really get down to business. To take some dramatic steps to get to the bottom of things. Very very serious steps.

They were going to ask him some questions.

"We want answers, mister! We want to know what's going on! We want the truth!"

Ever hear this before? I have. A zillion times.


If they actually asked someone who would tell them the truth, they'd go, "Nah. That's not it."

And then go on talking with their puppet Jesus.

Every single person starts out with a puppet Jesus. This is something each individual converses with about the things that matter. The puppeteer asks, "So what is the truth about things?" and then the puppet Jesus answers.

Oh it doesn't have to be anything like Jesus. A common one is, "So can I booze and smoke and generally treat everyone around me like crap?" Puppet Jesus replies, "Why yes, of course, just as long as you're still very good at belching the alphabet."

Roger Mahoney is one such puppet Jesus. It is widely considered that he'll hang around for a while no matter how many supposed penetrating questions are shot at him, simply because he has done so much to make Los Angeles Catholic. One way he does this is by supporting the voluminous infusion of Mexican migrants, many of whom are Catholic. Gotta admit, that's a fine way to do it.

Thing is, he'll join all the other exploiters to keep the exploitees thinking they're happy bouncing along in their miserable lives. The reason they use exploitees so much is that they are perfect fodder for their need of great human sacrifice. It isn't just Mahoney who does this.

Look at the recent major story about housing foreclosures being at a record high. The fact that the stock market has taken a couple hits as a result demonstrates on a macro level how much value is carved out of the exploitee so exploiters may engage in human sacrifice. If they can't get it through usury disguised as home ownership, they can do it through the rental property now-former homeowners must find. Bankers do it with impunity and huge smiles on their faces.

To complete the trifecta, there's the federal government.

On the way home from work happened to catch a tune from Pink called "Dear Mr. President." Have you heard this one? It's a ballad sung to the president of the U.S-- that mean old rotten George Bush-- lamenting his insensitivity to the plight of desperately needy but quite virtuous victims all around.

Oh yes, often they do figure how much they are exploited.

What they don't get for squat is what to do about it.

"Have a nice walk with the president so you can scold him about how much he should be doing for you"? This is the essence of the song's lyrics.

Ah yes, the nice little chat, where the exploitee wags his finger at the exploiter with a snarl and and good satisfying glower. All so he can be lied to about the great breadth of his exploitation of him. Then everyone goes home, um happy... (Don't you think this is precisely what happened at the Mahoney-sex abuse victims meeting today? How could it be any different?...)

At this point many would cry "Ergh, you're right, those mean lying sack 'a sh-- exploiters, they're really really bad and need to shape up."

Well, not exactly. The exploiters should not do anything different, none of them-- Mahoney, Bush, the naked bankers in the WaMu commercial, they need to stay right where they are administering the sin management program the people ask for. If they weren't there, the people would be utterly destroying themselves and everyone around them.

So yeah, it's good there's that dysfunctional interaction between Mahoney and his parishioners.

It's good that bankers are shoving irresponsible people out of their houses and into rentals.

It's good that pop artists are wailing about how much they think George Bush will never listen to what they say he needs to do to fix their lives.

Maybe sometime, just sometime, they'll see the abject refuse pile for what it is at least a bit before they die from it all,

And turn instead to the One Who Would Love Them.

For a few more thoughts on human sacrifice, go here.


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