Politically Correct Rage

This week the Republicans are planning to "tone down" their national convention festivities, since ribald partying would be quite unfashionable when a hurricane threatens the Gulf Coast states. Never mind that people are dying all over the place at the hands of people who lie, cheat, steal, murder, exploit... If it's a big thing that'll be in the papers everywhere, and you're a politician of any stripe, then you've got to make big whoop-tee-do about how adept you are at championing whatever good thing you can do to stop it. Or help it. Or whatever you're supposed to do with it.

Now this kind of behavior doesn't particularly rankle me. It used to when I put my faith in the World System and sought entertainment from its elaborate film and stage productions. This is what Cain's agents do, it's their nature.

What does steam me a bit is when people who say they follow Christ sign up with this World System and then rage against anyone who calls them on their true devotion. I feel it also when people say they understand but when you look at what they say to justify that understanding you find they are just mimicing World operatives.

I saw one of those places in a book that some Christians are looking at these days called unChristian. Sure it has some eye-opening observations, but really, none of what they point out or suggest is new.

Same old refusal to truly understand, and to actually do what it takes to be wholly gracious.

I pounded out my webzine's home page about it this month, and if you're interested it is here.


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