So What Is It With Stunned Value Extractors?

To get the full context of this post, I invite you to read my post from yesterday. This is sort of an addendum to that piece.

I left my keyboard yesterday thinking about how much I wear my heart on my sleeve. Some of me thought "You blew it Dave. You slipped too much emotion into the issue. Let the facts speak for themselves." The other parts of me just thought, "So what. This is you, what you want, how you feel about that."

I also felt uncomfortable getting across the idea that I'm convinced no one understands the way Gods economy works. I have very good friends who I know do get it. The thing that makes me sad (oh no emotions again) is that it is very hard to see where people in some measured way are truly acting on what Jesus said. Actually being ungrafted to the World. I can only think of His words in Luke, there at the end of chapter six: "Why do you call me Lord, Lord, and do not do what I say?"

Yes, I confess there are times I don't do what He says. I'm still grafted in some ways that dishearten me, even grieve me. I still have a mortgage, for instance, meaning I've put myself in some profound state of servitude to the World System when that service should be to God exclusively. There are all kinds of considerations about my place in all that which I'm not going to delve into now.

I will add that a big part of my expression in any of these venues is so I may connect with ungrafted individuals who've been as wise as serpents and innocent as doves. They have gathered in faithful communities to worship God in spirit and in truth and give deep honor to the gifts He gave us to manifest the Kingdom here. Is that as a large bustling metropolis? Could be. Is that as a quiet pastoral village? Could be that too.

It is just the people are loving because they are Christ's.

And I know that is not happening in grafted churches plugged into the Roman church and Cain's Agency of Law Enforcement by girding 501c3 incorporations. There is one thing I see in those places, no matter how smiley everyone is.


I caught this on today, a quote from an unnamed senior investment strategist about the 400+ point drop in the Dow Jones today. “People are scared to death,” he said. But didn't the Fed just pledge $85 billion to AIG to bail them out? I thought everyone was supposed to be all chipper now that Caesar has made another righteous value pronouncement? I thought the stocks were supposed to rebound after that?

People instinctively know when they are being hosed. Even as much as they want to be exploiters they'll fight to the death the exploitation of them. The real frightening thing is that after they scurry off to their holes to protect themselves from the wolves, they'll just plot to do something else to exploit the exploiters, and really just end up with novel ways to do--

Human sacrifice.

This is why sometimes I get stunned by the exploitees being stunned, when really, I shouldn't. Why should I. Those without Christ--or better: those with a straw-man Christ--will do human sacrifice. They'll live scared to death. They weren't in a state of not being extraordinarily exploited before all this economic crap happened, they just did a better job of denying that they were.

This is the essence of why I want to live in a community among authentic Christ followers. This is not to abandon the world at all, but to be the freedom from the fear that people would actually want to have. They just don't know it because there are so many people lying to them and they've lived with it so long they don't know what it means not to lie themselves.

Just part of the fear.

I guess from what that financial guy said, today that fear just hurts more.

My question is, why have it hurt at all?

It's just there is only One Way it can't hurt.

Again, a whole treatise on the way the World does finances is here.


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