Doing God's Work

I'm deeply intrigued by what the agents of Cain sometimes say that are dead giveaways as to the true nature of things. One recent item has run laps around the airwaves, and it was Goldman Sachs' boss Lloyd Blankfein's remark that he is doing God's work.

This has generally been treated with the loudest ribaldry from the boastfully jeering punditry. "Ha!" they're gushing, "This guy has taken taxpayer dollars by the billions and is stuffing his cronies' pockets with it! 'Doing God's work!' What a dork!"

The fact that it is considered in such a way reveals two things. One, that the World's megaphone is functioning perfectly, for the derision is designed specifically to get an obsequieous populace to firmly believe certain things, in this case that snotty banker types should be wholesomely reviled. And two, the pundits are faithfully doing their duty for their Superior officer, whether they know him or not.

By assessing the value of things and moving capital around in the way the World and its inhabitants demand for the purpose of seeing their needed returns on human sacrifice, Blankfein is indeed doing God's work. But he is doing God's work in the very same way Barack Obama does, even the same way Pope Benedict XVI does. They are doing God's work...

In the service of Cain.

Now Cain's work is done completely outside the presence of God. It is done under the authority of bold iconographic signatures God requires so their purposes are explicitly identified, which is why I find Blankfein's remark so veritable. And it is done with seven-fold strength, which makes perfect sense in light of Goldman Sachs crushing the competition with the aid of very convenient ties to the Agency's other branches.

Recently libertarian-minded economist Amity Shlaes had her take on whether or not this country's becoming socialist. She mentioned that once there was the Keynes fad, then there was the Friedman fad, then there was the Hayek fad which now has everyone thinking we're that frog in the slowly heating pot of water. She concluded that she doesn't think we'll ever really be socialist.

That's the remark that is the laugh.

But then, she's just one of the World's megaphone blappers. Here's pretty much what you hear, and naturally what World inhabitants are attuned to believe:

You've got those who listen to Shlaes who believe capitalism will emerge from the assault reasonably unscathed.

Then you've got the Hayek crowd who believe we'll be socialist soon enough and forget to notice.

Some will say we're socialist already and have been ever since that crud FDR, and we'd better jump on the Ron Paul bandwagon and start being constitutional for cryin' out loud.

A few have so despondently resigned themselves to the socialist condition that they've withdrawn completely, some even forming their own cult compounds in the woods to insulate themselves from the World's pollutants.

Here is what I see, something I think best reflects what history demonstrates, current events elucidate, and the Bible describes:

The World has been socialist for millennia, ever since the first murder after which God set in motion a system of governance to restrain those who prefer murder. Part of the socialist program is to convince people it isn't or to get them so stirred to rebellion about it that they actually legitimize it with their actions.

In other words, Cain's agents are supposed to crack heads of those who refuse to call on the name of the Lord, and there is absolutely nothing anyone can do about it. Come on, ask yourself this question, for all those millennia, has the blood that has gushed from slain human after human ever decreased in volume because some people, even a lot of people at times, railed exceedingly against the potentate of the day?

Thing is, spilling blood all over the place is not exactly something Cain's agents want everyone to see happening too much, unless it is useful for compelling more obedience. So they rely on great religious figures like popes to pretend to give absolution, presidents to pretend to care and make incisive decisions, and...

Powerful bankers like Goldman Sachs chairmen to pretend that they aren't facilitating better and faster forms of human sacrifice.

Yes, indeed...

What a body of death.

If you're in it you may be very tempted to dismiss it and rationalize all kinds of things.

Or, you can come out from under the sheer exhaustion of spinning your wheels, acknowledge that the agents of Cain do precisely what they are supposed to be doing, and then perhaps, perhaps you can allow God to put that salve on your eyes so you can see.

That you can see that there is a completely different place than Blankfein's. Or Obama's. Or Benedict's. Or the sworn officers who move these guys' lips.

It is the One where God actually is.

That would be in the Son.

It is way way way over there. No where near those guys. Physically they may be right next to you. Jesus never ran from Pilate for an instant. Knelt right there in front of him. Stayed right there to smell his armpits and everything.

But spiritually...

My latest home page piece at my webzine is about how the U.S. Constitution is a fine instrument in the hands of Cain's agents. And some more about the Son is here. The biblical precedent for Cain's socialism is in the fourth chapter of Genesis, by the way.


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