The Human Sacrifice Dynamic

Yesterday's New York Times' featured front page story was about how close the U.S. is to being unable to service its debt. It's no big deal when that punky kid who always asks for lunch money keeps putting off paying it back, as long as he coughs up some interest every once in a while. It starts to get dicey when he can't even do that. It gets really scary when the lender is a big mean Asian dude.

Front page story. In top World megaphone holder The New York Times.

I turned on the news this morning to check out the expansive coverage of this quite boggling progression of events. Guess what the networks featured at the top of their 7am morning-show news?

Barack Obama has all the information he needs to make and then announce his new strategy regarding Afghanistan. As I watched the newscasters (and I flipped to two different networks to catch essentially the same thing) blap about how valiant Obama and his "war council" (their term) have been to stay on top of all this, it dawned on me.

Think about it. It is very not-surprising. Very not-surprising indeed.

You need go no further than the very first words of the most renowned paean to authoritative World governance there is. Do you remember them from your introductory humanities class at New Hampshire Tech?

"I sing of arms, and the man."

It is simple. The World works thusly: Powerful rich people buy bonds and then employ the bellicose force of government to ensure their investments are secure. The way it's working now is that powerful rich people cannot sustain their returns without pounding down someone somewhere in order to appropriate their wealth.

It is nothing other than contemporary human sacrifice.

It is, as top value assessment dealer John Bogle once called it, value extraction. Interesting Bogle has a new term for what's happening. He's getting some mileage out of the "happy conspiracy." Oh, those eeeevil Goldman Sachs big shots. Yuck, what cruds.

The fact is value extraction is what everyone does who doesn't have Christ. Even if these guys get their comeuppance (or when if lots of smug-banker-loathing folk get their way), some value extractor will be there to take their place. And as such I can pretty much predict that Barack Obama will enable them--whoever they are--with his imminent announcement that he's adding more troops to Afghanistan.

You can growl. You can sneer. You can rage. You can stomp back and forth across your living room. You can devour books like Ron Paul's End the Fed and swear you'll do everything he says to do to stop these eeeeeeeeevil villains from destroying our liberty.

But you are spinning your wheels and shredding your living room carpeting.

How few seem to know the truth.

The World does human sacrifice. It is what it does. It must.

Those not given over to Christ and living by the World take human beings and rip their value off of them just as they were stripping skin and muscle and fat right off someone turning on a spit. Am I being a bit too melodramatic? Nah, I don't think so. Not if you actually grasped the magnitude of this thing--this body of death.

I happened to come across a fascinating piece by Hugh Ross at his Reasons to Believe site. It is called "The Physics of Sin." It is phenomenal, but it is all over the Bible. Sin is death. Real actual very-painful death. To not have this you need sacrifice. You can have Christ's sacrifice, then it's a done deal and you will love like He does. Or you won't, and you'll let the World dictate things for you...

And you'll need to do sacrifice. Over and over and over again--human sacrifice, just as the World does it.

Don't take my word for it. Here's a great place to find it, the book of Hebrews. Read it. Read about how sacrifice is required. Read about how it's either Christ, or an alternative.

All you have to do to behold the very plain reality of that alternative is look at the front page of the New York Times and then watch Obama do the inevitable and increase troop strength.

My latest home page piece is about how the U.S. Constitution is a wonderful tool in the hands of the top value extractors. Some more about human sacrifice is here, and also here. Why do so few know about contemporary human sacrifice? Here is why I believe most who call themselves Christians don't have a clue. "I sing of arms, and the man" is from Virgil's The Aeneid.


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