The Vicissitudes of November

I'm thinking about things that have happened or are happening here at the beginning of November that are worth mention.

I think about November 2, the date Adrian Veidt aka Ozymandias executed that ultimate act of Agency enforcement against World inhabitants. Imaginations catastrophized into a quasi-catatonic state stir people to fiercely concoct "peace" while hyperviolence still festers in millions of souls.

I think about November 5, the date Guy Fawkes was supposed to carry out the designs of his unknown superior even if he didn't have a clue as to what he was doing. Zealous rage against the state cleverly invented and widely advertised keeps rebellious people riled up.

Funny how this year's November 5 featured a disturbed army psychiatrist shooting up his base. I thought about why we must have an army base at all--why can't Fort Hood just be a wonderful sports camp where people discharge their emotions on the field and later yuck it up over a beer. It can't be that, however, for two reasons.

One, hyperviolent prone World inhabitants still require the martial services of the Agency, and two, human sacrifice must be real or it simply isn't fun. Whack a ball with a wooden stick and see how far it goes in order to beat back an opponent? Nah. They've gotta be real dead.

Related to this is baseball's World Series extending past October, into November 4 to be precise. On that date the Yankees won yet another title simply by being able to earlier outbid the other teams for the best players. I tried to look a bit at the debate about whether what the Yankees did was legit, but I got so nauseated by the brazen idiocy of those who blap that it was.

I hear things like, "What about the fact that the Mets didn't win this year? Whaddya say about that?" This is like saying a shark doesn't eat because some of the fish are left in the water.

Just a quick note for the pathetically uninformed. Take the 15 World Series since the strike year of 1994, which effectively handed the free agency advantage unabashedly to the biggest metro/media teams. Then consider teams from just the four largest and most favored of those, New York, Boston, Chicago, and Los Angeles. Teams from those areas have nine of those titles.

9 of 15.*

Miami (the Florida Marlins)--really just New York South and a large metro/media area itself--had two. Atlanta, Arizona, St. Louis, and Philadelphia round out the totals. Philadelphia is itself also a huge metro/media market and Arizona squeaked in to win the 2001 affair because of a gift loan so it could buy the two best pitchers in baseball and a gift errant throw into center field by the pitcher in the ninth inning of the seventh game--otherwise the Yankees would have had yet another title.

It's all human sacrifice, just with different faces.

The vicissitudes of November. Not a whole lot different from the vicissitudes of other times, really.

It is just sad so many haven't a clue as to how the vicissitudes are so often arranged to play them like fiddles.

Some more about human sacrifice is here. Some words about the Antidote to the virulent hyperviolence done for human sacrifice is here. My latest home page piece addresses how the U.S. Constitution is an intregal part of all the human sacrifice. A piece about what Adrian Veidt did is here.

*The major league baseball teams winning from those four largest metro/media areas were the Yankees (96, 98, 99, 00, 09) the Red Sox (04, 07) the White Sox (05) and the Angels (02).


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