More Wishes

In my last blog entry I kind of went off on rank disunderstanding, if I may coin a phrase. Just thought I'd add a few more thoughts around the visceral feeling about it all. Yeah, I know. It was yet another time I laid it out there. My good friend from work with whom I pray is a very even-tempered guy, he's awesome. He said don't sweat it, God's got it, it's all good. That's fine. I know.

But I still feel it.

Today in the news/opinion aggregator that I habitually scan were these link headlines.

"What If It's All a Lie?" This was from blogger Edward Harrison, who is himself a financal advisor of some stripe. But look at that question. It actually makes me laugh. I mean, come on, how many times can you say "This guy/company/country just ain't payin' us back... um, aren't they?..." without actually getting a clue.

'Scuze me, I've got the answer to your question. I'm no genius because it's the answer that's been around for millennia, staring us plain in the face. It's just those who must deftly sustain the human sacrifice bloodbath keep so many from looking at it. The answer is

It is.

It is a lie. But wait. If Edward and all those waddling about with big fat question marks hovering over their heads are actually sworn value extractors themselves, then the question is merely asked to keep people hoping that it isn't, that the ones systematically hacking their spiritual limbs off are really not lying after all. Or if they were really lying, then the sales pitch is all ready to go: "Get hooked up with me and my value extraction services so I can get you ahead of the game!" Or yeah, get you a head from the human sacrifice game we all play. Okay, a bad pun, but not many people should be laughing anyway.

Then there was this gem, from Investors Business Daily no less. "Big Government Takes Over." Really. Like, when did this happen. This morning? Hurry, run for the hills. Hurry now. Go faster.  ::Yawnn::

Crimeny, people, how many times can you say "The government now runs percent of y part of our economy whatever whatever OH MY" and not keel over with laughter (or a bout of serious ulcer pain depending on your degree of disunderstanding).

Yeah yeah yeah, I do have the answer. But why write it down. Same thing applies that no one is getting here. These guys are screaming "The sky is about to fall" to get anyone they can to believe it isn't yet anyway, at least not without some valiant World System thing to keep happening. Or some novel World System thing to be employed. But the World System has already had everything taken over, yeah yeah, you got it (or not) -- for millennia.

So bazillions will never understand. I know that. I accept it. Jesus said it a long time ago, even quoting prophets who said it long before that. Nothing new there.

But I still want to talk about things understood with those who do. See, I so want to go to Jeremiah's lodge just to talk about things with people who get it. That's what happens at the lodge. But I think sometimes I expect too much.

Sometimes I think the lodge is just when I can read a book with my daughter. Or talk about the ball game with my son. Or watch my students really doing their damnedest to get what I'm teaching them, that's very sweet. Or revel in any of those things happening that just tell me, as my friend said, "It's all good."


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