One More Wish

I blog because I really think I have something to say. Right now I know not a whole lot of people read this. I still write for a number of reasons. Maybe someone will come across it. At some point in the future my children may actually read some of this and think deeply about what their dad was about, what he was thinking and feeling. And I do this simply to "put on paper" what God has shared with me. "Share all good things with your instructor." I like that a lot. Here I may do that.

My last two blog entries were simply about things I want. Yes, call me selfish, but I don't think for a second God didn't put deep passionate acquisitiveness into each of us for a reason. After living many years in the World, I found its treasures profoundly lacking. What is still a bit amazing to me is how well the World fools people into thinking its things are the things to acquire. Oh I understand it. I understand why it does that, and I see at least a little bit of how it does that. I do understand.

Which is what leads me to that one more wish. I've already mentioned that the bulk of my wishes are oriented around hanging out with people who understand. I'm not so arrogant to say I'm the only one who understands, although some may take that away from what I've written. But the Holy Spirit does counsel me about all the things said to me. And He does give me a pretty good idea of what is of the World and what is of the Kingdom.

So yeah, I do very much want to hang with those who understand, even have light years more understanding than I do. I do so long for that. I'm even great with hanging with those who may not be there but do have the tiniest desire to get there -- to that understanding. What breaks my heart is that I see so few of them. Oh my, I so enjoy the company and devotion of my family and friends. God has blessed me immensely in that, I thank Him every day for them.

But they don't even understand. Again, I love them, I revel in being with them, but they along with most everyone else just don't understand. Even though, yet again yet again yet again, one of the key critical things that keeps me moved to share, to write, to effuse as I do, is that I have three beautiful young eager enthusiastic exhilerating children -- maybe after time, maybe they indeed...

Will get it.

And what is it I want them -- or anyone to get?

The one real wish...

That all things are answered in Christ. Anything you think you want is in Him. Things attacking you from all sides? No sweat -- if He's yours you have everything.

Thing is, the World is filled with counterfeit Christs, and they take so many different forms and are so powerfully compelling that they are no match for those who don't simply every morning say to Christ that He is theirs exclusively.

As I've learned more and more about the World's modus operendi and that contrasted to Scripture's description of what the Kingdom really truly is all about, I believe the only way to behave as Christ's in the midst of this World is to "abjure the realm," so to speak. This means getting out of all the contractual obligations one has with the agents of Cain, yet still explode using all the gifts God gave to all those in His community to bring the most phenomenal abundance of all good things for everyone. All of this I've laid out plainly in my webzine.

But to make it real, to make it so radical to a puny putrid World System, it requires those people to get together regularly and not remonstrate against anything that Caesar does, but rather do those things that would be truly abjuring the realm. Firmly covenant with God and one another, and then shed all those agreements together, the W-4's and 501c3's and debt contracts and voter registrations and government pension pyramid scheme extraction plans and all the rest of that sewage. Then with that covenant in place set up arrangements with one another in which the seal of Christ in their hearts is the only expression of their commitment to work hard in a self-sacrificial way, essentially "dying" for others simply because they love so much with His love.

What are those "arrangements"? Churches that have no incorporated status with Caesar. Businesses that are not incorporated as a way of evading responsibility to love those with they have to do. Schools (also completely unincorporated in any way) that are so vibrantly filled with overwhelming joy and purpose that people flock to them.

Are you given over to Christ, or do you just say you are?

So yeah, it is simple. My wish is to be among those who actually are. If I'm not one of those, then I want to be one too. I pray and pray and pray that I am -- all the time. I truly think some of this is that I'm around others who are. And I wish I could be right their with them being the Kingdom. Blowing everyone away by actually doing it in reality, no matter how much those in the World want to put us away or even execute us along the highways.

Jesus said so utterly plainly that this is what it should be like.

Can we love so much with His love that we'd really be ushering people into the Kingdom no matter what it costs?

So there it is. My wish. That's it.


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