
I really wish I could blog more. I work ten hour days and spend lots of the other time I have with family.

'Course I really wish for a lot of things, like mixing it up with people who actually understand. Not to brag that I'm the one who does understand necessarily, or even that they'd read my blog. That's kind of the point. I do very very very much wish I could talk with people who get it -- I just want to be getting it.

Thing is, paying attention to Jesus' words, you'd get it. When I pay attention to Jesus' words I get it. Paying attention to Jesus' words and seriously getting out there and doing them, I already have the answer. That may sound arrogant, but as I've emphasized, it ain't me for jack.

It's Him.

Know Him and know the answer.

Don't know Him? Don't spout about how much He isn't or that I don't know the answer. It only means anything if someone else whoever that is gets it and knows Him and understands.

What is the reason I spend whatever time I can soaking up what the World megaphone holders say about things? It's simple. I want to know what the questions are. I want to form in my noggin the questions juuuuuuuust right and put 'em out there so that maybe someone'll come to see Christ as He is and not as their straw-man god.

Like this book I'm sauntering through called Fool's Gold by Gillian Tett about how JP Morgan messed up the financial markets. Turns out her solution is just that we all practice much much much more holistic thought. She's into social anthropology and how everything is intertwined and that if we just kind of got together about these things we'd be much much much better. Nice.

'Course, the only reason she gets a little megaphone is that she's blapping just what everyone wants her to blap. What she says is nothing new -- Let's just damn stop doing bad things damn it come on let's just stop being rotten to one another already damn it gosh. Really? That's a surprise to me.

Then there's this piece from today in the Financial Times. Great parable about the way the financial world works right now. It's dead on. It really is, I commend the guy for doing such a great job laying it out like this. Dead on.

But you see, that's just the problem.

It's all death, and he can't see that. The one thing he forgot to add is this: Really, all the ants and the grasshoppers really want to do is eat each other. Everyone without Christ is just doing human sacrifice. Without Christ all someone has is the endless pursuit of spilling someone else's blood because maybe-just-maybe that'll absolve them of their sins. Gallons and gallons and gallons of blood. The ministers of Cain simply do a really really really good job of lying about what they do. But if everyone is a liar anyway what difference does it make?

A guy was interviewed on NPR today, I think it was NPR, I don't know I'm really tired right now. He was the owner of some furniture store in South Carolina. He says he's just now learning about Greece yet he thinks the economy is picking up. He sounded like he knew what he was talking about but all but confessed he really doesn't. He may very well be a very good guy.

But one of the things he spoke about was that he was talking with others, and the idea he was getting across was that he was trying to get cues from them about what's happening. That's cool. That's fine. What I thought was...

Do they really truly actually understand?

Or are they all just listening to the World megaphone holders who tell them they aren't worthless without Him, this Jesus character is of no matter, or that the truly fake Jesus they believe in is just dandy? That you've got to hold yourself up by those bootstraps until your fingers bleed like a good American? That when you go to your Caesarian church on Sunday it's good to smile and say happy things with friends but to keep slitting other people's throats on Monday? Oh, and your church belongs to Caesar if it's a 501c3 incorporated entity.

So yeah, I do wish more people would read my blog. I know they won't because they are smothered in a zillion other web things, and cell phone things, and whatever else. I even wish someone would read my blog and go the distance and call me on my claim that I have the answer. Great. But I just get too discouraged not so much because of the vastness of the web universe in which my writing gets lost. It is simply because I have found so few people who understand. Again, this has nothing to do with me or my blog, it just has to do with rank willful blindness and deafness and muteness by virtually everyone I encounter.

Oh? Is that too harsh? Too arrogant? Too cynically dismissive?

Then understand with me and let's talk about it. Don't understand yet? Then take a few not-so-difficult steps and commit to doing so. But don't complain about a piddly little nobody like me. All I want to do is point people to the answer they all say they want.

Or 'scuze me, The Answer.

But I get discouraged. There are just so so so many people beholden to the World. They wouldn't know The Answer if it dropped on their heads like an anvil from the sky. That really shouldn't discourage me because intractable Catholicists will never stop being so. That's fine. They do the World thing, that's just the way it is.

I think I just see so much of it that it gets disheartening.

Sometimes I so need to be at Jeremiah's lodge. Okay, yeah, fine. I just need to be there. I so need to be there.


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