The Breadth of Value Extraction in America

Sometimes I come across a piece of writing in the punditsphere that gets at the heart of the way the World works. All too often I think about how much I speak of meaningful things in my webzine, my blog, my ministry work; and I wonder where the articulation of support is out there.

This work by Jerry Bowyer, apparently a blogger of some sort for a major business news magazine, is one such piece. It is titled simply, "The American Nomenclatura," a clear reference to those whose job it is to collect the extraordinary amounts of tribute from those who ask them to constrain their evildoing. Really, "job" is too weak a term -- it is more like ordination.

Of course, please forgive me if I convey the idea that this is anywhere close to groundbreaking. That there are tribute-imposers and tribute-bearers is not that revelatory, though I do tend to try to shout that fact from the rooftops with my work. When I start to hear that the solution is something other than more pity for the exploited or more rebellion against the exploiters, then it'll be something to fully engage.

My premise, as far as I've gleaned from God's word, is that Jesus Christ is the only meaningful antidote to oppressive tribute bearing. Bowyer does a great job of describing the inevitability of tribute imposition. What he fails to share -- of no fault of his own since those intractably employed by the World System cannot see it -- is that the imposers do God's work, authorized by God Himself, as long as sinners need that severe constraint.  Lloyd Blankfein was genuinely truthful when he said as much, however splendidly arrayed in vampire squid glory his company is.

Once again, when I see a Jerry Bowyer conclude with "...and the Answer is Jesus Christ -- not the one of the Roman Catholic ecclesia or any of the concoctions they market as saviors," then I'll see that they are getting it. Then I'll see someone is actually paying attention to what God has said.

Then again, if they did say that, I'd surely not see it there. No World megaphone holder would willfully allow such a sentiment from a dutiful agent to seep through. Another Jesus is a perfectly fine device to keep rearranging people's perception of their tribute imposer so they appear more palatable.

But that doesn't mean you can't tell a lot from the braggadocio of those who speak of him and his domain.

Human sacrifice is alive and well in America.

Jerry Bowyer just described it beautifully, however much he tries to wiggle out of the truth regarding its abject virulence with dismissals of how much better the U.S. is in contrast to the baaaaad extractors in other countries.

Nah. It is just as bad.

Now, what are you going to do about it? If you destroy others you pay tribute. If you destroy yourself you pay tribute. If you deny being a destroyer you pay tribute. If you rationalize out of your rear end that you can't possibly be a destroyer because you do so many other good things to make up for any of the most remotely miniscule destroying of yourself and others that you might do --

You pay tribute.

So what of it?

I wrote a bit more about the extraction as well as the Only Avenue out of the tribute imposers' clutches in my latest home page piece. I've also put together a page with a lot of the World's Jesus concoctions.


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