Just the Right Amount of the Kingdom

Recently I've been deeply pondering the idea of sowing, and in doing so I'm finding very little about it anywhere in the public discourse. No surprise. So many World inhabitants are entranced by what's blapped in the echo chamber that it doesn't get much airplay. Indeed, those so devoted to Cain and the humanistic principles of value extraction can't know a thing about it.

Today I came across this piece from Bloomberg Businessweek, nothing that hasn't already been written about a zillion times through the ages. Essentially it is more of the World's pap about how puny our existence should be, generously peppered with pithy remarks from the World's authoritative priests: economists and psychologists.

An added feature was a spiffy slideshow highlighting the 25 things the author and editors believe we have too much of. For your edification, they are :: big breath :: food law information books art medication longevity money education sex industry freedom entertainment work connectedness choice technology convenience friends productivity energy possessions credit beauty security. :: Whew ::

One of the problems right-off-the-bat is that the authoritative humanists want to convince us that we shouldn't want these things too much. Excuse me, but God made us to want things like these. They are good things, and to want them is a very good thing.

The problem is that we want them outside of what God intended them to be. God likes acquisitiveness, he hates covetousness. So many World devotees have gone so far as to make them idols. No wonder they get devoured by the excess of their worship.

Jesus made much of His ministry getting across a phenomenal idea. It was essentially this. "You could have all that the Kingdom is, really. It's a hundred times greater than whatever is you think is good. But you have to get your soul back, and that requires giving up the World."

Notice there are three key things not on the list "Too Much."

God, Truth, and Grace.

If someone hasn't already made however many of the things on the list their gods, their conception of God is usually whatever the civil religion architects have told them he must be. Truth is just whatever those with the World megaphone tells them it is. Grace is just pusillanimous niceties.

If you really knew God, really understood Truth, really practiced Grace, you'd have all of these things in the greatest abundance because you'd be doing sowing. You'd do that with the most accurate assessment of the meaning of every one of the 25. You can find it out, just pay attention to words of the one who made them. They're in a book, you know. So you can read them.

All the most powerful World operatives, all of them, the Obamas and Bernankes and Benedicts and the millions of dutiful minions following them tell you to keep craving them but not too much now. After they browbeat you for more than the 20% threshold all of their customers consider acceptable for tribute, they expcct you to enter into some violent rebellion in some manner, thus justifying your due prosecution and legitimizing their behavior.

If you are still doing things that would destroy yourself and others, what else do you expect them to do?

If you no longer want to be a part of it, why not come to the One Who Truly Graciously Liberates? He gives so much of the Kingdom that it is impossible to have excess. The bounty is perfectly portioned for maximum contentment.

What is amazing is that

He makes it so we can experience it now, right now.

But again, gotta do two simple things. That's all, two things.

Leave the World.

Come to Christ.

This doesn't mean become reclusively communal. It just means having a rich understanding of what the World is and what the Kingdom is.

See, that's what the "too much" stuff really means.

Can you see that meaning through the eyes of Christ?

Try asking Him to. I'll bet He'll let you.

I've written more about this on my webzine's latest home page. I'd written a bit about the way the World shares its truth in an earlier home page piece.


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