More From the Necessary Conspiracy

As the new year opens many have their attention on the hundreds of birds dropping from the air (that or a charming homeless man suddenly scoring it big on the merits of his golden voice). The puzzlement about the bird weirdness is almost always coupled with the theories about why it has happened. Was it fireworks? Was it a freak of nature? Was it an invisible UFO? Or was it some insidious manifestation of the rank conspiracy the new world order has going to bring us into submission to tyrannically bad things?

Very few pay any attention to the more subtle, more telling, and more relevent revelations regarding the necessary conspiracy, the one started millennia ago to keep murderous man's murderous activities a tiny bit more in check.

They say this year many local governments will be declaring bankruptcy, that even some state governments will be defaulting on their overwhelming debt. I hear these things and think about the information found in any comprehensive annual financial reports, which reveal that every municipality or similar political entity has gazillions of dollars more in the till than they have used or ever will use for governing purposes.

Essentially governments cry about how broke they are, but insist that the people never look behind the green curtain, where they'd find not an old balding wizard but piles and piles of dough sitting there to ensure old balding potentates don't get too anxious.

Why the strident calls for more dough from the taxpayer if they've got it made already? Some of the answer is in the simple idea that the people can't know about the piles of dough because then they wouldn't keep coughing up more dough to keep things running. Seems to be a pretty good idea to hold -- and to be extraordinarily tight-lipped about holding -- a gargantuous surplus just to make sure government things are okay.

I think a more significant reason is that even with the piles of dough, government still needs to collect tribute from the masses whose sin it must manage. It is standard political science theory that it is a positive thing good wholesome people pay their gobs of taxes so they can secure their voice in a democracy.

I think even further about something much less considered, and that is the fact that these localities need the piles mostly because the federal government continues to debase the dollar with such sustained deliberation that they need so much in reserve to guard themselves against the inevitability of its depletion. It is indeed quite ironic that state and local governments rely so much on the federal government for their sustenance, yet the feds do so much to eviscerate the dollar's value that smaller political entities can't help but so industriously protect their piles of dough.

But then this seems to be the plan all along, when you think about it -- when you start to understand the necessary conspiracy. It is the World System in action, commencing with Cain's city introduced in the fourth chapter of Genesis, and rigorously girded by the federal government presently nurturing a richly codependent relationship with municipalities and all other incorporated institutions. Debasing the dollar is a classic way it can keep that relationship going.

In other words, human sacrifice is what all World inhabitants do. The Agency of Cain gets the biggest cut for doing its very demanding job of inflicting seven-fold vengeance against any who challenge it. In a federal system of government the states, counties, and cities know they're subject to as much of Cain's value extraction as anyone else, so they simply do what they must to protect themselves.

Have piles and piles and piles of dough at the ready so the gods may be gratified.

I do think about the great things state and local governments do. They do marvelous things to build and maintain a healthy infrastructure, one of the most important functions of them all. Most would argue that since they do such valuable things, we shouldn't put our noses too deeply into their financial affairs. That's dangerous. Best turn to the whimsy of guessing why birds are falling from the sky.

Better not get into why souls are falling into hell.

I still think further, about all the fine things we see temporal government does, and I ask, why couldn't followers of Christ do the very same things only better? All of it? All the infrastructure and building codes and zoning issuances -- all of it simply because they love the people for whom it is all being arranged. As it is, the World does a pretty good job of it, but without Christ they must by necessity do it all with the fruit of human sacrifice, along with the fear that bigger meaner priests will do their human sacrifice on them.

I don't know. Just some thoughts. I've written all of this merely to introduce my latest home page piece, all about sowing -- the way that followers of Christ make it so people are loved here and now. I've also assembled a page listing the forms of human value transfer, for those economists at heart.

And for those who may have Christ in their hearts as well.


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