Resolute Fortitude in an Ocean of Folly

I am mostly adding this post to my blog because I presently cannot work with my website, and I simply want to add the most meaningful notification that I possibly can about this present situation. I confess I feel quite resigned in this world overrun with the most fetid folly. Yes, I know, this is really not much of a new thing. The most murderous folly has virulently infected things for eons upon eons. I guess when it is particularly gruesome around you, the sorrow is quite acute.

Anyway, the main thrust of this notification is that necessary program updating and concerns about viral computer invasions has put my web work on hold, for as temporarily as I pray it would be. It'd be nice if I could simply use the computer I've had for years, the programs I've had for years, with the security protections I've had for years, but information technology folk feel everything must be updated to the point where anything old gets jettisoned.

And if you don't have connections with people who really know how to arrange all of this, it gets to be depressingly daunting. Believe me, I've tried. I've made pleas through my website and blog. Nothingness. I've talked to dozens of people about seeing if they could come around to helping. Nothing. Recently other options looked promising, but turned out not to be. I can't even have my comments enabled here because a long time ago a friend said "Put in Haloscan!" I did, then Haloscan went to another company, then another, then that company went out of business -- when I went to restore the original comments settings it didn't do it. Go ahead. Look. There at the bottom. No comments entry available. Not that I don't want contributions from readers. But it's that tech thing.

I do very much appreciate that with little left at least at this moment, I do still have this blogger service. God has given me that. He has also allowed me to write for the past ten years on my webzine, and as far as I can tell, it is still up for people to get meaningful information about the Kingdom. God has blessed me overwhelming with that, and I hope readers have been blessed enormously as well. I do know many have. And yes, some day, some time, I will get to resume it.

Until then, there is this blog notification. I'm still here, extraordinarily eager to share more about Him and His beautiful Kingdom with you.

If you do want to get in touch with me, I invite you to email me at my gmail address with a URL of my webzine that is available for easy access: Email me there, I'd be happy to hear from you.

And if you are one who not only understands and knows God, but also does fine computer work, inexpensively, with a heart to see my ministry get rebooted, please do let me know!

Thank you!


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