The Real Vendetta Will Be Far More Ruthless Than in the Movie

Had an interesting thing happen tonight. Was relaxing, channel surfing, and came across the film V for Vendetta. Thought I'd tune in to it, there in the middle of the film somewhere, see a bit of it.

About 14 seconds after I tuned into it, that one scene came up -- the scene I found the most fascinating, the one that gave meaning to the whole thing. I'd even referenced it in a webzine home page piece a number of years ago. Here it is, by the way, there on YouTube.

I'd made a point about unavoidable government identification, but as I watched it, I thought about all the applications to my current webzine home page piece. We're all in tribes, all segmented by authoritative segmenters, and we're segmented in ways we can't even see. From those tribes we seethe and rage and simmer and rail and hate and fear and hate-and-fear some more, all the while hoping that our tribal rent-seeking is successful enough to keep our raging crusades justified and our cushy lives girded.

Unless, of course, you trust in Christ.

No, really, you trust in Christ. At least the Real One.

There are lots of counterfeits made for your own personal preferences.

This is so you and your Your-Own-Jesus crusaders can keep up the good fight, just like the Guy Fawkes inspired throngs. How heroic he is! Fighting the man with an almost supernatural prowess. Yay!

I spend a lot of time looking at the financial markets, because I think it is there you find some of the most gruesome displays of this puke. I just thought of all the major companies out there who have billions of dollars of cash they're just not using right now. Why? It is simple.

They know how likely the raging raging raging against the man will explode, annnd... how much they should just keep gobs and gobs of cash to protect them and their interests in such a certain eventuality.

And it is a certain eventuality. All man does is hold his fist -- hold it... hold it... hold it... God is only allowing the legacy of Cain to do his thing until he removes that constraint -- you know, the one that keeps fists in check. Cain serves his purposes for a while longer. Then...

Are you like Inspector Finch in the film? Can you intuitively sense what he senses? You could if you looked at the place where it talks most about it: Scripture. There you'll find that indeed, we're all in it, and we're all trapped by it. The brutal fear, the crushing hate, the eviscerating violence -- violence from Radical Selfists and Devout Romanists alike.

In fact you don't need Scripture to sense it -- Scripture just helps you understand, to know why, and how. You just need to talk to people. Sure most times they're smiley and polite. But scratch their psyche a bit and you'll see the seeds of the Culture War. Still there, still festering, still looking to their own tribe's Guy Fawkes to be their savior.


You could put your trust in Christ, though, just so you know. You could. You could right now. But that means giving up all the idols leading you on that crusade gives you ever-so-much meaning to life. You could give it up to actually have The Life.

You could.


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