Retarded Science

I was skimming through an amazing article about the ALMA telescope array high in the Andes, an intricately arranged set of radio telescopes designed to gaze at parts of the universe never before seen. I am wholly impressed by the work that goes into it, the ingenuity it takes to use it, and the discoveries derived from the information gathered by it.

Now, that's the beauty of the ALMA program.

Then there's the retarded part of science.

That's the part that says, "All of this space stuff just spilled out into existence by chance" as well as a hundred other inane scientific blappings that don't as much come from these fine scientists but from the people who've told them to believe those things. Oh, don't worry. Those things are perfectly rational. It is indeed perfectly rational for people who want to give the fullest vent to their sexual gratifications to concoct an entire world view that supposes God's not there and that we're just megaglops of atoms surging around in ultimately uncertain formats.

Just because the water cycle described in the 104th Psalm isn't as elaborately considered as the ALMA work doesn't make it less scientific. Funny, I was reading the fifth chapter of John the other day -- phenomenally scientific. Oh sure 98% of those hypnotized by Jesuit indoctrination would blither the standard "Wull um ahum -- um, science looks at how things work while religion looks at why" crappola. But if you read that passage -- here it is, go ahead, read it, the whole thing -- you'd find that Jesus is indeed speaking very scientifically. Why is what He's saying here any less significant than what a standard science book says about something like the operation of photosynthesis?

It isn't.

Which is how we get to the "retarded" part of science, as in the use of the word "retarded."

See, it is very politically incorrect to use the word "retarded" now. And to be honest, I can see why. I actually agree with the sentiment, I do. To insult someone by telling them they're retarded as in they are just as mentally handicapped as something with severe disabilities is just mean, and yes, sincerely, I believe unacceptable. I'm great with that.

But here, why can't I just use the word to describe people whose spiritual intelligence is just, well, retarded, as in backwards, not as advanced as it should be, stunted.

I'll tell you why, because there is a whole legion of thought police officers, many of whom are well-trained and deputized to shovel heaps of guilt on top of anyone who transgresses the law.

Here's a good one.

I watched Song of the South with my family last night. I know, a criminal offense. In fact, we had to watch some kind of transferred, maybe even pirated version of the DVD because it just isn't anywhere. The thought police have browbeat Disney into distancing itself from this wonderful motion picture about childhood and imagination and graciousness and wisdom and a number of other tremendously positive elements.

But noooooo. You're supposed to think the film very baaad, and it is mostly because it portrays blacks of the antebellum period as -- ::gasp::


That I even have to feel like I must write the disclaimers "Slavery is awful" "Blacks were horribly mistreated" "Institutionalized racism is wrong" -- all of which are slam dunk truths -- gets to the heart of how much we're pounded into pathetically mindless obsequium and smothered by utter confusion about what's really going on in the World System. My son even mentioned how Song of the South is so profoundly marginalized while a film like Django Unchained -- a wretchedly violent hatefest -- is so enthusiastically embraced. Talk about the most egregious inanity.

What's this got to do with science?

It is because of this question: How scientific is the whole movement towards the mentality that we must revile certain authorized things we're supposed to revile, like Song of the South? My answer may surprise you.

Many will say it isn't scientific at all, it is all philosophy, and as such the scientists who say they're all about science and only science as the sole determinant of truthful things are being logically inconsistent. Booyaah! Gotcha you retarded scientists. That's the idea anyway.

But you know? The fact is, the reason they and all the typical politically correct zanies spew all that about how we really should think and feel about things is that it is scientific. It really is! The issue is that very few people know exactly how that is!

It is scientific to the extent that God not only established principles that govern the physical world such as planets, mountains, animals, and molecules, but He established principles that govern how human beings think, feel, behave, and interact with one another. Is it all deterministic or do we still have free will? Oh, another question from the ages and for the ages. We'll have to leave that one for now.

But how about we look and see and hear and listen and do so trying to see what each one of us says and does that is perfectly rational -- and understand. How about we also get a bead on what the real distinction is between the stuff we think is pretty good and the stuff that makes us more uncomfortable, and that is

Whether it is righteous or not.

Someone with a Jesuit-instilled world view has the worst time trying to grasp that principle, because they don't really believe in God anyway. I'm not even talking about atheists! Some of the best churchgoing people are zealous humanists who believe in a fairy-tale god either to get in good with religious people or gird a standard-bearer for the wholesome crusade or gather support for splendidly pithy things said to keep everyone in line and feel a bit better about their god club.

But all that God stuff is still a fairy tale to them -- nothing to bother with after all.

Except that God shows Himself brilliantly in word and in creation. He furthermore set up a World System to constrain people who refuse to call on His name. He went out of His way to tell us about laws which, should we follow them, would result in a pretty decent society.

Except that He knew we'd never be able to keep those laws, and that what we really want is fellowship with one another and with Him. So He sent His only Son to die as the penalty for our own destructive injustices, and because He rose from the grave He proved that we could too if we just tell Him we want that.

All very scientifically established.

And one of the proofs of that? Experimental proofs even?

Just look at the way people live.

Just watch. You'll see. Watch and listen and talk with them.

You'll see it.

And you can be the best scientist yourself, how about that.


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