The Science of Righteousness

Only blogging now to introduce my latest home page piece. After seeing quite a lot of philosophical silliness in and around the spectacular effects elucidating perfectly fine scientific discoveries in the popular primetime series Cosmos, I wanted to add a few thoughts of my own.

Yes, there is a science to righteousness. Surely many will holler about the evisceration of the romance and beauty of such a sublime thing, but the enthusiastic pursuit of what it actually is takes nothing away from that. Science is merely about "knowing," which is what the origin of the word means anyway.

Do you know about this thing righteousness? What would you need to do to find out more? And please, don't bother with all that "I'm not so dogmatic" crap. Are you dogmatic about your rejection of dogma? Come on. Lose the pretense.

Knowing something is about embracing some truth.

So, again, which "truth" are you embracing?


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