The Science of Governing Reprobation

I saw a film called Snowpiercers last night. I'd seen some thing about it, then saw that the reviews were pretty good -- it was said to be a science fiction and political film, perfect, I love that stuff.

While it was kind of goofy and very preposterous at times, it did a decent job of keeping my suspension of disbelief intact. It was also extraordinarily violent, but then, when you make a metaphor of the earth out of a train, there's bound to be some bloodshed. A lot of bloodshed. And in this instance, the bloodletting is in tight cramped quarters. Especially grisly.

Anyway, just wanted to mention it was quite the bright elucidation of the World. To wit:

- Human sacrifice is arranged and augmented by the System and for an ordained purpose, one that is indeed, quite spiritual in nature.

- People are deliberately moved to live in benighted indigence to keep them in a simmering state of protracted rebellion, providing the necessary legitimacy to a System required to crack heads with extreme prejudice.

- It doesn't matter who's running things, they are doing so in the service of Cain, they are doing so as an instrument of judgment established by God Himself, and they will utilize the greatest technological advancements to achieve their ends.

- Should they genuinely recognize this unbearable truth it will bring tremendous anguish. The lead character endured this recognition at the end of the film, and the film stayed true to the inevitable consequence displaying prominently all over this character's psyche.

Funny, he'd be a bit better off if he knew of The One Who Was Pierced.

He's the only way out, the only way to life in this situation.

Huh. Snowpiercer. Quite an interesting title of a film.


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