It's Always Been Cannibalism, Always - It Is What the World System Does

Remember that story about the scorpion that needed a lift to get across the stream? The frog was so nice to comply, under one condition, that the scorpion did not sting the frog along the way. The scorpion agreed, only to lethally sting the frog halfway across. As both start to sink to their deaths, the bewildered frog asked the scorpion, "Why did you do that? Now we both will die."

To which the Scorpion replied, "It is what I do."

The agents of Cain are scorpions. They must commit human sacrifice as a matter of habitual practice. They do it all the time. They must -- it is what they do. You can see how it works by simply reading one brief passage in Scripture, the fourth chapter of Genesis.

Here's how that story goes: Cain sacrifices a human being, his own brother even, and because it was such an evil act God sends him out of His presence forever. God does, however, commission him to run the city holding seven-fold strength prosecutorial capacity -- yes, Cain is charged with cracking heads of any and all who need his services. He is proud to do this because by doing what he does, he feels he will finally prove to be his "brother's keeper" and earn God's favor.

Today Cain is the US President. He is your US Congressperson. He is that US Supreme Court justice. The US federal government is merely the expanded Roman hegemony -- nearly 30% of Congresspersons are Roman Catholic affiliated (including Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi), six of the nine Supreme Court Justices are declared Roman Catholics, and of course US President Joe Biden is an avowed Roman Catholic.

Cain is any of those who command the Federal Reserve Banking System as well as any who are administrative officials of the federally incorporated commercial enterprise network. They too are all richly Roman Catholics, either by (a) being directly affiliated with the Roman Catholic Church, (b) attending or graduating from a university richly informed by the Jesuit university system (if not one of the "Great 28" at that) or (c) by heeding the Catholicist policy initiatives that come from places like Georgetown that make the whole thing one institutionally established incestuous racket enriching and empowering the very best, smartest, most ingratiating Catholicists at the expense of those they exploit.

All the Frankfurt School plap about them being exploited? About them being victims of the white male systemic bappity-something? About how much the hifalutin fancy suits incessantly shout WE'RE STANDING UP FOR THE LITTLE GUY? Utter bullshit. The leftists that screech like bleeding hyenas about how they're oppressed by the ever-so mean and dastardly imperialist heteronormatapappitadappative patriarchaschmarchinarchy have become the most tyrannical element of Cain's Legacy. All of it diligently propelled by the ordained Romanist operatives charged with discharging their noble duties in the name of their god, and they are all in on committing acts of human sacrifice in every way imaginable.

The Roman Catholic Church even broadcasts its authority to do so with one of the most pronounced iconographic signatures there is, and to ensure no one has any doubts about its purposes, it is extraordinarily graphic. Inside or sometimes even outside on the wall of their quite spectacularly designed and constructed offices is a statue of a bloodied dead guy hanging on an instrument of Roman justice. This is no ornamental feature. It is clearly one of the most significant proclamations to all about what Rome does:

Human sacrifice.

I share all this because just this week another phenomenal piece came from the people over at Off-Guardian, this one from Karen Hunt who details the ways child sacrifice is alive and well on planet earth. Read it -- the details are gruesome and harrowing. It was happening, it has been happening, it is happening, and will continue to happen. And good wholesome Catholicists will continue to keep it happening as long as they blither contemptibly foolish things like:

"I'm not against adults 'transitioning,' I'm just against children doing it."


Forgive me, with all due respect, but this is idiotic. If there aren't any meaningful, principled, and loud and clear clarion calls for righteousness that proclaim that any sodomist activity is a major crime against humanity, against God, and especially against the victims of anyone who recklessly tries to have a biological identity outside the one God gave them or does anything sexual with anyone not a single adult member of the opposite sex to whom one is eternally betrothed -- if there isn't that pushback, then we are being the most wretched idiots on the planet.

Again, to make the statement "I'm against child genital mutilation" without also bolding censuring the adult kind, then you are by default approving of the child kind because the only way the child kind can promptly and summarily end is if the adult kind ends with it. And the only way the adult kind can end is if a critical mass of wise, thoughtful, principled, righteous people step up and -- for the expressed purpose of rescuing anyone from the lethal effects of the System's abuses -- firmly re-establish the standard that was always the transcendently and teleologically objective way people should live with one another: Sexual activity is the exclusive domain of the married couple, one man and one woman, period.

Anything else is adult human sacrifice.

It is nice that Mrs. Hunt is going to the mat elucidating the truth about human sacrifice. It'd be nice if she and many others would put in a good word for how human sacrifice today is so much more than just those horrific child sacrifice instances. And that the World System embodied in the Roman Catholic Ecclesiocracy does it and must do it. 

Much of this is because God is saying in no uncertain terms (forgive me for taking liberties, but you take some time with your Scripture reading and please correct me, that's awesome. Otherwise...), "Your own sin requires Cain to do what he does. You want it. I've even given him seven-fold vengeance against any who try to challenge him. All your voting and tribute payments and official civil registrations simply signify your devotion to him. That's cool, that's what you want. It is just he will continue to commit acts of human sacrifice in the service of his duties. He will, you can't stop it, and if you try he will put you on the altar.

"You may turn and come to Me, however. I did send my only begotten Son to die and take the penalty for your sinful behavior, the only human sacrifice that ever needs to be made. But to be delivered from the devil, from the World, from even yourselves, you must believe on Me. I'm here in the Kingdom, and I desire worshippers who will love and trust and serve and worship Me and experience My joy in Spirit and in Truth. You are more than welcome to give your devotion to Cain and to his city, certainly. It is there, perfectly willing and able to receive your dues and execute justice with all extreme prejudice."

It is the position of this web ministry that human sacrifice takes so many different forms, and while I put together an entire web page with all those forms listed and sometimes defined, I'd like to just list them here for you in this blog post, just to offer up something of an idea of the magnitude of this thing human sacrifice. Certainly there'll be those Catholicisistically impassioned people who'll dismiss most of this, and there are so many of them who sadly will. 

But do so at your peril, for the more these things are rejected, the less likely one will be to leave that hellscape. Jesus said Himself, "Come out of her." Jesus never ever said to do anything to take down Rome. Just come out of her, come to the Kingdom instead. Rome is there, yes, it is supposed to be there, yes, it is away from the presence of the Lord but does its job quite proficiently but ruthlessly -- ultimately so that maybe, just maybe those reading it here or anywhere for that matter will instead say, "Yes, I can see it now. I see how Christ is the freedom from the necessary brutality of the World System directly administered from the deep state machinations of the Roman Catholic Church."

So here you go. The list. First, the quick immediate forms of human sacrifice:

  • Cain's sacrifice of Abel. 
  • Domestic violence.
  • Mass murder of others based on institutionalized genocidal urges.
  • Sending people into war, acceptance of standard number of casualties.
  • Covert ops. 
  • Suppression of dissent. 
  • Suicide bombing. 
  • Abortion. 
  • Embryonic Stem Cell Research. 
  • Cloning. 
  • Euthanasia. 
  • Population Control / Eugenics / Institutionalized Sterilization Programs. 
  • Suicide. 
  • Capital punishment. 
  • Fascination with death. 
  • Illicit drug overdoses. 
  • Physical "medical" experimentation on humans, particularly that conducted on incarcerated felons, orphans, mentally or physically handicapped individuals, soldiers, or racial "inferiors." 
  • Abusive treatment of confined individuals, particularly severe mentally disabled patients that often enough leads to their deaths.
  • Blatant carelessness in protecting workers from hazardous working conditions.
  • Selective law enforcement incentivizing criminals to commit murders with impunity. 
  • Poisoning from environmental toxins causing malignant cancers, and the blatant failure of the medical community to properly prevent and treat such conditions.
  • Institutionalized exploitive sabotage of a society, driving people to migrate in lethally hazardous conditions leading to their deaths. 
  • Gross negligence of infrastructure or habitat management. 
  • Establishment of codependent "public assistance" programs announcing that Caesar will care for the poor by expropriating money from others. 
  • Sodomist enabling propaganda. 
  • Civilizations that have practiced ritualistic religious sacrifice, such as the Aztecs cutting the hearts out of victims and holding them up to their god. 
  • Occult sacrifice.

Then there are the slow, gradual forms of human sacrifice. Who said dying had to happen in one swift blow? These are all the ways human sacrifice takes place by hacking away at either the body or the soul, sometimes for agonizingly long periods of time:

  • Slavery.  
  • Exploitation of anyone's labor with substandard pay, such as employment of workers in a "sweat shop."
  • Human trafficking. 
  • Kidnapping. 
  • Usury. 
  • Engagement in confidence operations. 
  • Exploitation of one's own victim status. 
  • Addictive behavior. 
  • Sexual promiscuity. 
  • Sporting events in which the combatants are injured. 
  • Gambling. 
  • Reality shows and reality talk shows.
  • Self-mutilation. 
  • Sado-masochism. 
  • Physical dismemberment. 
  • Physical torture. 
  • Internecine military activity, destabilizing covert operations, and weaponized food distribution resulting in malnutrition and famine.
  • Institutionalized medication augmentation, whether from prescription meds slowly destroying the body or brain or illicit drugs leading to increased addiction.
  • Promotion of foods, beverages, and medications that worsen health and gradually lead to death by cancer and heart disease. 
  • Unchecked pollution leading to harmful contaminants inhaled or ingested causing chronic illnesses.
  • Psychological terrorism. 
  • Racketeering.
  • Penance is a form of masochistic sacrifice. 
  • Internment as punishment. 
  • Tax and tithe confiscations. 
  • Debasing the currency. 
  • Codependence motivated philanthropy. 
  • "Pork barrel" spending by a legislature. 
  • Wealth redistribution policies. 
  • Current receipt social security programs. 
  • Raising revenue through litigation to provide services to those injured by defendants. 
  • Subsidy programs that unjustly favor some commercial interests over others, distorting the incentives of proper value transfer and shifting monies from one party to the other. 
  • Spirit cooking. 
  • Catastrophizing the imagination. 
  • Excommunication. 
  • Roman Catholic Mass.

This page is merely a rough draft, I put it there in the site map link to the page. There are certainly more, some of them just more nuanced versions of what's already shared, all of them often quite imaginatively marketed. For instance I am convinced the Covid-19 lockdown mandates and protocols were a major human sacrifice operation, but I'll have to consider how to add that. 

On that webpage I elaborate a bit on some of these. The reader may also have issue with one or more of these, that's cool, it's a rough draft. In fact, please, email me if you can think of others or want to share your objections, I'd love to hear from you.

The reality is that people are horrifically dying in droves today because of all of these items, the worst of it is souls are in great peril. But again, this is the World, and it is humming along as it should.

Know of the Kingdom? Want to go there instead?

Christ invites you there. Yes, let's face reality -- you may die on the way. You may be subject to those acts of human sacrifice, you may be an innocent bystander and a victim of all that, but please -- be real, we will all leave this temporal existence at some point.

But putting your faith in Him, belief on Him, commitment to love Him and neighbor, that doesn't matter. He longs to embrace you as one covered in His righteousness and having a deep desire to live richly in The Kingdom forever.

I should make one more note that is indeed very important. Didn't God ask us to be "living sacrifices"? Isn't this a way that we still do "human sacrifice," even if we do genuinely belong to Christ? Yes, indeed, He did ask us to do that, He did tell us that when we trust in Christ it is as if we are to live our lives crucified with Him, even insisting that we "lose our selves." But losing our selves is so that we may gain Him, experience the wonderful good graces of those with whom we have to do, and envelope ourselves in all He wants for us.

Giving up the World is hard. Look at how many people viciously clutch it and just won't let go.

But getting your soul back and the Kingdom thrown in is way better.

I must add that this is all not some whimsical meandering on my part. I've taken some time to humbly assemble some serious considerations about what it means to free from the grip of the System. On this page is how even the very best looking Protestant-oriented, or "evangelical-free" "non-denominational" churches become little Roman Catholic Church subdivisions. This page provides some practical ways to become "de-Catholicized." And finally here is a page with some characteristics of the authentically Kingdom-dwelling "Acts 2" worship community. 

The image is from a address of that story. I like this particularly simple rendering, the frog gleefully seduced, the scorpion putting on the charm just like a highly visible World Op, and those on the banks watching in horror what is happening. You'll also find the posted pull quote about "sacrificing the vulnerable" is not from this post but from Karen Hunt's Off-Guardian piece. I could not help but add it here.



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