It's Always Been Cannibalism, No Hifalutin Politician Has Ever Changed That

From what I hear, tonight US President Joe Biden is supposed to give some major speech, something about bringing back the soul of the country or something. His people have so effed up the country, here's to hoping it is about healing and reconciliation. To that end here's what I'm expecting him to say, after all the introductory pleasantries:

"I am completely rescinding all the massive federal payouts that really amount to robust racketeering activity. All the insane corporate welfare payments, all the 'inflation reduction' climate change hysteria giveaways, and especially anything related to things like student debt relief which is so brazenly unfair. (And I won't let the horribly exploitive universities off the hook either, they're just as much rackets as any of them.) I apologize for thinking just dumping money in people's laps would fix things. I just encourage people to work hard and try to do as well as you can, and for the states to do their best to make political conditions conducive for wild success among their citizens.

"I also revoke any and all orders related to the absurd Covid lockdown protocols we've pushed for the past two years, and for which we have recently still shared a perverse affection. Please know there will be no more mask or vaccination mandates and I will require any government agency receiving federal monies to cease and desist from formally making any other Covid related demands. I am also asking all public health officials to hereby officially pronounce the scientific truths that masks are useless and even unhealthy, and that these vaccines are medically dangerous and do nothing to keep people healthy.

"I am also enforcing civil rights laws and instructing all medical personnel at every level to cease and desist from conducting any and all 'gender reassignment' procedures, applicable to both children and adults. For any man or woman (much less boy or girl) to have their reckless delusions affirmed and their bodies mutilated is a violation of their civil right to be secure in the transcendently biological identity they have. It also destroys the cornerstone of a strong, vibrant society -- the family and the community made up of wise thoughtful people who acknowledge truth and charitably help people work through their dysfunctions.

"I will also summarily terminate any and all instruction, influence, and enablement related to Critical Theory, the idea that people must be judged based on some classified minority consideration. The most common one so far doing terrible damage in our nation is the one based on race and the thinking that because of past racial-oriented discriminations we must now discriminate further. I am therefore insisting all companies dismiss their 'Diversity and Equity Officers' -- for their duties only consist of looking around to see if there are enough of a particular skin color under their employ. This is just one of the many policies and practices that is just a modern form of the ugliest kind of racism."

"We will also remove any federal benefits or incentives for any academic institution that continues to promote such ideological nonsense, as well for any news media institution that continues to perpetuate these mythologies and influence people, particularly our young people, to be vicious sniveling racists. One of the worst of these is National Public Radio, and because of the filth spewed forth from that taxpayer-funded organization I am now suspending its operations."

Ah, that he would say that.

Thing is he won't, and he can't. And it isn't just because he's been told he's supposed to continue to foment hatred of Donald Trump and his voters. Indeed he's likely to go full Trump Derangement Syndrome on us all yet again. What he is likely to say is this, tell me if I'm wrong:

"Donald Trump and all of his supporters are just evil racist insurrectionists. Hey, I'm a reasonable man! Let's get together, and all of the Trump deplorables can just join up with all the great things we're doing right now for this marvelous country, and we'll get our soul back! It is simple!"

Will his nationally televised blapping be any different than that? Will it miraculously be the healing moment we've all been clamoring for? Huh? Huh? 

The main reason it can't be and he'll only blither what he's been blithering for eons is he is a fully invested Catholicist. All of his handlers are expertly trained at the Georgetown School of Policy Ramming, which is actually fully authorized to do what it does -- which is exactly what tonight Biden  is going to say he's doing. For the soul of the country you know.

The other day uber-Christian writer Rod Dreher warned about the horrific dangers of letting the whole "trans" and "gender identity" and "LGBTQIIAP+ELSPWLCKEJSMUQQCXQLODPQQQ+++infinity" thing keep going unchecked. He was pretty firm about how much we really need to be standing up to it, which was good to see... buuut... ultimately pointless.

You see, Mr. Dreher is also a devout Catholicist. In his piece he makes a number of favorable references to some of the notable Roman Catholics who are on board with these efforts to stem that tide. He does so simply because he wants everyone to be convinced he's got the whole of Christendom on his side -- that's gotta be good! Mr. Dreher is that Christian who typically cannot see the distinction between genuine faith in Christ (Kingdom) and the System counterfeit (World).

An analogy, if I may.

It is as if we're all getting together to build a residential complex. So lessee... we've got the developers, the architects, the engineers, the contractors, and of course the arsonists. That's because, of course we don't want to be seen as anti-arsonist -- we're inclusive here, please.

The World System ecclesia is the arsonist. And to be truthful, in some ways the arsonist is required for the efforts of building this edifice we call the United States! Every once in a while he'll do fine work setting something on fire that the other good wholesome people there must step up and put out. If there aren't very bad things happening often enough, then how could the voters enjoy the splendiforousness of the Joe Bidens and the Nancy Pelosis and all their toadying handlers as they jump up and down fixing the country from those things -- especially the things started from the eeevil schemes of the eeevil Donald Trump.

It is funny, I happened to catch an article in ZeroHedge from a guy who posts there frequently. From Charles Hugh Smith at, it is "The System is Busy Cannibalizing Itself." He makes some fine points, he often does, but the key is that human sacrifice is what the System does. And it has been doing it for millennia. It is no different today. Sometimes it looks a bit spiffier -- with communication technology it is now so much easier to do.

But the cannibalizing goes on, and will always go on as long as there are so many without Christ.

Those dwelling richly in His Kingdom may certainly speak out about the things that are destroying our country. But the best weapons are prayer, immersion in Scripture, meeting regularly with other Christ followers, caring for family, working diligently at whatever jobs we have, and more prayer. I'd like to add being ungrafted to the World as a rich, vibrant, joyous worship community. And even more prayer.

God does the rest. Keep doing those things, elevating truth and extending the greatest, deepest grace towards anyone and everyone with whom you must do -- the Grace and Truth is Christ Himself. Keep lifting Him up in worship and in everything you do.

He'll do the miracles from there.

By the way, I did put up my latest home page piece, there at the webzine. It is actually a "reprint" of a couple of blog posts I made a year ago, just a reminder about what the marauding tyranny is all about. Would love for you to read it. Share with me what you think, the email address is there at the webzine. Thanks for your readership.


The stock image is from the website "Newsclick" and a story from 2017 related to India's economy. Thank you.



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