What Are We Supposed to Do When We Do Never Forgetting?

All kinds of 9/11 remembrances are being pronounced everywhere today, as they always are on September 11ths. Today it seems I'm seeing quite a few more "Never Forget"s everywhere, might be just because I'm noticing them more. And they are everywhere, on just about every web page, on my Twitter feed everyone is posting pics of the twin towers with those words -- I'm even seeing them outside of churches, and they're likely inside when they mention it in their services.

I think about that. "Never Forget." Why? I mean, thinking about what happened and praying for the families and working hard for very good things for everyone all around is a very good thing, but I wonder. Does "Never Forget"ing mean actually looking closely at what actually happened on that day, and why?

One of the things the operatives who arranged it did was catastrophize the imagination. It is one of the weapons in the arsenal of human sacrifice activity -- keeping the populace in a state of persistent dread with actions that viewed through the lens of the hegemony's media is nothing other than a real-life horror show. So in a very profound way, "Never Forget"ing is just part of the propaganda to keep people in that state.

And then what? What will you do in your state of not forgetting that event? Is the average individual liable to commit such an atrocity? Really, think about it. Are we "Never Forget"ing because any given sinner can at any time commit something that the media will splash everywhere and perpetuate the dread forcing us to be suspicious of everyone around us or at least check-up frequently to make sure they're sufficiently Catholicist or Americanist or some kind of accepted nobility so they won't hurt us?

Or is it for the purpose of making sure our allegiance is to Cain's Legacy pumping more and more of our hard-earned dollars to ensure we all as parts of a righteous powerful nation kick the ass of any eeevil foreign power who's going to try to do that again. I mean really, what else could it be? Each of us as individuals are not going to try to fend off the evil, we've just got to trust our government and military to do the heavy lifting in that area.

One thing is for sure, 9/11 was a grotesque act of human sacrifice carried out by those authorized to do that on something of a regular basis. I am of the consideration that, with all the forensic evidence compiled -- and there are volumes of it -- that the United States government was involved in making it happen. Again, the US government is Rome and Rome is about human sacrifice.

Even if you buy the story about the evil Muslim crazy-men flying planes into this and that place, the religion of Islam was invented by Rome. So in that sense, Islam = Rome = legitimate authorized human sacrifice activity.

I just wanted to emphasize a couple things about all this, particularly in response to my post from a couple days ago when I elaborated on the elements of human sacrifice. 

The Only Possible Way
First, not a whole lot of people will allow the truth about 9/11 to be broadcast. It is just too important for the Romanist Ecclesiocracy to keep the officially established mythology intact. Sometimes we "Truthers" are called names and conspiracy theorist kooks and so forth. But you'll notice not much ever gets broadcast about the 9/11 truth. Off-Guardian does a tremendous job of encapsulating all the things related to 9/11 that a lot of people do know about, including many honest and thoughtful scientists, engineers, and architects, and here's a page I put together that has a modest number of items related to what happened. 

I'd also encourage you to read Tupper Saussy's Gods for the Godless, which at the time he titled Abiding in Religious War. It is online, and I cannot recommend it enough. There he elucidates the history of Rome's invention of Islam, mostly as a prominent foil to fight against and get everyone "Never Forget"ing about how much Rome is a champion for the good wholesome Americanist and committed to crusading against all the bad things and people and countries everywhere all around.

Second, just as much as the 9/11 truths are not so much discovered because they are actively suppressed by completely ignoring them, the truths about the Roman Catholic Church's role in all of this is also not as widely broadcast. I understand what I share in this blog will likely never catch on in any widely considered way, some because people are too richly Catholicized and can't understand it, some because the World Ops see that there aren't many readers here and are fine with it not mattering to very many, at least not many who'll repost much of it or draw much attention to it. 

In a very real sense World Ops are counting on the fact that "Never Forget" will never mean genuinely knowing what really happened and what is really happening with human sacrifice activity around the globe, it only means thinking a lot about what they want you to think about.

Finally, acceptance of the reality of the way the World works can only mean something if you go to the Kingdom in response. The more people rage and rail and screech and holler and try really really really hard to get some NEW INVESTIGATION or make SOME PEOPLE PAY or something like that is only going to provide rocket fuel to Cain's Legacy.

9/11 is what it was. The "Never Forget"ing is what it is. There will be another one. There will be lots of mini-9/11s -- there already are. This death and that death and that murder and this murder spree and those fentanyl overdoses and that suicide and that shocking mass shooting over there and this billion more dollars sent to Ukraine and that yet-another draconian Covid lockdown protocol and that city prosecutor claiming he's being so very anti-racist when not stopping crimes that involve smash-and-grabs and arsons and this murder and that murder and this other batch of murders and that murdering over there and and and...

All of it, every single one and so much more --

Human sacrifice.

The only response is two things. That's it. There're only two.

The first thing to do is let it be, God said it was supposed to be way back in the fourth chapter of Genesis. Let Caesar do his job. God needs him there to proficiently administer condemnation for those who refuse to address their own sinfulness. Please, definitely, pray for everyone in it, pray for anyone who is subject to it, pray and pray and pray for anyone with whom you must do who simply refuse to see that contrast.

The other thing is go to the Kingdom. There is a place for you there if you want it. Jesus welcomes you with open arms, and nail-scarred hands at the end of those arms. But you've got to step towards Him so He can grasp you. All you must do is take that one little step -- He's done everything else. He's already got a mansion built for you in heaven where legions of people and angels dwell and with whom you may worship and enjoy rapturous joy and ecstatic life forever and ever.

Yes, go for it. Do the real never-forgetting and see what the World System is really like and what it really does. Yes, God wants you to know, but only to the extent you see that the Kingdom is the only way out of that gruesome hellscape.

Always praying from here for you, and for them.


The image is simply a photo I clipped a long time ago for my webzine's 9/11 page, and I'm sorry I do not have attribution. Thank you nonetheless to whoever posted it. The cartoon was forwarded in a tweet from Off-Guardian's Catte Black. The caption here was the one posted with the tweet.



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