The Empire's New Clothes, Addendum

I have to add a bit related to my post from just yesterday about the great and grand thing freedom of speech. I blogged about it to introduce my most recent home page piece, and some of it was about the most prominent social media platform Twitter. 

After I made that post Elon Musk finally started releasing internal memos about what the US government was doing to censor damning information about a candidate for US president, namely Joe Biden, to give him a pronounced advantage in winning that election. It related to the clear and obvious corruption of the Biden family while he was a top executive official, information that would have severely compromised his chances to win the presidency.

This breaking news has been met with complete silence by the mainstream news media outlets, all of them have gone dark on it since the release. More information will be forthcoming.

Their silence is speech. If legitimate journalistic enterprises are committed to speaking about truthful things so, as they say, "democracy does not die in darkness," then why don't they shed the proper lighting on this scandal?

They don't because they are told by those World Ops that they will be the most heinously rotten people if they give any quarter to those things the Frankfurt School has told them represent the oppressive imperialist white male heteropatriarchal hegemony that must be destroyed. To them anything "Trumpism" is the same as Hitler, so any immorality carried out related to the thing speech is justified.

The worst folly continues to metastasize in the deepest reaches of Americanist mandarin activity. Please remember it is legitimate, it is authorized, it is what the real hegemony embodied in the Romanist Ecclesiocracy demands -- much of it arranged to fill the World's subjects with the most excruciating dread. No wonder everyone is riled up about this speech and that speech and that speech and this speech!

Again, this thing freedom of speech does not mean the most asinine things will not come out of the mouths of fools. This includes the massive amounts of gaslighting now pouring into the body politic -- "You're the crazy one for not being as good a virtue-signalers as we are." How much con artistry is gushing from any and all crypto bugs including the Bitcoin glommers trying to convince us all that Bitcoin isn't crypto so they can do more value extraction using their deceptive speech. Even more significantly, those things murder. Words murder. And when they come from anyone given over to doing the bidding of Cain's Legacy, they do represent a form of human sacrifice.

At its simplest level, corruption on the scale perpetrated by the Biden administration kills. When government does not do its legitimate job of protecting people from crime, people die. When not exposed as it should by honest committed journalistic efforts, it continues unabated. That is also murder.

Right now murder rates in big cities are exploding, and those murders could be curtailed if the Frankfurt School idea wasn't being shoved so profoundly into the mainstream, the idea that "disadvantaged minorities" should be given a pass for committing crimes because "the man" has pushed them into degeneracy with his perpetual enslaving oppressive activity -- after all anything they steal is reparations, anyone they kill is just them seeking justice -- give them a pass on these things, you know, social justice you know.

Really now.

I'm not denying that people can be and are being exploited. But how? Why? And most importantly...

What is the real deal with all of that?

Regarding freedom of speech, we can talk about freedom of speech until we're blue in the face. We do, with loud, ferocious, screeching kinds of speech. We fill volumes writing about speech -- I happened to catch a book in the library just yesterday, a huge doorstop of a book about the history of  speech. I know nothing about the book, it may have some very fine things to say, I just took a picture of it (shown above). All I know is it some thousand pages joining millions of other pages through history of people writing about speaking.

It seems then that when people speak, or don't speak when they should like all these New York Times operations, there has got to be some kind of powerful social maelstrom happening.

The question then is, what is good speech and what is bad speech? That we have to continue asking this and wondering about it just shows how contemptibly stupid people continue to be even after millennia of trying to get it right. This whole Twitter incident yesterday is just another example of how much so many people still get their own personal and institutional talking points from the Father of Lies. 

Scripture is the place with the words that have the meaning, the meaning. It is not hard to find for those who actually want to know what God has to say about the matter. It really isn't that hard at all, but again, so, so many simply love the darkness more than the light -- so sorrowfully as true now as it was six millennia ago.

The only words that are wisdom and righteousness and life are God's. Those who follow His words, indeed believe on The Living Word, they have in their hearts the words that are the good ones. 

Those who follow the words spewed about and pounded into them by powerful evildoers or World Operatives authorized to interminably wrestle with them are the not-so-good words. Indeed why am I being so conciliatory. The fact is those words kill.

In the World you will have agony, in the Kingdom you will have rich vibrant joyous life. And if you're not sure what words are what, then go, right now, go to the words of The Living Word.

Really, don't wait, do it now and find real freedom.



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