The Truly Audacious Limited Hangout

I have to put up a brief post about CJ Hopkins' latest, a piece he titles "The Year of the Gaslighter." In it he points out that all the fuss about the revelatory "Twitter files," you know, all the stuff about how much the FBI has had its hands in censoring people on Twitter -- all that fuss is really just a limited hangout, and an audacious one at that.

A limited hangout is when authorities of some stripe tell you they've uncovered something really nasty for you to get all riled up about and to just feel assured that they're on the job of getting to the bottom of this or that nefarious activity and they go out of their way to show you all the things they want you to see, stuff you thought they wouldn't show you but they actually do because as the real good guys they are they are on your side and want to get at what the bad guys are doing too and they'll really get going doing something about it...

...While at the same time keeping you from seeing what is really going on.

That's why they call it a "limited hangout," or sometimes a "partial hangout." They want you looking over here with all the smarmy best intentions of good wholesome investigative work but they're deliberately concealing the real activity over there, indeed things they themselves are arranging or perpetuating that are quite evil and destructive.

Here's the kicker about Hopkins' treatise, a very good one by the way, one which I addressed in my latest home page piece. As much as Hopkins calls all the Twitter file revelations a quite audacious limited hangout, the fact is it is even more audacious because Hopkins himself is drawn into being a part of it.

Hopkins is definitely a top-class muckraker, sharing a lot of what is happening with what he calls the Global Corporatocracy. The problem is even he does not go far enough, placing himself in a nice little corner of the hangout. The exposed truths Twitter is distributing, while major, are just not anything different than what the Romanist Ecclesiocracy has been doing for eons. It is just now there is much more advanced information technology involved so the System Ops must be much more imaginative about what they do.

The point is, it isn't at all any different than what the World System designs emanating from the deep state offices of Cain's Legacy have intended to do all along. Hopkins gets it right, its purpose is to keep a wickedly reprobate populace in check and rigidly beholden to the glories of the System.

The response to this harrowing reality isn't in fomenting a better organized, more protracted, and further expanded rebellion against the "Globocops," or as he (as I think) refers to the more commercial interests, "Globocaps." All those in sworn service to the World System are doing Cain's work, for sure, but rallying the troops using their weapons and tools means nothing. Every day they're handing you a different shanking instrument, one that looks much cooler than yesterday's, something that looks so fun to swing at them only so they can retaliate. Your rage is their fuel.

Hopkins rightly shares that the Twitter files have still yet to reveal a single thing about what the government did to employ the social media venues to promote Covid lockdowns and to summarily squash dissent. The latest release just today, by the way, tells us Twitter joined up with Pentagon psyop activity to see about how better to shape the sentiments of the millions easily seduced by it all.

Again, ::ho-hum::

This is what it does. 

There is only one deliverance from all of this, only one. The Only One, in caps. He is it, there is no other. When Hopkins comes around and insists that his readers fully consider The One upon whom to put one's trust and faith and belief for any and all good things, then I'll know he's left the hangout himself for the place that actually has the full truth, about everything.

Well, He is The Truth.

And it isn't any of the hundreds of straw-man Jesuses established by any and all System offices to keep people screeching and scratching to get Cain's agents to be goody-goody with what they think they should be goody-goody about.

The Kingdom, on the other hand, is waaay over there far away from all of that. That's the reality of things. What is really going on inside the System they don't want you to see, what they are covering up with the limited hangout that includes all the spewing a CJ Hopkins can dish, all of it is the ugliest gruesomest stuff there can be and it will always be there.

I've recently been getting back a bit into Heart of Darkness and just riffing on its meaning, especially ruminating on who Mr. Kurtz is, or at least what everyone thinks he is, and the meaning of his last words, simply "The horror, the horror." In some profound ways he knew what was in the hearts of men and what resulted from the rife evils that emerged from them, both from the rich and powerful laymen to the hifalutin ordained Caesarian mandarins.

You won't do anything about them and what they habitually do in all their hangouts, you can't... unless it is one thing and one thing alone: enthusiastically introduce Christ and Kingdom to them and see if they'd repent to join you as joyful worshippers of Him in Spirit and in Truth.

Every human must do that if they hope to see everything as it is with the brightest clarity.

If they don't, they're destined to spend the rest of eternity in Hell.

And yes, taking a peek merely at what is being shared now with the Twitter files as well as what Joseph Conrad detailed in his masterpiece, you don't have to wait.

You may enjoy that Hell right here and now.

The image of Marlon Brando as Colonel Kurtz in Apocolypse Now was taken from Roger Ebert's review site. It is pretty much a stock image screenshot that appears all over the web.


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