
There it is. The date I'm posting for the day when we'll actually see what this present cultural hellscape will bring. This is not any prediction of Jesus' return or anything like. It is just I've been thinking about the horrific woke sewer that is bilging into everything and wondering -- what precisely is this all going to look like, three, four years from now?

So this past Saturday, July 1 2023, I thought I'd put a firm date to it. Exactly four years to the day from that date. That date itself is insignificant, but again the thought, what is our country going to look like when we arrive at that date? What will our planet look like? Will something have happened over that time period that on that date everything will look violently different than it does today?

It is indeed my consideration that it will. The things I'm thinking...

One, God's wrath will be poured out on a increasingly wicked populace, and yes, upon so many good wholesome Catholicists who enable it all however unwittingly they do. 

We had the privilege of attending the pre-release premiere showing of this motion picture Sound of Freedom, one that is getting quite a bit of buzz in social media. It was a phenomenally well-made film, but it was a real-life horror story. It is merely the depiction of the reality of child trafficking out there in the world, as seen through the actions of a law enforcement agent who sacrificed much to rescue some of its victims.

There are a dozen different remarks that could be made about this feature, but one of the most significant is the fact that as ghastly as this all is to many good, principled people, all of this will not stop until a critical mass of those people get off this trip of "I don't care what people do in the privacy of ___..." 

That very prominent attitude is part of the enabling of the child sex trafficking.

It is conceding the idea that people can do their own sodomist things without consequences. No, sorry, they can't. In fact Heather MacDonald wrote a terrific piece about the horrific dangers of what she calls the "trans default," the idea that whatever it is the sodomist voice says, that is the default truth about things, and if you disagree not only are you a bigoted Nazi but you should be subject to some kind of prosecution.

What is so amazing about what she wrote is in her last paragraph she says these exact words: "Conservatives may even have to reject the longstanding safe harbor of breezy indifference to what people 'do in the privacy of their own bedrooms.' At some point it may become necessary to re-moralize sex."

I never hear people seriously suggest that, and maybe now people will start doing something about it. The Frankfurt School acolytes have indeed been successful, for quite some time now, in reaching their goal of commandeering the media and the means of spewing their cultural garbage into the hearts and minds of so many ill-equipped to see it for what it is. 

Films like La Cage Aux Folles, or the American version The Birdcage (just two of many, many examples) have viciously poisoned society with the idea that sexual immorality must be embraced because those engaging in it are such nice people, and after all the perpetrators do consent, and according to Critical Theory they are so unjustly oppressed; anyone objecting are just stuffy, ugly, moralistic, __, __, __ Nazis (insert in blanks whatever other name-calling epithets the New York Times says is okay to blare quite loudly). The heroes in all of these blitherings -- there really are a lot of them -- are the ones who in the end perform the required struggle session about how wrong they were about what is still the most destructive sexual immorality.

Sorry, but all the LGBTQ+++ stuff should be robustly rejected, because if it isn't, then -- well, let's see what it looks like on July 1 2027. Already the sodomist community is doubling down on its efforts to gain further widespread acceptance and affirmation, yet there does now seem to be some kind of substantially increased pushback. I understand many will screech, "You just want to put us back in the closet!" 

Not exactly. As a follower of Christ what I want is what Jesus said about any sinful behavior. Confess it. Repent of it. Turn to Him and believe on Him. Seek to be sanctified by Him as you live your life being tempted (as we all are!) but not succumbing by interacting with others who also know Christ and praying with them and worshipping with them and having deep abiding community with them and just plain talking talking talking with those who genuinely love you with God's eternal love.

But this does require a firm, truthful, courageous understanding and acceptance of what any LGBTQ thing actually does to people.

And that's the point of the date, the July of 2027 date. There it is, indeed it is a day right after they may try to celebrate another "Pride Month." This one that just passed was one of the most gruesome of all, I knew it would be. Just the most grotesque exhibitions of the most wretched sexualized dysfunctions you could possibly ever see. Continuing now into this summer are the most disturbing violations of logic and common sense to rationalize all kinds of perversions -- I mean really it could get even worse after June ends because they now no longer have their permissive feeling of "Pride Month" license to go all out ramming their agenda down everyone's throat.

So there, the first thing that could happen is there could be some major kind of meaningful judgment against it all and it will be significantly brought down -- yes to the extent that everyone then sees it for what it all really is, including what many merely consider harmless homosexual stuff -- and it is treated as a woefully regrettable blotch on our history. Doesn't mean true followers of Christ can't keep ministering to them, in fact I believe that would be a critical component of this possibility, that those followers are deeply and passionately ministering to them and watching them move into sexual restoration and wholeness.

So that whole scenario is one eventuality.

Two, all the woke stuff keeps going and it is even worse. Nothing is really any different, but it is even uglier albeit sanitized a bit for those communities who are still cool with it in spite of all the people who are still being killed or devastated by it all. Thing is, I can't see how some kind of meaningful secessionist movement can't emerge from this development. 

Last night we attended a family member's fireworks-enjoying gathering, and the fireworks extravaganza was the largest I've ever seen, by far. Everyone there agreed. It is my considered opinion that much of the expanse of fireworks displays today is a result of people wanting to blast incendiary devices as a statement about what they think about the direction of this country. Remember, fireworks are just symbols of military artillery items, you know, rockets and bombs and so forth. I mean, last night it was all blinding and deafening, going deep into the evening, everywhere.

I honestly believe the vast majority of people loathe all the woke stuff, and by doing what they did last night they were doing the one thing they could do to make that statement. In a sense, with that Independence Day inspiration, "We want to be free from all your pervasive woke insanity." They certainly aren't given a voice in any of the mainstream mass media. If any of them are even the most boldly articulate about any of it they're just called names or even censored all together.

But such is the Catholicist nation. There simply aren't enough people who aren't tied to the World System and obligated to its designs to have the impact they should have. Churches should be the best at speaking "truth to power" as the leftist hegemonists say, but they can't because they're just subdivisions of Caesar's domain. In fact there was a terrific article titled "Pulpits Promoting Critical Theory Destroy Hope." It was indeed fantastic at describing the horrific dangers of Critical Theory, but alas...

It didn't get into what the title promised.

It simply did not get into why precisely we don't hear the blessed word of the gospel preached with the authority to bring the apocalyptic revival that is so needed today. Why aren't preachers speaking with conviction about the Critical Theory hellscape? About the sodomist threat? About what we should be doing to minister to those horribly wounded people? And about the role of the Roman Catholic Ecclesiocracy in making it all happen to begin with?

That last one? Preachers back in the 19th century in truly committed Protestant churches did speak about it, with eloquence and authority, with truth and grace. Today most of those places have rainbow banners draped over their entrances with all kinds of pitiful concessions to the sodomist cultural powers. I can't help but share this photograph I took of a typical sodomy-enabling church, and lamenting the irony of the sign right next to their virtue-signaling plap, along with the typical dry neglected lawn adorned with bits of trash you can't really see in the image.

So which one is it going to be?

It may be a third one, really, and that is something so dramatically catastrophic may happen that just messes with all of this. Right now powerful political mandarins are devising ways to destroy the planet with their climate change hysteria that we may not even make it to July 1 2027 -- I'd heard some want to somehow block the sunlight to cool the planet. There are truly few things more stunningly idiotic than even suggesting that kind of thing. Then there's the Ukraine thing that continues to fester -- and if it isn't Ukraine it could be something else that brings a nuclear holocaust or some kind of modern weaponry conflagration.

This is not even to mention all the insane "A.I." stuff that is metastasizing at breakneck speed. These technocrats are on the verge of reaching their Holy Grail: deepfake imagery and sound replication that is totally indistinguishable from the real thing, making it virtually impossible to tell what is real when presented "evidence" of something significant, in news reports, on social media -- and it will have to do with something about which people must address with some severity.

Of course next year in this country there is a presidential election that could be the craziest of all, and if people don't have the result they want then the Culture War could really explode, into a real war, with real Civil-War-of-1861-1865 type violence -- especially if some actually succeed in getting their polities to secede from the United States in some way. 

No matter what, there still need to be Kingdom people out inviting people to tightly grasp Jesus' nail-scarred hands and take that narrow road to His domain. Right now. I think that can only happen best when people see what Rome's role is in all of it, abjure that realm, and minister from a position of real joy, peace, and freedom.

Oh, that thing "freedom." I'd love to riff on that for a while, because I've become convinced so few really know what it means -- especially after this whole July 4th thing and seeing this Sound of Freedom film. That's for another time. Hope I have the energy to pound that one out -- as I've shared before I don't as much simply because there is so much to share.

The main thing, though, is The Main One. In anything I blog about, write about, blap about in any way, I can only hope and pray Jesus is introduced to however many should happen to come upon these words. That's all.

And yeah, no matter what happens at any point over the next four years, be sure to have Him gripping you.


The image from Sound of Freedom was clipped from the imdb.com site. The photograph of the church marquee, banner, and sign was my own. The Jesse Kelly tweet was a screenshot.



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