The July 14th Celebration of the Pretend Freedom Everyone Thinks They Have

Today is July 14th and you know what that means. We all get to think deeply and longingly about all those who heroically STORMED THE BASTILLE! We can contemplate what it means to FIGHT THE MAN! We can labor maniacally to keep any misled potentate from infringing on MY PERSONAL FREEDOM DAMMIT! Except that over 100,000 French law enforcement agents have been mobilized for today's festivities... you know, because the last few weeks have been a riot of freedom in France, literally, and... you know, having law enforcement breathing down your necks at every corner is the very definition of freedom.

No, really, the red-letter date July 14 should be celebrated for the launching of the ship Negrona from Venice en route to Cyprus then Haifa to bestow upon the newly emerging brilliant militant operative, recently blessed with the authority to govern the World by Pontifex Maximus, all the iconographic insignia handed down from Cain when he was first awarded the duty of managing the planet's vast evildoing network.

It is a duty that is still carried out today by the same group of militant ops, as it must by divine appointment on behalf of all those without Christ clothed in His righteousness that is the thing that governs their behavior. Without it, there is the law, and the law enforcement apparatus itself including all the ruses designed to elicit, encourage, energize, and expose the sin of every reprobate human being yet to come to repentance, believe on Christ, and dwell securely in The Kingdom. 

One of those ruses is a simple one, but sobering to grasp because so many of every ideological stripe hold firmly to it.

I am free and freedom is the best thing to fight for!

Oh the number of times I hear that, almost every time spewed in a tone that would make Patrick Henry proud. There is, however, a Truth Rule this sentiment is violating, and I'll share it with you now.

The Truth Rule:

No one is free, no one. Every single individual is enslaved, every one of us, enslaved.

Period. Full stop. Mic drop. End of Truth Rule. That's it.

That's the Truth Rule.

And yes, it is biblical. You can look it up, particularly in the sixth chapter of Romans. I blogged a bit about that too, earlier, but I don't think too many people got it. I know not many people are getting it when they go to church and happen to come across that passage, because if they did actually respect that truth there'd be way more Kingdom people getting it and responding as the Kingdom-bringers God seeks.

I thought I'd add this photograph, one taken of a newspaper advertisement I pulled out of an old stack of papers I'd been going through. It is from some USA Today issue, and I imagine the individual in the ad is someone named "Ke$ha," I absolutely have no idea who she is, forgive me Ke$ha fans.

What I do know is the word "free" is in pretty gargantuan font so you don't miss it -- guess it's pretty important -- and in the image she does seem to be lobbying loudly for this thing FREEDOM. It has to be good, she's got red-white-&-blue sequins on her shorts and she looks so ferocious.

What has captured my attention lately is how much more ferocious everyone seems to continue to be about this thing. Again, it doesn't matter if you are liberal or conservative, radical or reactionary, left or right, socialist or capitalist, atheist or God-fearer, everyone seems to feel freedom is the most important thing and we can all agree on that and all of us fighting together for it is worth it.

Now I get why they think this, I do. In fact I also recently blogged on the now pretty widely acclaimed film, Sound of Freedom about children who are definitely not free when they are kidnapped and forced into interminably long participation in sex cult or labor camp activity. Anyone with a smidgen of heart would rail against that. I also get that most of the freedom things people rage in favor of are the US Constitution-type things -- mostly the ability to live one's life without too much interference from government when you object about things, especially when a lot of people hear you or read your objections or gather with you to shake your fist at anything government.

Economic freedom means if you've been able to learn a trade and hold a job and care for a home and family of your choice then you, ::ahem::, have a certain amount of freedom -- whereas in other countries... well, most people don't have those freedoms.

So take a hike with yer "There is no freedom!" talk you filthy commie!


In fact I will briefly add this. While I don't very often respond to anything on Twitter, mostly because I always feel I'm just enabling trollers, one time last week I did respond to a tweet from a pastor who wrote he didn't celebrate this new thing, "Juneteenth." I added the following comment, I'll post it here for you:

See those eight comments there? I could share a few of those here too, but I won't. I will say every one of them was the worst seething against this truth you could ever see. I could feel the vitriol fired at this idea, one of which was "What does this have to do with 'Juneteenth'?" A few others referenced how much they feel the Bible makes the kind of American antebellum slavery happen, others questioned my credentials as a real Christian.

How much the World System has hypnotized so many. You can see the fruit of that seduction with what is shared at the very bottom of the Ke$ha ad, the idea that we can be whoever and whatever we want. Sorry, you can't. This benighted trope is the very thing that has moved so many young people to destroy their beautiful lives and their good, whole, God-given sexuality by even thinking of "transitioning."

It really isn't even the sexuality thing that is the important element here. It is the idea that someone should be "free" to turn themselves into anything they want, in essence, that they can be their own god and create themselves how they want to be created. It is the idea that if you don't show yourself to be your own god with the power to declare yourself some kind of radically different kind of human being then you are weak, impotent, and worst of all foolishly subject to the oppressive heteropatriarchy. Sorry, but this is a mental and emotional activity that is completely divorced from reality and is actually conditioned by demonic forces who commission those ordained World ops to inject those things into the mainstream.

Talk about enslavement.

What about the freedom we have in Christ? Doesn't Scripture speak several times about the freedom we have in Him, that "the truth will set you free"?

Well, ::ahem:: again, that's exactly the point.

You can never truly be free until you accept your enslavement to one of those potentates, Christ or Caesar. When you choose Caesar, you'll either continue being strapped in on the roller coaster ride of sin, prosecution (in some form), sin, prosecution, sin, prosecution -- maybe agonizing bouts of remorse thrown in -- or you'll see the futility of all that and turn to Christ where there is true freedom but only in your enslavement to the Holy Spirit and His righteousness. It is only there where you will find your true self, given back to you by Christ because you desire your identity and your destiny rest in Him, not in any of the idols you worshipped in your previous life.

Giving all that up and finding your permanent home with Him brings the joyfully ongoing discovery of Him, His Kingdom, and all that He has for you -- yes, you yourself as He has now redeemed you and your soul. This is the true freedom. Look at what He says in the eighth chapter of the Gospel of Mark: "[You will] receive a hundred times as much in the present age: homes, brothers, sisters..." Read the entire chapter, indeed all of Mark to get a terrific idea of what The Kingdom is about and what genuine freedom is about.

Finally, what is still lost on so many is that the World System that does the work of Caesar is an authoritative, legitimate operation that has been humming along perfectly fine for millennia. It is near comical to think all the people hitting the streets will do anything about their pretend freedom. In fact all that marching and protesting and sign-waving and rioting and raping and pillaging and just plain sneering into the camera yelling into the microphones has not only been done for thousands of years over the course of every epoch -- really, read your history books, fascinating reading until it just gets boring because it is the same every time, really. Over and over and over people railing and roiling over the ivory tower bad guys in worship of their idol Libera...

But it is also the very best rocket fuel to power Cain's Legacy. What is good to know is God has insisted Caesar declare his intentions, purposes, and ministrations with that Mark Cain was assigned so people will know who they are addressing. This is precisely why Kingdom dwellers might just take note of the magnitude of Negrona's voyage launch exactly 500 years ago today, it was carrying that Mark and ensuring the present-day World Ops have it and use it for full identification. If World devotees do their raging and rebelling against the authoritative sin manager, that's on them, and woe to them should they face that seven-fold vengeance force.

And wow do so many go right on into all of that. All the time. How often I hear someone say that Thomas Jefferson once said, something like, "A good revolution once in a while is a healthy thing." Music to the ears of the current rabidly infuriated activist! And yes, I do believe the Culture War conflagration will get worse.

Thing is, are there Kingdom-bringers out and about who are rapturously enslaved to Christ to let others know that bondage to the Kingdom is the one they actually want whenever they think they're seeking freedom? If they get Christ they have actual freedom, if they don't they just have more distressing bondage to the World System.

Not sure about the distinction? Here, take a look-see at the 25th chapter of Matthew. Praying God speaks to you in an extraordinarily powerful way after that.



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