July 14 1523: The Birth of the Modern World System

It seems like anniversaries are the thing now, more vivid showcasing of them as ever. Just the other day July 4th featured the grandest exhibition I've ever seen of the power of all sorts of mortar, ordnance, munitions -- blinding and deafening in some instances, to the rapturous glee of all participants. Earlier last month it seemed lots of people liked to give some cred to "Juneteenth," you know, so they can viciously spout about how splendid their pretend "freedom" is. Even July 14th coming up in a week is celebrated a bit as the day when the common folk have the ganas to pushback against the evil privileged hegemony by raiding the armory of a prison and commencing a period of wonton slaughter when everyone would really see the meaning of Liberté, égalité, fraternité!...

..."Ou la mort!"

Huh. "Or death." Okay then...

I'd like to think there are grand preparations all about for the actually significant anniversary, the one from 1523, the one that is now the 500th. That's pretty major. You see it there. 500 YEARS TO THE DAY!

So yeah, 1523, 500 years ago to the day from next Friday. All this other Americanist stuff is fine pretext for getting together with family and having some barbeque and sodas, maybe waving some flags around of some type, all that sort of stuff -- all perfectly reasonably to propel the magnificent mythology to keep a reprobate populace mesmerized and more docile than it'd otherwise be. Though with things happening the way they are I'm not sure they are going to stay that way -- I did blog a bit about it in my last post.

No, on July 14, 1523, an event occurred that I'd say is much, much less considered, but which had much, much more of an impact. It truly was the thing that happened that signified the birth of the modern World System, essentially the practical establishment of the currently hegemonic Roman Catholic Ecclesiocracy. The very same authoritative governing entity that manages the evildoing of a citizenry that stridently requests its services. It did back in 1523, it does so today.

So yeah, not really sure there will be much inspiring bunting hung or colorful decorations displayed or extraordinarily professional videos produced to augment the affair -- what, with the "A.I." now able to do all of that for you, how hard can it be? I mean! 500-year anniversary! Come on!

Anyway, here is the event, straight from the screenshot passage from the place it is detailed best, the book Rulers of Evil by F. Tupper Saussy. 

Some context.

The one given the charge to advance the World System hegemony, Ignatius Loyola, had just been blessed a few months before by the pope to do his thing -- precisely be Caesar's primary deep state operative influencer. So yeah, the year 1523 has that eminent instance to celebrate as well. Ignatius had already gathered a cohort of these operatives and sketched out the practices of personal devotion to the cause better known as the Spiritual Exercises. He's now immersed in forming the "Society" from which he would veritably assume the mantle of governor of the World's affairs, but he needed the ordination based on all the iconographic legitimacy handed down since the progenitor of this office, Cain himself.


Remember, Martin Luther had barely a few years before posted his protestations about Rome on the church doors in Wittenberg, scandalously calling for reform of the institution. Everything about the "Protestant" (calling for protest by vehement objection) "Reformation" (seeking reform of a body that cannot be reformed) in this manner was really just the greatest challenge to the divinely bestowed privilege of Cain's Legacy, now handed to Ignatius. You think the Culture War today is bad? Just look at the hundreds of instances through history of Protestants fighting Catholics, Catholics fighting Protestants -- far more bloody and gruesome than they are today!

Even today all the things anyone or any organization does to try to interact, engage, challenge, remonstrate, enable, empower, support, condone, condemn, approve, reprove anything Rome-related, any of that related to the Roman Catholic Ecclesiocracy is making oneself a full participant in what it does as a matter of principle, practice, and purpose.

Every single thing out there that people revile about the things that destroy men's lives and souls is provoked by Rome. Rome never really creates any of it, but it does a truly professional job of provoking the evil in men's hearts to do what it already does for the purpose of enlivening it and exposing it so Rome may execute its judgment against it. That provocation affords Rome its legitimacy, and as a very cushy added benefit keeps the income stream going.

This blog effort, indeed my entire webzine effort, is to share some thoughts about what to do with that reality. Much of it is simple: Leave the Ecclesiocracy be. It must be ruthlessly efficient at prosecuting those who love the darkness more than the light. If you want out, the very first thing anyone must do is to have a belief on Jesus Christ -- any of the pathetically impotent counterfeit Jesuses will not do, many of whom are invented by Rome's militant officers to aid in fulfilling their charge. Those gentlemen are Ignatius' present-day minions, and they are brilliant, skilled, and oath-bound-by-death to do the job they do. Those not prayerfully given over to Christ and His divine protection are slabs-of-meat on the altar to these guys.

The next part is to seriously consider abjuring the realm. Divest yourself from all the enticements Rome offers. It is true there are instances where are tribute payments are just and approved by God, after all He does want you to fulfill any parts of contractual obligations you have with anyone. But far too often many of them are merely ways to keep you enslaved to the System and in a state of protracted rebellion against it. 

My prayer always is that people with Jesus' name on their lips would become ungrafted to that System and as such abandon the Culture War. It does involve relinquishing those things that look so viscerally compelling. With Jesus ruling in one's heart, what good are all the law enforcement items -- the thousands and thousands of them arranged merely to keep sinful people in check? "The power of sin is the law"! (I Corinthians 15:56) 

What is the very thing you owe to your neighbor? "Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law" and "For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended." (Both from the 13th chapter of Romans)

Everything Ignatius was handed by the Hospitallers at the conclusion of the Negrona's voyage applies to today. Rome has full authority to crack heads with all due process and it does it through all avenues at its disposal: the federal government and all its technocracies, the banking and finance network, the mainstream mass media, the notoriously entrenched academia, the incorporated commercial interests which very much include any church or ministry enterprise that registers itself as a non-profit tax-exempt organization -- all of them required by God to clearly identify themselves and their efforts by Cain's approved iconographic signatures so no one is without excuse for recognizing their temporal authority.

In this sense please do not mistake any of this as any kind of censure against the legacy and agency Ignatius was handed. It is merely shared for understanding, for grasping the very profound distinction between the World System as initiated in its modern form so expertly by Ignatius back in the mid-16th century, and the Kingdom which is ruled by Christ and is the spiritual equivalent of a million light years from any of that. The former is manifest is hundreds of different forms, shapes, concoctions, adornments, storefronts, window-dressings -- all of which are spectacularly fine-looking yet proficiently serve the Society's purposes perfectly well for those who simply will not believe on the One and Only Savior and live richly and joyfully and charitably from the Kingdom.

I wholeheartedly encourage you to read all of Rulers of Evil to enjoy the fascinating progression of Ignatius' quite noble enterprise. My latest home page piece even shares the conclusion of the story, but I'd wait until you've been introduced to all the ways the World System has metastasized through history to get the full context for that. When you look at current events today I promise you'll have a bright new perspective as to why things happen the way they do.

Above all, by that metaphorical light-years distance above anything else, including Rulers of Evil and my own web work: read Scripture. Find out who Jesus really is, and spend time with Him every single day, not for some scholastic purpose to get some official affirmation from some hifalutin individual somewhere but because you want to know your beloved Savior more. Find out more about Him outside of what the World tries to tell you about Him, which is far too much folderol much of it spewed by those World ops.

And do it with others who have a heart for Him and who may actually themselves see this very clear distinction between the World System and the Kingdom where they do want to dwell -- they know deep in their souls that's the place they really want to be. Pray with them, interact with them, share the Word with them, sing praises to Him with them, open up with them about what you're wrestling with that relates to the insanities presented by the World.

And yeah, maybe see what happened on July 14 1523 for its significance, maybe not with a lot of loud celebratory revelry but just for that deep gentle understanding.

That is always very good.


The image of the July 4th activity was from a Boston Pops Independence Day concert and celebration that actually occurred on July 3 2016. It was clipped from an NBC News website story from July 4 2017 about facts related to July 4th, and was taken by the AP's Michael Dwyer. The image of Ignatius is titled "San Ignatius de Loyola" by Claudio Coello, painted sometime between 1680 and 1683.



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