"Aaah! Stop the Deflation!"

Larry Kudlow is a top talking head, offering financial blab across the airwaves. I think he's got a show on CNBC. He was on Hugh Hewitt's drive-time radio show the other day and they were bantering about the latest economic item of interest-- the severe poking at the housing bubble.

So fiercely did Kudlow make the case that the Fed lower interest rates that it amplified the truth that the Fed is quite the law enforcer. I can bet that every Federal Reserve Chairman through history (these days it is Ben Bernanke) has certainly lost count of the number of times he has had to smile nervously as he is asked to crack heads in any number of institutionalized ways to pull back on the abject misassessment of value among Catholicist Nation inhabitants.

Kudlow said his recommendation about what the Fed do is the "shock and awe" approach, and he cried "Come on-- stop the deflation." The deflation here refers to the precipitous drop in home values through the collapse of the "sub-prime" lending market. The thing that is noteworthy is simply looking at what deflation actually is.

It is the typical discovery that the value assigned to any given productive capacity is less than it once was. When it happens on a macro level, affecting all commodities across the board, it is quite striking.

"Stop the deflation!" cries big-time econ guru Kudlow. What he's doing is telling the Fed to keep the scam going-- keep people thinking their value is higher than it is. He could just as easily say "Hey Fed! Keep people lying about themselves!" How does this all work? You won't hear this from Kudlow, or Hewitt, or any of the big-time Romanist shrills because they're in on the racket. Just so you know, here's what the deal is:

One, people sin. They dick with their productive value and lie, cheat, and steal to get people to see they're valued at something they are not. Everyone wants to get the heads up on exploiting the other guy in this environment.

Two, this manifests itself in a home buyer thinking he can get a home valued far higher than the true economic value assessment he knows he really has, and an exploiter is right there ready to take advantage of this deception.

Three, the investor/banker/whoever-the-exploiter-is wheels and deals in these obligations, gets his cut relying on the productive value the borrower is promising--which, as we know, he's already lied about. No matter, because every investor/banker/whoever-the-exploiter-is knows that, yes:

Four, the Fed is there to bail him out. And the Fed is there to do that because the Fed is indeed the economic agent of Cain, assigned the task of gallantly working to sustain the value assessed on the productive capacity of World inhabitants. This is its primary function, by its own job description: maintain the value of the currency. "Value of currency" is only fancy finance language for the very meaning of what an individual is worth at his core.

The Fed can lower interest rates to make everyone happy, but if those rates don't match up with the actual value of the individuals that money represents, then nothing in the World can prop up the macro economy.

Unless you're talking about The Kingdom.

What's the Kingdom option? How indeed can a sinner have value beyond the essence of his own destruction? What's the option for those who truly want their value assessed truly actually truly accurately?

In Truth?

That can only come from the One single measure of truth there is, Truth Himself, Jesus Christ. Christ bought back those destined to an eternity of-- indulge me here-- "sub-prime." In Christ one is loved with the purest fullest love. As such, one who is in Christ will have a yes that is a yes and a no that is a no. In Christ he thinks of another as worth more than himself simply because he's died to himself and is alive to Christ. What this does is move people to care for one another in phenomenally abundant ways, far above anything the World can ever possess.

I sometimes wonder why the Kudlow's and the Hewitt's and the rest of these seemingly brilliant men just don't get it. Oh they're brilliant all right, they are.

They're just blind, that's all.

Pitch black blind. Like bats, and as such not only blind but bloodsucking, too. They live in the World as World inhabitants, and even been asked by so many to feed them the lies that make them feel so good. They haven't a clue about what the Kingdom looks like or even who Jesus is. They are devout agents of Cain, sent from God's presence to wander around.

As much as the Fed Chairman is supposed to crack heads of liars and cheats in schnazzy suits, you will often hear him confess quite candidly (look it up in the speeches of past and present chairmen, these pronouncements are there all over the place) that his job consists mostly of reading tea leaves, looking in crystal balls, trying divine the winds of value assessment, as it were.

Sounds a lot like a guy wandering around to me.

Consider getting with the Contractor who can build you a house on the rock.


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