The Lord David Petraeus

Virtually every news orifice out there is showcasing their polls on Iraq, this on the eve of top U.S. general-in-Iraq David Petraeus' report tomorrow-- I think it's tomorrow. What they're asking are things like "What do you think about our progress in Iraq?" and "Do you think Petraeus will give an accurate assessment of things?"

Really, what should be asked is, "What do believe about what the media spews at you?" It blows my mind that so many have something to say about things they just haven't the faintest idea about. "38% say this, while 57% say that." It reminds me of an Onion piece that I just have to provide a link for here. Oh cynical me.

Thing is, as I was peeking around a bit at the worship of the God David Petraeus (remember, even the most zealous detractors of everything "Bush" are themselves some of the most pious devotees), it came upon me how to precisely say what Ellen Tauscher is actually saying when she speaks about government-oriented things. Remember Congresswoman Tauscher? She's the one who said, "I no longer can believe almost anything I'm told."

It's really the same thing Petraeus will say tomorrow. And what Bush has ever said. And what any president has ever said. And what any lawmaker, jurist, pope, priest, Jesuit, king, Caesar, and World operative has ever said through the millennia since God sent Cain a-wanderin.'

It is:

"I will manipulate events and perceptions of those events to the extent that I can most effectively kick the snot out of those I can kick the snot out of while at the same time cleverly exploit the law to give myself and those to whom I am beholden a free pass."

Makes perfect sense, really.

If these people are indeed the divinely ordained Agents of Cain's Prime Directive, then they must assemble law enforcement around protection of their very beings. For even though they are murderers themselves of the highest measure,

They must continue to manage the city.

And they must do so for the sole purpose--in the very strictest sense by God's economy--to allow those who will eventually ask for His mercy the opportunity to receive it.

By this arrangement that city must be tremendously frightening. It must be oppressively, excruciatingly, obscenely horrid. Funny, in America, in this "republic," many people are given the opportunity to be murderers too. Ah, the genius of Robert Bellarmine's polity.

Everyone gets to have a hand at managing the city.

And it's so easy! You can sign up to select those agents yourself as a voter, to pay for it all with your W-4 contracts and ager vectigalis leases, to plaster your worth all over huge debt obligations, to register for identification with Social Security, to join up with 501c3 God clubs...

You may even let them all know what you think of your Lord David Petraeus so it gets on the TV.

So what do you think he'll say tomorrow? Will you be schlurping delightfully from your media orifice of choice?

Or will you ask for insightful understanding that this body of death is perfectly reasonable World activity for World inhabitants who like being murderers in order to get the intense high of seeing whether or not the law will be exploited by powerful people to their benefit.

And then you may just ask for the Mercy.

Who is the Mercy? Peek here.


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