What a Fool Believes

In doing my web writing wherever that is-- webzine, blog, comments on some site somewhere about something-- I'm insanely devoted to the idea that I can get people to understand and know Christ by saying, "Hey, look at that foolish thing and see how foolish that is!" They would then see said foolish thing for being as abjectly foolish as it is, connect the dots, and find that any true fulfillment for any need or desire can only ultimately be found in Him.

I even heard a radio show this morning on the Los Angeles hyper-libertarian station KPFK called "Connect the Dots." They always have someone on who rails against some Power-That-Be as oppressing the poor disadvantaged disenfranchised whatever Power-Back-To-The-People type. They seem to think that displacing the despised Power with their adored Power is going to liberate all and bring joyous utopia. "Connect the dots!" they say, but then when they profess their "final solution," I always wonder, "Then what?" It's as if they connect only half the dots on the coloring book page and pat themselves on the back.

They will never connect all the dots to Christ because they've been intractably convinced He is a straw-man Christ.

I so recognize I must be very careful about calling any man a fool, for I am then liable to be called a fool myself. I just want to point out foolish things, and take that passage in Ephesians as my text. "Don't be a part of those things but rather expose them" is a loose rendition.

In my last webzine piece, I wrote about Ed Brown, the zealous anti-tax guy. I can't call him a fool, but I can't refuse to point out the foolish nature of his exile. I look at things like this "Trans-Texas Superhighway" that's supposed to link Mexico and Canada, and I hear that it will bring all sorts of terrorist Mexican truckers on to our sacred U.S. soil and complete the North American Union as a final component of the nefarious, awful, and really ugly One World Order. Oh forgot to add: "Oh my."

"Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!" "Trans-Texas Superhighway, oh my!"

The hysteria about this is just foolishness. All I want to do is say "Finish connecting the dots." It just doesn't seem to matter at all that they are doing this highway thing because it is merely part of what the One World Order has done for millennia. The more violent rage spewed at this kind of thing just makes the war more bloody, and you're not going to win it.

"Let's all just get Ron Paul into the presidency and he'll stop the brazen encroachment! He'll make sure American sovereignty is restored! He'll make sure the Constitution is followed!"

Sorry, this is foolishness. "American sovereignty" has always been an organ of Rome's designs and the U.S. Constitution has always been a vehicle of expansive sin management-- no matter how libertarian it is "supposed" to be. To think that Ron Paul or disfellowship from the U.N. or some other quasi-Americanist tack is going to fix all things is to run the crayon off the page.

At the high school where I teach I help coach the Academic Decathlon team. The theme for this year's competition is the American Civil War, and for the past two weeks our kids have been watching Ken Burns' acclaimed 1990 documentary about it. In today's episode on 1864, Shelby Foote, one of the premier experts on the war, said something quite profound.

He said that the North went into the war with one hand behind its back. They had all kinds of able-bodied men up rowing at the Ivy League schools for the duration. If the South had dragged it all on any further, the North would've pulled its other arm out.

Really, this is just not any revelatory information. Any high school U.S. history student can figure this out. What is so profound is that while the North could've squashed the South in a second, it didn't. We're told it was the Union's inept leadership and the Confederacy's bold tenacity that kept it going.

No, no it wasn't.

Come on, connect the dots.

The American Civil War was one big theatrical production put on for the purpose of convincing the American people that their government should be much more powerful, that there is the proper dramatic rationalization for the establishment of what some call "the 14th Amendment Empire." Sure it was horrifically costly, but since when are the covert ops of Rome, the Jesuits, ever concerned about the amount of blood spilled when assembling all the intricacies of the vast sin management program that is the United States of America?

Come on, people, God gave you some brains. Connect the dots.

At this point I just wonder how many more times we must pronounce some crazy truth about Rome's designs for people to do that. How many more facts about what Rome does through the U.S. as the Legacy of Cain must be shared before someone actually connects all the dots. It just gets daunting. I see website after website and hear radio show after radio show screech about the horrors of this or that New World Order Powers-That-Be George Bush Hegemony thing, and the ultimate foolishness is in the benighted indifference to answering the key question out of it all-- the key question that is at every dot on the page but the last one:

"THEN what?"

Sure, keep going! Don't stop. By all means keep connecting the dots to see the full picture. Have fun seeing all the other crazy things the One World Order does. There are certainly many more. But see...

Don't you want to know Who it is at the very last dot?

Who is that Person indeed?


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