How to Avoid the Effects of the Fiscal Cliff

So the fiscal cliff is so catastrophic because it represents automatic spending cuts and tax increases in order to shrink the deficit? Which means that the federal government is forcing itself to refuse to spend money on things they can't afford and at the same time expect American taxpayers to pay for the things they demand from said government?

How can that be bad?

Well, it's bad because soooo many depend on all that government spending for their livelihood in some fashion. And because soooo many depend on government not taxing them for them to spend their money on the things they'd like to spend it on.

And as a result, there'll be pain.

Except that I've heard Congress and the president are apparently hammering out a deal that would keep those triggers from kicking in, so that we can still have the spending and not have to pay for it, at least for now.

Yay! Super Obama swoops down and grabs us as we proverbially plummet to the earth! Yaaay!

Still, those phenomenally gargantuan liabilities the feds promise bazillions of people are still there. And this government is still faced with having to pay for all the borrowing it has to do, something actually quite impossible and as such they'll be forced to flat-out default, ticking off a bunch of Chinese, Japanese, and patriotic America-investing Americans, or just keep printing up more and more and more money to wish the problem away -- except that the economy will be further crushed in the process.

Here's what a Republican controlled Congress should be doing. It is quite simple actually.

Some intrepid lawmakers should have been spending the past month rallying every party member to the truth, putting together a comprehensive legislative package, and have them all commit to the following, shared in a speech in a press conference by some boldly articulate and highly principled public servant:

"Hello. We are here to announce full Republican support for the following agenda, based on the simple fact that ravenous federal government spending and continued confiscation of wealth in this country cannot be sustained. The economic conditions everyone suffers from and the continued prospects for the same make this imperative.

"Therefore, we are proposing the following legislation, and will expect the Senate to pass it and the president to sign it for the good of this country. We are slashing spending dramatically, way beyond anything ever proposed to this point, and we're doing it right now. Social Security and Medicare will be excessively scaled back, and the cuts will not be in the billions but trillions. We are completely eliminating things like Obamacare which only horrifically weigh down people's producing capacity. Across the board cuts, including in defense, will also take place. We are looking to begin this right now. Right this minute.

"At the same time we propose a huge cut in taxes for everyone, including radical tax reform that will include eliminating conditions that result from injustices like the earned income tax credit that results in people getting money from the federal government while paying no taxes at all. We demand extreme tax cuts for everyone across the board, including for those producing in this nation some just like to call 'the wealthy.' Don't worry, the wealthy will not necessarily be happy with us either because we acknowledge politicians exactly like all of us depend on them far too much.

"We expect that everyone will revile this except for those who know the only way to have prosperity in any nation is for the people in it to go to work and to produce. If you the American people want to take care of yourselves, then get to it. Find a producer and link up with him or her and make things to make this country great. Or please step out, talk with some people who have the same commitment, and be an entreprenuer. Stop looking at us to do it for you. The only way anyone gets anything the like is if they work hard, produce something, and pay for it from what they actually earned. Why do so many expect us to work as some middle man to appropriate another's productive value when they can just do whatever business they want for their own benefit?

"We are prepared for what will come. The mainstream media outlets will hammer us as uncaring and unreasonable. The Democrats including the president will express a great deal of sanctimonious shock and call us all kinds of names. We also are fully prepared for the reality of what will happen if the Senate and president do not comply with what this country needs. As long as our program is not implemented, the House of Representatives will refuse to pass a single appropriations bill until our program is enacted. The government may entirely shut down, but this is what it may take until the Democrats come to their senses about the reality of what is going on.

"The final verdict will be made by the American people. And we're so serious about this we're putting our political livelihoods on the line. If they don't like it, they can vote every one of us out of office in two years. That's fine, we're betting on America to want to make itself a great country and get out of the codependent disaster it's gotten itself into. But if we're wrong, then all of us are wrong, and worse -- this country will collapse. All great empires have collapsed, and a major reason is that they've tried to tax themselves into providing all sorts of splendid things for those who will not produce anything.

"So then, Mr. Reid, Mr. Obama, our program is there for you get on board with. Anyone can read it, it's available for all to see. The sooner you put aside all ranting and raving you'll want to do about it, the better.

"Thank you."

I've shared this with a number of people who I'd think would be fully enthusiastic about it. People who are conservative, thoughtful, reasonable. But every time I've shared it I get the deer-in-the-headlights look.

I know why.

It is because too many Americans are just devout Catholicists inside. No matter how much they may screech about how big and overbearing the government is, they're still enslaved to it. Older people still want their Social Security and Medicare, and could never fathom being taken care of by their own savings, retirement income, family, or charity. And for good reason! Because so many people are so Catholicized to the extent that they all expect government to provide all that stuff for them!

"Take care of our own? Are you kidding me? It's also too hard to work that much to do that! Government can just do it [and borrow the gobs of money to do it] for me!"

And if it's the case that the people in this country are this way, then it is just as true that the Republicans in Congress are just as gutless. Now maybe I'm wrong! Maybe they'll come around after the new Congress is sworn in tomorrow and they're all in place to be principled enough to do it! Maybe!

Don't think so.

The fiscal cliff is nothing compared to the Mack truck that's hauling ass towards us little fluttering bugs trying to warm ourselves in the heat coming off the highway. But that's just the thing. Maybe the reality check of getting too many of us smashed into the windshield is what it will take for us to see what a real productive nation looks like, and that is

The Kingdom.

This is one of the reasons The Nation will just bumble and stumble about wrestling with impossible budgetary demands. It is so fiercely gripped by that needy codependent Catholicist populace. Don't misunderstand me -- this is the way it is made to be. None of this can change, it is the legacy of Cain completely out of the presence of God, designed specifically to do exactly these things.

What is so sad is that so few are in the Kingdom doing Kingdom work! This involves many individuals working industriously together fully trusting in Christ by His self-sacrificial love to use all the productive value among all to tremendously increase both the material and spiritual well-being of everyone around them. It involves large organizations of Christ followers who do their production from the love they have for God and for others.

Sadly very few such organizations exist. Our churches are pathetic pithy-saying spewers that confiscate the wealth of their congregants just as readily as the feds do. No business organization is fully divested from the World, either. Each business in this country expects Mommy Government to keep feeding them as well, and would never fathom doing something so intolerant as do their production knowing each worker had a full genuine commitment to Christ. Never mind that so many companies now expect everyone to gleefully endorse their own abhorrant practices of providing special benefits to homosexually active employees. And I thought we're all supposed to be tolerant.

Everything about The Nation demonstrates that they are not serious about being in a position of making truly good things happen for the real benefit of its citizens. When a country is bent on shooting itself in the foot, and the leg and hip and chest and arm and head, and they're running full bore to do it no matter what you say, I guess you just have to let it.

All this to introduce my latest webzine home page piece about the violence that men do to one another. Would love for you to look over it and let me know what you think.


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