The Not-So Steep Fiscal Cliff After All

So, the day after the new U.S. Congress was sworn in, did that intrepid articulate Republican step up to the plate and deliver the message that would save America? You know, the one about slashing spending to move people to take care of their own, about slashing taxes at the same time so more of the nation's wealth could be spent on and invested in things the people themselves could choose and make happen by virtue of their own hard work?

No? I didn't think so. I knew it wouldn't happen. What is very sad is that so few understand what more and more and more temporal government means.

It just means there are just as few who are willing to love one another and do productive things out of that love. So many need Cain's agency. No matter what they say, they need Cain to minister his condemnation in their lives. So many laws and rules and regulations. So much management of the value of a populace pretending to love but only terrified deep inside.

But this is the way it is supposed to be for those who still want to lie and cheat and steal and murder. More and more and more temporal government just like the Congress and the president agreed to the other day. I shudder to think what would happen if these people didn't work like crazy to be the overarching force over people's lives that it continues to be. It's fully Biblical: man would slaughter his fellow man in a relative instant. I have just written a bit about this at my webzine.

Look at this news item prominently broadcast by the World megaphone holders: The Senate today had one of its sanctimonious grillings, this one directed toward the makers of the highly acclaimed major motion picture Zero Dark Thirty, a film about the Osama Bin Laden raid -- at least it claims to be a loose representation of the event. What the government is blabbing about is concern that the depiction of U.S. agents using torture to gather information leading to the successful raid is really unsavory to say the least. Well, at most they're saying "That just doesn't happen and we don't want people getting the wrong impression here!"

What a hoot. Never mind that the whole "Osama Bin Laden is out there! Lions and tigers and bears oh my!" myth has been a ruse to keep a neatly Catholicized populace enraged. How silly is this -- but well calculated to keep U.S. officials looking like they really disapprove of this quite unfashionable torture thing. I guess it isn't so silly when seen from the perspective that Cain's agents must do such things as a matter of duty to keep violent people in check.

That's the way it should be for those who don't recognize their part in this body of death and then find their salvation in Christ.

The "fiscal cliff" may not seem to be that bad right now, when government plans to borrow bazillions more to keep everyone feeling good for now. The real fiscal cliff, however, is actually gigantic, because it is the sin that keeps raging in the hearts of man, and as such there are only two outs.

One is Cain and his mythological world of nice things. You're beholden to him and his head-cracking practices no matter what you do. Doesn't do anything about your sin, but he gives you warm fuzzies when he gives a rousing patriotic speech about things!

The other is Christ, and you can choose to find freedom from the body of death in Him. But again, for the umpteenth time, you've got to come to Him, not a fake one the World likes to promote.

So yeah, I guess it's perfectly okay for temporal government to promise all kinds of things -- "We'll take care of you by handing money to you in your old age and gallantly taking down baaad dudes who look Muslim" -- so when you see how awful all of that is at its core, you'll turn to the One who does love you and wants to give you the Kingdom.

That's what it's for.


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