What Goes in the Mouth Isn't Nearly as Significant as What Goes in the Spirit

Next week the acclaimed PBS documentary series Frontline will air an episode it claims will answer the question "Why haven't any of the top financial executives been prosecuted for their crimes related to the economic collapse?"

I sometimes tune into these exposes, just to see what's really what, but over time I've discovered that they all look exactly the same. I used to watch to see if what I share regularly on my webzine is confirmed, but it always is, so what's new? Otherwise, these shows are always about a number of things.

First, everything anyone says about what's really going on in Wall Street is a version of -- and I'll put it as nicely as I can -- "Someone had someone's mouth around their organ. That's how they were able to get away with it." If the interviewer asks someone in the business whose organ was having mouths wrapped around it, the interviewee will say, "Well, pretty much everyone had their mouths around the organs of everyone else." Ironically the title of the episode is "The Untouchables," what a crack-up.

If you watch it, pay attention. All the talk about the nature of this questionable transaction or that seedy relationship really boils down to the metaphor. Sure it is figurative, but what difference does it make? Why is the spiritual blow job any less reprehensible? And besides, who says it isn't happening literally? Of course, whatever the case, the viewer of the show is left to just get reeeally angry about it all.

This relates to the second thing about all this. It is that Frontline does a spectacular job of pretending to be the great contemporary champion of iconoclastically muckraking heroics, using the power of penetrating journalism to lambast the criminals of the day. Actually they are just another spokeshole for the World System, spouting about the festering evils perpetrated by that hifalutin person there, and that one over there -- with a lot of seering exposition about the intricately wretched criminal activity they manage. The only functional purpose of all this is to keep the intractably Catholicized populace in a state of perpetual rebellion. You can just see it in the viewers eyes: "Oh wow now I'm reeeeeeally angry. Now I can get really mad at government officials who aren't doing anything about it." Except that, well, the financiers and regulators have their mouths and organs in certain arrangements -- which of course makes everyone even more enraged...

All of it proficiently girding the rigid legitimacy of Cain's World System administration. It is supposed to be exactly this way.

A body of death elaborately designed for people who desperately want it like that.

All the financial crimes and regulatory crimes and even the journalism crimes are precisely what Cain's operatives are supposed to be doing. Nothing but the most abject violence spewing like the worst fecal filth out of the ivory towers, into our living rooms, and through our souls to keep us tightly strapped to our sin with all the rotting offal that putrifies around it.

See, that's the third thing about it all. It is that I can share with you the answer as to why none of these people will ever be prosecuted even if everyone should fully and completely and righteously identify the breadth of criminality involved. I can share it with you right now.

It is because it is all human sacrifice anyway, human sacrifice that each individual human being who hasn't appropriated the one self-sacrifice will always necessarily be about doing.

That one self-sacrifice, by the way, was of Christ, God shedding His blood to be the sacrifice for us when we deserved the just penalty for doing things just as awful as those Wall Street guys.

Thing is, I don't think you'll hear about the human sacrifice truth on the Frontline show. You won't hear about how everyone does human sacrifice as a matter of regular practice, including the viewer. You won't hear about how one critically significant way the viewer does it is when he explicitly asks the Wall Street guy to get him his cut of the human sacrifice proceeds because that is the only way the megabanks and investment firms and any organizations like them operate.

The only other option is Jesus Christ and a whole lot of His followers leaving the body of death to do its standard body of death things, and in turn starting to really sow value and wealth and wonder and beauty and joy and fellowship and the adventure of God's life into one another's life.

But, yeah, you won't see that on Frontline either. Tell you what. When they show that part, I'll definitely watch it.

I love to interact with people who have at least a bit of spiritual intelligence and can see these things. But forgive me, I'm not the best with this computer stuff and I have not been able to replace the defunct comments service I had with the original Blogger comments. You'd think it'd be easy to do through Blogger, but it just isn't working. Don't know why. The whole point to this is if you visit my webzine there is an email address link there. I do enjoy reading thoughtful responses, if I can't do it here for now anyway. Oh, and by the way, if you think it was rather flippant, the title of this post is kind of what Jesus was saying. Check it out, in the fifteenth chapter of Matthew.


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