I Thought There Was Supposed to Be Less Violence

Yesterday in my newspaper was a report about some hostages being roughed up by some mean dudes in some mall incident. Sounded like there was a bit of physical violence involved, but I don't think anyone was killed.

Thing is, I'd just finished a book by Harvard professor Steven Pinker that said we've got less violence going on all around right now. Hmm.

I'd also heard a report about the total abortion numbers last year. Over 300,000. Simply doing the math, that's just under 1,000 babies being torn from their mother's wombs every day. I can't believe there isn't a little bit of violence involved there.

But... I thought there was supposed to be less violence?

At the end of the year I'd heard a news report that Chicago reached 500 homocides in its city for 2012. They made it sound like that number was a bad thing. Meanwhile New York's was a relatively low 400-something. They made it sound like that was a good thing, because it wasn't as high as it had been.

I seem to remember that everyone was apoplectic after the Newtown massacre when 20 schoolchildren were shot and killed, but when New York has 400 murders -- only spread over the course of the year -- that's something to celebrate, or across the country something to shrug about. Not quite 30 people dead in one morning's massacre ::YIKES!:: 400-plus people dead at the hands of some murderer in a year in New York -- ::Yay?::

Yeah. Uh-huh. No more violence.

What is funny is that people abjectly refuse to see the horrific violence happening all around them that in a way is just as physical as any other.

In the same newspaper about the hostage violence there wasn't a single mention of the story of the Royal Bank of Scotland getting nailed by authorities for its role in the LIBOR manipulation scandal. LIBOR is the interest rate used by many institutions to set what are their monetary value assessments, those critical measurements that govern exchanges. Powerful people in the highest of high finance have figured out ways to exploit the inherent information asymmetry involved, essentially shaving off millions of dollars just by twisting things in the finance markets the smallest bit.

Where do those millions come from?

Ultimately, somewhere somehow they come from people working hard generating that value.

And that's the physical violence involved. Sure a laborer of some stripe may not be getting punched in the gut or shot in the head, but he's still getting up every morning to do something physical for a certain amount of time that represents a value that goes into the pockets of the most proficient value extractors.

It is nothing other than human sacrifice.

The latest scuttlebutt in this country is the whole discussion about the meaning of a $1 trillion coin. Yes, that's right, because Congress has the constitutional authority to mint coins of any denomination, it was suggested that the U.S. Treasury just strike a single $1 trillion coin in order to pay down the massive debt. They said it would be platinum, but that metal must be mined by the brightest glowing space angels on the planet Jupiter for it to be that valuable.

Nah. All that needs to happen is for the U.S. government to say it is.

After all the haggling among the punditry about what this really means, everyone went home to enjoy a late brandy with no one committing to it or thinking that seriously about it. The problem is that the feds will still keep borrowing -- never mind that phony debt ceiling silliness -- and still woozily stumble headlong towards default or inflation or revolution or the best one of all -- some war that gets us all fired up about fighting the next Hitler or Bin Laden or whoever.

But didn't scholarly dude Steven Pinker say we were better reasoning, commerically gentler, and more feminized and that we just flat-out won't do that kind of thing anymore???

The real deal about the $1 trillion coin is that all the megaphone holders go, "Hah - hah - haaaah, what a nice time of fun that was." I can only imagine a Saturday Night Live sketch where the coin accidentally slips out of Ben Bernanke's pocket and rolls into the gutter drain. Hilarious!

What they're doing is getting us to think about its absurdity to hide the fact that Caesar does the exact same thing as the coin intends to do with smaller denominations. The Fed still pumps fiat money into the system so the feds can get it to keep those in their codependent grip happy.

"Never mind that $1 trillion coin behind the green curtain," they say. Meanwhile, the wicked witch of the System is still enabling standard human sacrifice against the populace. Really, the motto engraved on any $1 trillion coin should be "We do human sacrifice."

It's already what they do anyway.

But I should remind you, I am not in any way about changing any of that. I only want to point it out. Look and see. See what the World is doing to all who ask it to do so, and so very authoritatively so.

That's the main point. The World System authoritatively does human sacrifice, encourages people to do human sacrifice to undergird its legitimate prosecutorial strength, is in business to properly regulate the sinful behavior of men and women by using the tool of human sacrifice. It's not just the World that does it, anyone beholden to that World does it too.

And it is brutally violent.

The only way out is to be a self-sacrificer. The only way to be that is to know The Self-Sacrificer, the One who died out of His love for you. He already endured the violence so you wouldn't have to.

But hey! Go ahead and listen to the Steven Pinkers of the World and work reeeal hard to believe we're all just living splendidly in a no-violence world. Go ahead. Meanwhile neglect to recognize the habitual things you are doing all the time: searching for your own human sacrifice victims (requiring great amounts of necessary violence) and running away from those who're eyeing you for their altar (who'll think nothing of the violence they'll use against you).

Go ahead. Go on. Keep living that body of death. Go ahead.

Or you can come to Christ and be free from it.

I'd written a lot about this in my latest webzine piece. It is here.


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