"Come Quickly Lord Jesus"

Just feel like blogging a bit of eschatology here. I just feel like it. I'm not a date-predictor by any means. But among the very last words in the very last couples of verses of the Bible are "Come quickly Lord Jesus."

What a wonderful matter that will be.

Thing is, here's what I see right now.

I see Russia and China both moving big-time on a thoroughly destabilized Syria. I seem to remember some Christians with some reasonable eschatological sentiments saying that Russia is the "Gog/Magog" of Ezekiel and China represents the "Kings of the East."

Israel has a powerful army and terrific security unit, and they are now mobilizing big-time in response to this. Some eschatological minds have thunk that the reason the U.S. does not play a part in last days prophecy is because it just isn't there. With a completely arrogant, incompetent president and a stunningly spineless, impotent Congress I'm beginning to see some truth there. I seem to remember when the U.S. took pride in sending statesmen on the world stage. Now it has whiny squabbling children. This U.S. idiocy may just be what God envisioned for these events in the Middle East to begin ushering in those last days.

Last Thursday the abomination of desolation spoke in the "holy place", and I think I remember some Scripture that spoke about that exact thing. The pope spoke of every World System precept there is, but nothing of the Kingdom -- what a phenomenal contrast of the two. I know the presumption is that the "holy place" refers to the re-built temple in Jerusalem, but the temple of Jupiter, the U.S. Capitol Building, is just as holy to World inhabitants.

I see wickedness increasing and increasing and increasing with the unbelievable things happening with all the sodomy and abortion wretchedness, and how much more these things are celebrated or excused away in the most vile ways. Jesus said out of that love will grow colder and colder and colder.

No wonder, "love" is re-defined as anything one wishes, and as such it must follow that love means nothing at all anymore. Family relationships are then vigorously re-defined, and as such it must follow that brashly narcissistic people will rail against any other family member, pitting as Jesus said mother against daughter, father against son, and all the rest of it.

My oldest son is getting married this Saturday. I am very excited. Just for the record I love my son and we have a fine relationship. My point here is I simply cannot help but think about that phrase, "Just like it was in the days of Noah, people marrying and being given in marriage..."

I think of the two witnesses, who are murdered and everyone celebrated. Why wouldn't those witnesses by the two babies in the video evidence of organ harvesting among fetuses that comprise the essential elements of Carly Fiorina's remarks in the last Republican presidential debate? In a very real sense the abortion supporters are celebrating those deaths in the name of "women's rights" and "women's health".

Yeah, it's a stretch to say those are the witnesses, I'm just making the point. The Planned Parenthood head spoke at a congressional hearing yesterday and said those who want to defund it are misogynists. Then I read a piece that indicated from the statistical evidence, as a result their abortion practices, Planned Parenthood clinics murdered 160,000 girls in 2013. So who's the misogynist? This kind of stuff absolutely breaks my heart, but it also infuriates me that someone can say the completely wicked things this Planned Parenthood gal said and no one does a thing.

Oh people say stuff, but where's the action? Sure we can "defund" or protest or rally or screech and holler and shout, but how about divesting?

How about getting ungrafted?

How about setting up establishments that have nothing to do with any of that?

Here it is. Right here. Click this link in this whole line of writing right now.

That's what you do. Why won't people join together and do this?

Because they're too Catholicized.

But that's not unexpected. When Cain's legacy captures your heart, it is near impossible for you to see Christ. Calvinists go all out and say it is fully impossible, that some people are just too far gone. I look at some people, just so utterly clueless, I wonder, maybe it is impossible. When I see what is going on with what so many people are doing to one another, I wonder.

It'd be nice. It'd be nice if the Kingdom were manifest in and through this and people would be free by the blood of Christ.

But then again, maybe the U.S. is just too lost and gone.

Not trying to make any prophetic utterances here. No dates, no boasts -- some of this is just me sharing from my soul. I also think about earthquakes and rumors of wars and people saying "Peace and safety" and lots of other things Jesus said to look for, but I don't know. People have said a lot of these things, and lots of rotten things have happened long ago in world history that get people to think Jesus is a-comin' fer sure.

I'm just talking right now, that's all.

I am, however, hurting because I just hurt for these people. All of them. What happens to me doesn't matter at all. I'm already in His mighty grip.

I just want to be a Kingdom-bringer, that's all. I just want to worship Him in Spirit and Truth with millions of others doing the same.

That's all.


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