The Reigning Wicked Sophistry

Here's the latest salvo from the extraordinarily powerful pro-sodomy voice. This billboard.

It's gotten some news coverage, I'd say more to keep raging sentiments stirred than to make any kind of logically robust statement about how sodomy is perfectly fine or anything like that.

Apparently it was posted near Kim Davis' environs, Davis being the county clerk who refused to issue marriage licenses as a declaration that she'd like to stand by righteousness rather than submit to the loud wail for institutionalizing sinful behavior.

When I first saw this, I thought about the image before I'd looked at the words next to it. It reminded me of another billboard, just as idiotic and as such you probably hadn't seen much of it. It had a photograph of a dog going "Moo" with something about being who you want to be even if it doesn't align with what others think. That kind of thing, you know, the message clearly: if you want to be a girl in a boy's body then you just go right ahead, you enlightened forward-thinking person!

The problem with that is that a dog is still a dog. No wonder it was an epic fail.

This one is as well. The wording here, essentially, "You can no longer give your daughter as a bride for a goat. We've already redefined marriage."

Excuse me, but the epic fail qualities of this message are just not that hard to see. May I?

First and foremost, marriage is something beyond ourselves. It has what is called an "ontological" nature, that is, it is a thing, a thing we can't simply redefine. It is already defined. Yes, I understand the pro-sodomy crowd disagrees, but on what basis? If their insistence that marriage be redefined because that's the way that is, then how can they argue against our insistence it is what it is?

Secondly, because a bunch of people have wanted to inject meanings about how they treat marriage does not obviate its ontological meaning. Sure there are cultures that have dowries and family arrangements and all the rest of it. Do those things take away from that meaning? Of course not. Some of those things are abhorrent, yes, but marriage still is as it is.

The most abhorrent are the ones that make marriage something it isn't. Polygamy is a classic example. Marrying anyone besides a compatible adult single individual of the opposite sex invalidates that arrangement as a marriage. Anyone can call it a marriage, but it isn't. It is actually something that destroys the people engaged in it, because marriage is a thing for a reason -- it benefits those involved in that arrangement.

This is where the debate from the pro-sexual-health, pro-family-health must be waged if it hopes to have any success. The more the debate degenerates into an issue about "religious liberty," the more the pro-sodomy forces will triumph.

Indeed the argument about "religious liberty" is screeched at the behest of the Catholicist voices that seduce people into thinking it's anything worthwhile. Because so many are beholden to Rome in so many different ways, they don't have the courage to simply step up and say words I rarely hear:

Sodomy and its wholesale endorsement destroy lives, families, and communities. As such, it is public health danger, and measures should be employed to stop it.

It doesn't matter how much they roll their eyes, how much they call us Neanderthals, or how many of them are doing it together with great ferocity, this is the truthful reality.

Sadly, Caesar is now a firm part of the enablement of the now rampant homosexualist message and practice, and as such it can now exercise even more law enforcement against the people who simply don't have the spiritual strength to resist the worst sexual crimes. I saw in my newspaper the other morning a story about fears that in California prisons will swell because of bills passed making felonies of possession of date-rape drugs and parole violations of convicted sexual predators.

And I see billboards like this.

My heart breaks.

Of course, I should add that the very best measure against it is the life-saving message of Jesus Christ.

But with so many churchy Christiany religiousy people so damned Catholicized, who is left to share that?

My heart breaks.


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