The God Algorithm

I see the Dow dropped another 500 or so points today. This was after a brief uptick, and that was after a major fall a week ago. Oh the volatility in the market! Oh the opportunity for those who can manage risk -- cha-ching! Oh the rank exploitation of value assignments among a world populace who haven't the slightest clue about how to value anything!

I've just posted my latest home page piece, and I'm just posting here now to give you the heads-up about it. Seems now the trendy fad is to value things via The Algorithm. Bitcoin, blockchain, the black box -- oh do we got it now!

Let's just put our trust in The Math!

Damn, everything is just math anyway, why didn't we think of this before? And WOW with faster and faster and fasterandfasterandfaster information processing, it'll be easy!


Most don't know diddly about value.

Just look around.

In a prominent news story I caught a number of those championing sexual abuse by sodomy say the most vile horrific things to a woman in Kentucky who as county clerk refuses to submit to the idea that institutionalized homosexual activity isn't wholly destructive of mind, body, and soul. The problem is the Catholicized media narrative is all about how she stands by her religious beliefs in this area. What does the convey? The idea that it's all just her Neanderthal beliefs that are in the way of progressive forward thinking.

No, how about sodomy should be firmly rejected because it destroys lives, and how about we argue from that solidly truthful position?

Point is, these people don't know the faintest thing about how to value another. They say "love who you want." Really? Putting ones genitals in the most insane places of another person's body merely to gratify profoundly deep-seeded sexual woundedness needs really qualifies as love?

They don't get value.

How about the whole Planned Parenthood thing? Righteousness oriented people do see the horror that is revealed by this, and that is a good thing. But it required videos of Planned Parenthood personnel speaking about harvesting whole aborted baby organs to wake up NOW? The fact that people are up in arms about this now shows how pathetically Catholicized this country is.

Wait wait wait! I thought the Catholic Church is against abortion. They are! But they are only against it because it gives them a platform to stand on and shout "Look at us and how much we don't like abortion!" If a vote were taken to completely end abortion like the one in South Dakota a couple years ago, it would not pass, because too many still want it to be around just in case. Really, that's what happened, essentially, with that vote.

This -- is -- insane.

Even right now people hem and haw about making sure tax dollars are not spent on Planned Parenthood anymore. You mean the defunding hasn't happened yet? And that's all we want? You mean every single Planned Parenthood operation hasn't been summarily shuttered with the most extreme prejudice, like, now?

People say they see but they don't. People say they understand but they don't. People say they know how to value things...

But they don't, by light years.

They just don't get Christ's love.

And that's where this must head. Yes we can censure all these nasty things, and that is fine when and where it makes a difference.

But what about The War Room factor?

See, The War Room is a film by those Fireproof and Courageous people what has a terrific drama mixed in with love-that-wins-out-after-all and a powerful gospel message. I mention this because I'd never heard of this film until some passing news mention of box office weekend successes was shared.

It was like, "Oh, and this dumb Christian movie finished 2nd at the box office this weekend."

Really? The -- what was the movie again -- The War Room? -- Huh, never heard of it!

Well, I looked it up, watched the preview, and by-the-way saw that the Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic reviews were sparse and dismal.


Dense Hollywood glommers won't give it the time of day or write that it is melodramatic preachy pap when it is nothing of the sort.

They just don't get it.

And what is the Kingdom dweller's response?

Exactly what The War Room is all about.

Get in your "War Room" and pray like crazy.

How about this.

Pray like crazy they'd find the value anything and everything by Christ poured out by His shed blood.

I'm sure that's what the movie is all about. I watched that preview and was blown away by the little that I saw. Didn't even need the whole movie to get the idea.

People can only value and understand and -- the most important thing -- love, by Christ.

Will they get it?

Yeah, too many of them are so spiritually lunk-headed, but you know, that didn't keep Paul from preaching from place to place to place to place to place when he was up against it.

We can do the same.

Anyway, my latest home page piece gets into more details about what I think genuine Christ followers could be moving on to be more powerful Kingdom bringers. Would love for you to read it. Send me your thoughts. Here's my email. Thanks.


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