So Few Young People Get It - Addendum

Thought I'd share a few notes about my "Letter to Nicholas and Friends" from yesterday. It was impassioned and any time writing is impassioned people step back. I understand. That's cool. I still stand by everything I wrote, but I wanted to add a couple things.

First, the mainstream news site used Nicholas' post to make the case that young people are upset with the Brexit vote. Because of that I assumed Nicholas was a young person, and I thought, hmm, he may indeed be someone of any age. Still, the philosophy from which Nicholas writes is still extraordinarily dangerous and emanates from a position of profound ignorance, at the peril of young people's future.

Should humanistically driven socialistic public policy continue unabated into their future, young people will find that powerful people will still dictate what happens to them economically. They will find that these powerful people will still lay them on the altar of their own human sacrifice desires. Their silly idealism is no different from any other visionary movement that fails to see everything is determined by spiritually authorized, brilliantly adept, deep politics operatives arranging things for the purpose of keeping everyone in the fold.

I'm watching one of the Sunday morning interview shows right now, and I do it less and less because these shows are merely propaganda showcases for Nicholas' world, and too often make my stomach turn. To Nicholas credit, he is so thoroughly brainwashed by all of this -- it comes across as so righteous and wholesome. Well, I'm watching some guy they've had on before who is one of the worst racialists I have ever seen. But hey, he's just spokeshole for the System: keep everyone believing everything bad is a result of racism.

Even if people properly censure him for the idiot that he is, that's great for the System because now you get millions of people, yes, many of them the "older people" that "silent majority" who can now rail and rant and holler and rebel, even if it is throwing their support behind a Donald Trump whose own idiocy makes him a splendidly ripe target for the Showcase.

I just wanted to emphasize that I don't want my passion to get in the way of what I really want to say. But I do want to say it passionately: Jesus Christ is the only way out of this body of death. And my entire webzine work is to make a point about that, a point that I make just as passionately: That the Jesus many people think about is likely not the Jesus who loves with His life, who saves, who ministers, who heals, who embraces.

One last thing, just a link to a home page piece I wrote about the problem with the System's dissemination of behavioral economics principles. Terribly ignorant people behave exceptionally rationally, all the time, every time. Those high and mighty economist drones only spew their idiocy in order to bring more legitimacy for the System, but that too is very rational, and very reasonable.

The System does need its advocates, and the best ones come from the most erudite sounding parts of academia. And who runs academia? That should tell you a lot.

The System is a legitimately authorized entity to keep people in line.

The main point is that the best thing about it is you can hold it up to its alternative: The Kingdom.

Then compare. Look, and think, and see it, and understand. Really, if you did that, I think you'd be amazed.


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