So Few Young People Get It, at Their Future's Peril

I came across this from a mainstream news site, the conclusion to a brief response about the Brexit vote that the news site said was going viral on Twitter. It is the third point, but if you're wondering about the first two, don't worry, they're just as stupid as this one. I only share it to include some remarks, mostly because this kind of stuff is said to be so popular among young people today.

Here it is.

I'd like to address this to the author, "Nicholas," but I'd like to share this with any young person out there. Not all young people are like this, but sadly most are among today's GenXers fully captivated by the most insidious humanist dogma. The Jesuits are doing their job, most proficiently, and these saps don't even know it.

They are your own young adult sons and daughters, but hey, if this applies to older adults who're simply on the same hallucinogens, then that's cool too. So, yeah, for "Nicholas" and all others to whom it applies:

Dear "Nicholas" and his young adult friends,

Sorry, but you don't know dick. You don't. The more you screech about how smart and hip you are, the more you stay in your own benighted hell of ignorance and stupidity.

All you are saying here is "We know, and you don't." You are saying nothing here. There is a reference to "Post-factual democracy." Wow, that sounds so eloquent, but it isn't. And what's with this, essentially: "We have the facts but older people don't, they only have myths!" So you have facts... Ahem, where are they? You offer none. "We're smarter than the experts who are too racist." That's all you've got. That's not a take, that's just brash idiocy.

Regarding the Brexit, you're just flat-out economically illiterate, as are most young people. I know, I teach 150 of them every year as an economics instructor. I've been doing so for nearly 30 years. Every year I discover one thing, and it is never different: they know squat about economics. When I look out upon the horizon of the millions of young people who rally for Bernie Sanders or support the EU, I wonder, "Who the hell was their economics teacher in high school?" I know, sadly -- I know most of them had an idiot for an economics teacher. It's all being manifest in their present foolish political blithering.

Much of their stupifying brainlessness comes from renowned behavioral economists who've browbeat the world into believing there is such a thing as irrationality. Steven Levitt, Robert Shiller, George Akerlof, Richard Thaler, Daniel Kahneman, Dan Ariely -- this is just a sampling of the toadying eggheads who brainwash young people and keep them from insightfully understanding the truth that nothing is irrational, but there are indeed many things that are unrighteous.

But they can't go there because they don't know the standard of righteousness, Jesus Christ.

"Oh my!" they bleat, "who would vote for a Brexit?!" making all kinds of asinine assumptions about what other people think, assumptions they say they can't make because, my goodness, they can't be subject to episodes of irrationality now since they are such genius economist geniuses. Never mind that their assumptions, while asinine, are perfectly rational because they insist on playing God because they do not know God.

And "Nicholas" schlurps it all up.

I'm happy to teach woefully ignorant young people, it's my job. I also enjoy giving them a break when they sincerely confess that they don't know but would like to learn. I love it when they actually do. And believe me, students in my class do. I'd even be overjoyed to speak with "Nicholas" or any young person, graciously and attentively. Let's talk! Let's get the facts, dig deep and know the truth.

But regrettably, so many young people out there do not get it, and don't want to. They go out into their lives with this basic overarching mentality -- it is their god, really, it is:

"Other people need to give me money just for breathing."

Really, that's it. When you support Bernie Sanders, this is what you are saying. When you vote to keep your country plastered to a pathetic excuse for an economic community, that is what you are saying. And sorry, "Nicholas," but hundreds of millions of older people who've worked their asses off  to produce that world you and your airhead friends so covet, they simply aren't going to refuse to have a say about it.

Furthermore, I can't neglect to say something about the very last sentence in your post. Essentially, "If you dumber older people don't listen to us smarter young people, you're just bigots." I will tell you something. As much as racism is a very bad thing, racialism is just as bad.

Racialism: the entrenched contention that bad things are the result of racism, to the extent that certain people and groups are called out for it, often in quite unjustified ways. It is often practiced when the racialist wants to appear more noble and above it all.

Older people have had it up their receding hairlines with young people calling them racist when they're not. They just aren't. Some are, but please, with their rampant racialism young people are just engaging in modern day witch-hunting. Because someone doesn't want you enlisting government to take their incomes does not make them racist, but accusing them of it makes you a racialist.

Not only is this reprehensible, but the media, the academia, and the bureaucrats are enabling your insipid behavior.  What makes all of this so dangerous is that the older people who are far wiser than you will die off soon, and you will be left with this world you and all the other rabid GenXers are forming right now. I truly feel sorry for you all.

And you don't even know how much you are being played.

So I can write this and if you should happen to read it, great: repent and start learning economics, be smart, even better be wise, and start making a world that'll be decent to live in. Better yet, believe on Jesus Christ who gives wisdom and righteousness liberally.

Or you can take offense and get all huffy-and-puffy and continue to destroy yourselves in the name of some pitiful idealism that has no meaningful grounding no matter how emotionally attached you are to it.

And one more thing. I can also pray for you and all young people.

I always do.


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