Wisdom of the World, Foolishness to God

I truly enjoy a number of writers, pundits, essayists, columnists, authors -- mostly because I enjoy seeing intelligent elucidation about things. Doesn't even matter if they are particularly Catholicist, I may still enjoy gleaning wisdom from considerations that hold the truthfulness of things in great regard.

One such individual is Thomas Sowell, and I'd say I'm not the only one who enjoys his work. It is filled with solid, robust takes on things -- and he is very good at taking some generally accepted idiocy and exposing its folly.

Recently he wrote about socialism, as he frequently does. There is no question the precepts of socialism threaten to crush any economically vibrant society, and every time he or any other wise individual writes about it I enjoy gaining a bit more knowledge about its dangers. As a teacher this is critically important because I am committed to sharing critical truths with my students. In fact, just as a quick aside, you'd be amazed how little 15-18 year-olds with whom I have to do know about economic systems. Really, they know caw-caw.

Which is, of course, why it is so stunning and yet so understandable why so may young people embrace Bernie Sanders and socialism. Indeed Thomas Sowell in this latest piece opens with that idea -- just that socialism looks and sounds so good.

But Thomas Sowell himself can't see more of the underlying features of this philosophy, one that is seducing so many people. At the cost of making an ugly-sounding acronym characterization for those people, I'm going to call them SIMPYs, for socialistically-minded young people. Yes, I'm transposing the Y and the P, but it sounds better. And definitely the pronunciation of the term fits. It is ugly, but it is ugly for a reason.

And Thomas Sowell can't even figure out why.

At one point in his piece he says something very common. He says teachers in schools are not teaching these kids the dangers of socialism. "Too many of our schools and colleges are failing to teach their students to [stop and think]." I myself wonder what economics classes these SIMPYs have taken! That they're not getting the full breadth of truth about the characteristics of economics systems, and this in and of itself isn't untrue -- it is just incomplete.

This is because even so they are being taught something. They are being taught to stop and think something. So it isn't as much they aren't being taught about socialism, it is that they are being taught ideas that make them put their faith in socialism -- or even better whoever is working for Caesar who will forcefully implement it, at the present time that is Bernie Sanders.

And so, how many economics teachers -- high school and college -- do you think have some favorable impression of the precepts of socialism, some without even critically thinking about them themselves. How many? I'd say a majority, at least. Multiply that number ten-fold and you've got a huge swath of very intelligent politically engaged kids out there now fully devoted SIMPYs.

Thing is, where'd the instructors get their ideas? And where did those who gave them the ideas -- whoever they are, get their ideas?

I am convinced they all come from none other than the World operatives assigned the job of disseminating humanist dogma throughout society in order to keep its people under the screws of the System. And the organization most adept at doing that, indeed the one that most dutifully manages the substance poured through the media and universities, is the Society of Jesus.

Will a Thomas Sowell go there? Will he actually be courageous enough to look at those hard facts? Of course not, because he too has been trained to dismiss this as conspiracy theory drivel lest he be marginalized himself as a conspiracy theory kook. Disappointing yes, because he is a historian, and if he looked at the history he'd easily see it, and he is speaking quite stridently about the demonic nature of socialism. Yes, he won't call it demonic, but read his or any other finely perceptive individual's writing about socialism's dangers and you'd see it is nothing but demonic.

Another key giveaway in Sowell's piece is his mention that SIMPYs feel that they are entitled to something for nothing. "The great promise of socialism is something for nothing." I understand. I see what he is saying -- again, not wholly untrue. But again, this requires a bit of sociological and psychological intuition into the mind of a SIMPY.

Is a SIMPY truly saying that he or she expects something for nothing? Oh yes they do want people with more money to hand over some of it to them, yes they do want a powerful individual like Bernie Sanders to arrange all of that at the point of a gun.

But see, in their mind they don't believe they are nothing. They believe they should get something because they are something. Here again is where the humanist mentality comes into play, it cannot be dismissed. This mentality insists that a human being is somebody because they are human, and thus deserving of... of... of what? For what? In their minds it is imperative other people shed their value and support them financially even if they are not producing anything.

The SIMPY mind believes everything out there, all the stuff that has value, just sort of appeared, is  just sort of there, and that everyone has some equal right to a piece of it. You can see this in the writings of their guru, John Rawls, in his philosophical discourse with Robert Nozick. It is an age-old question: How should the stuff-of-value be distributed?

The biblical position is also age-old. Humans were created by God and lived blissfully, everyone indeed benefitting from everything God made for them. No issues there. This was fine until each one of us decided to take off, disregard God's gifts, and do rotten things to one another. As it is now, no one deserves anything. If you work for it legitimately, produced things emerge, and justice prevails, then that justice signifies you earned it. Even then crappy things happen to people -- no one is owed anything. Yes, Christ came to save those who are lost. But the economics do not change -- in fact they are even more pronounced when acknowledging that Christ gave His life so we could have life in return, both now and in the hereafter. It is by His grace that we have anything, period.

The humanist dismisses, even reviles all of this. No, the SIMPY sneers, I'm somebody no matter what, and give me mine. And I'm going to make sure my god Caesar does what he must to do that.

Does Thomas Sowell know about this? Is he willing to illuminate those truths, that the SIMPY is ultimately fed this spiritually-derived conception by -- yet again -- those most responsible for feeding it to them?

Will he go that far, and get at what's really happening?

For you see, Cain's powerful legacy as it continues to extend throughout all of political, commercial, financial, and religious activity will always gravitate towards socialism. Everything is already socialist --capitalists are merely fooled into thinking they actually have more say in economic activity than they do. Caesar has always reigned, it is just socialism writ large is becoming more acceptable, more fashionable.

The main distinction isn't between conservative or liberal, or Democrat or Republican, or even capitalism or socialism.

It is between the World and the Kingdom.

Can you see it?

Doesn't matter which ideology of the World you have, you are still enslaved.

The only real freedom is in Christ.


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