Sometimes the Wickedly Metastasized Folly is Hard to Bear

Another fine word from the Proverbs that I'd like to share. May I?

"The human spirit can endure sickness, but a crushed spirit who can bear?"

I will confess last night I pulled an entire post from my blog, one I'd written just that afternoon, and I'm not sure exactly why. The substance was still good, but my spirit just compelled me to do so. I've never done that before.

I could say this or that, but I do believe there was something that told me I was just being a troller. Or a trollee, doesn't matter. Even if I write something quite reasonable, in today's world in some real sense I'm just trolling. Or even responding to trolls and enabling their folly. An entrenched fool brashly spouting the System line isn't worth it.

I think of what my good friend Tupper Saussy said at the tail end of his ministry, just before he passed away in March 2007. I wrote about it in this home page piece, and it was about his dialing back his writing because he felt he was just being a commentator. He so wanted to get people to understand how wretchedly evil the System was, and was required to be -- and to summarily turn to Christ as The Deliverance from all that. Thing is when you say the same things over and over and over again and no one is really getting it -- well... I get it.

I think that's how I was feeling yesterday. I'd just pounded out a post with some more about the abject folly that doesn't just weave its way into destructively marauding public policy, it is that policy. The World System will do its thing based on the massive lie that people living richly in darkness choose to abide. Unless they come to Christ and dwell meaningfully in the Kingdom that is nowhere near the System, anything said to challenge the lie network is pointless.

Indeed I do feel a bit of despair about it all right now -- the reason for the Proverb mention. It'd be nice to see many churches becoming ungrafted as worship assemblies and exploding with the vibrancy they should be exhibiting. Maybe some are and I just don't know about it -- that's very possible because truly ungrafted communities worshipping God in Spirit and in Truth will never be showcased in any way by thoroughly constricted mainstream media as they would have no idea how to interpret it. 

As it is it is my humble consideration that all the wicked ugliness that is spreading into the social mainstream like the lethal fungi in that HBO show The Last of Us -- huh, not a bad metaphor for what is happening to the souls of people now in this woefully benighted world -- that all of this is the incipient manifestation of the stunning things recorded in The Revelation.

Read that book after peeking at this folly-obsessed world and it is not hard to wonder how all the could happen. It could, easily, if the obsession with "A.I." gets going even more, and it will. If the climate change alarmists have their way and the inevitable result is catastrophic ecological turmoil. If the central banking cartels and crypto racketeers keep making foolish decisions stirring up the anger of the fixed-income savers and the like, eventually bringing economic calamity...

Then you've got The Book of Revelation, right there.

This is where everything is going. God would never want any of that to happen, but He knows it will happen for one reason: People want it because they abjectly refuse to not be such vicious fools. God has said over and over and over again, "What part of 'Don't do that lethally foolish thing' don't you understand?"

And people don't listen. You can see them not listening all around, and as it even says in Scripture written two thousand years ago it will get worse and worse and worse. In fact, yet again, He knew several millennia ago when He sent Cain out to build a city to prosecute those fools with seven-fold force. Since that time every single one of us has been tempted to roil or rebel or resist the duly ordained authorities, and those who succumb become an intricate component of the System.

While my spirit may despair observing the folly get bigger and badder and beastlier, God shares life words that are hope. While we see in Revelation Jesus returning in glory some time, the simple promises we can hold deep in our hearts do encourage today. The one I keep thinking about is that beatitude in the fifth chapter of Matthew. You know it.

"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled."

That one keeps ringing in my heart, bless the Lord for that.

It is a difficult thing, something that can crush the spirit indeed, to look at the world all about and see the effects of the World and its destructive words.

Just need to turn around and just revel in dwelling by the beauty and glory of The Kingdom.

That's Him.


The posted image is a nice biblical meme I clipped from a Facebook post by my friend Ben Bush.



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