There is No Such Thing as Freedom of Speech, Only Trolling Fields

I've come across an amazing proverb in the Bible that lends biblical weight to the idea that words murder. Wow do so many screech about how much they should be able to say ANYTHING THEY WANT DAMMIT, but the reality is different. That proverb, it is the ninth in the eleventh chapter:

"With their mouths the godless destroy their neighbors, but through knowledge the righteous escape."

People are going to say stuff no matter what any schnazzy founding document says about prohibitions against government suppression of expression. And no matter what stout proclamations are made or how many blap loudly JUST HOW MUCH FREEDOM OF SPEECH IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING EVER!!! -- words are life or they are death irrespective of any perceived freedom to do any given thing. As much as words are indeed death, they are human sacrifice if employed by Cain's duly authorized mandarins or those given over to their designs. (That, by the way, is mentioned in the 21st verse of the 18th chapter of Proverbs.)

They could very well be your neighbors, and they may certainly murder others with their words. We look at Norman Rockwell's iconic image of the dude standing proudly at the school board meeting courageously bellowing astoundingly righteous things, we can just hear it all ringing in our ears! Just look at him, he must be so wise and thoughtful and articulate, just sooo... American.

What if that dude in the print is proudly spewing things like:

"All children should be allowed to undergo surgeries to match their perceived gender identity! You know, for freedom of sexual expression!"

"Tomorrow I'm launching my new invention to finally reach 'Net-Zero,' the one that will fully block the sun for the purpose of cutting down on all that rotten carbon dioxide! You know, for freedom from bad weather!"

"As the main financial support of every government official, I'm telling them they must get the pharmaceutical companies to apply some kind physical augmentation to everyone. You know, for freedom from killing grandma!"

"I am also expressly requiring those officials to make sure everything is so equal in the community that everyone's homes and properties will be expropriated and the confiscated wealth be redistributed to even things out (except for me because I'm so smart and noble to put all this in motion)! You know, for freedom from past injustices so we can have a perfectly wonderful world where no one will ever have anything less than anyone else!"

Well, ahem. These contemptibly foolish things are already being said, loudly, clearly, boldly, incessantly -- through the authoritative communication channels the Frankfurt School sought to commandeer a hundred years ago so the revolution against the oppressive could finally succeed. They are evil as all get out, as one prominent Christian podcaster said of some guy boasting that he self-identified as an eight year-old girl -- they are truly "Silence-of-the-Lambs level evil." "Abortion is health care." "All whites are racist." "Made-up computer numbers can be a legitimate form of currency." How many other things people say are, quite frankly...

Things said that destroy people.

Proverbs interlude. There is this one too, fourth chapter, 16th & 17th verses:

"For [the wicked] cannot rest until they do evil; they are robbed of sleep until they make someone stumble. They eat the bread of wickedness and drink the wine of violence." (Emphasis mine.)

Sorry, but it very much reminds me of the words Jesus shared with those who may have been a bit careless with their words. That whoever causes a child to stumble into sin should prefer to have a millstone tied to his or her neck and thrown into the sea. Yes, I confess it brutally hurts my heart to hear people screech like banshees that words do not murder. They do.

I'm an educator and I'm out and about in the education world, and at a public high school district administrative office I was visiting I happened to come across a large basket of wrist bands. It was right there on the counter, the first thing you see when entering. All the wrist bands had different colors and combinations of colors, and all had the same message.

"Suicide Prevention."

These people just can't get that the message this sends is not a good one. Right away, whether one consciously thinks it or not, the words that instantly go right deep into the psyche of the observer are, "Huh, are there a lot of kids in this particular educational organization committing suicide? I mean, hmm, is it so much of a concern for them to have such a thing so prominently here? And what is behind this sentiment?"

Certainly there could any number of answers to those questions, but the reality is broached in the most striking way possible, with the statement, with the words, "Hey kid, killing yourself is there in your mind for whatever reason. If by chance it wasn't in there it is now. Don't do that or we'll all be really upset." It is very well-intended, but the message students get is no one at that place really gives a single shit about them (well, except to make a lot of nifty wrist bands, I guess there is that). Really it is just about the hifalutin older people feeling like there is something they can do to virtue-signal about how much they're trying to stop kids from killing themselves how splendid for them! 

Even worse is the thought, put right there into their brains because of the wrist bands, is that there are things happening at that place wherever those things are that are causing kids to think about killing themselves. Wow, what kind of place is this then?

It is a place where the words shared destroy lives, even souls. 

These young people don't need to do anything except listen to all the words richly spewed there and on into the mainstream and it just isn't hard to see how much some young people may very well want to kill themselves. It isn't hard looking at those things our Norman Rockwell character could be saying that I cited there just above. 

What makes these young people so much more vulnerable is the communication technology environment in which they live. Today's world is really just what I call a trolling field, everyone saying anything just to get someone else to respond, and so much of it is just puke to get people to puke back in anger. There are so many levels and shapes of cyberbullying now it is ghastly. The entire social media world is just one big cyberbullying conflagration, and young people are being incinerated in it.

Their souls -- oh my, they are just being destroyed by it all.

And just a quick note, as an educator I see all of this happening all over the young-people's world, this thing with the suicide prevention notice is just a concrete example I can share to make the point. It's been happening with greater intensity for years. There are dozens of different messages being "streamed" into that young-people's world that are just plain lethal.

A while back I saw a New York Times piece, many of you did too -- a New York Times piece of all things, the Times is one of the absolute worst violence gushers there is.

Anyway, the Times did a piece on Facebook ops admitting behind the scenes that all the cell phone and social media stuff is really not very good, especially for children. It was said this way...

"The devil is in our phones."

That was a number of years ago. I even wrote a home page piece about it, it is here. It might be added that it is even worse with the things people call "A.I," you know, the reality augmentation and information exploitation and all the rest of it. Yeah, it is bad, but it just isn't the technology. It is as simple as it has been for millennia and millennia.

Humans are evil -- every one of us, prone to the most insidious "Silence-of-the-Lambs" type evils. No, I'm not being misanthropic, most people with decent observation skills know this. The humanist materialist atheist agnostic Frankfurt School graduate simply cannot get that, however. "Everyone is good at heart it is just the oppressive hegemony is bad." Indeed the Roman Catholic Eccesiocratically injected philosophy of Epicureanism, one that just about every one of those acolytes holds dearly, proficiently sanitizes those destructive evils.

Yes, with words. That is a huge part of the program. Never allow young people to see the truth of their predicament. They can do no wrong -- it is someone else's fault. Don't make them feel bad about themselves, instead lie to them so in spite of our benighted conditions we can at least feel like things are okay. Sweet frosting vanilla slathered over our sick burnt-charcoal hearts is really best, and if you still feel so bad that you want to off yourself just come over so we can try to tell you better lies.

Again, it is simple. The thing "freedom of speech" is just social saber-rattling, nothing more. Things get said and heard no matter what,  so "freedom of speech" is meaningless. In fact the World System has always fastidiously managed the Overton Window because it needs people to hear the things they think need to be said. And yes, forgive me for being redundant here, words kill, and words emanating from the System do fulfill Cain's duty to carry out human sacrifice -- an operation far, far away from God's presence but still industriously managing the city as he must to prosecute evildoing.

Even if young people don't commit suicide, they are steeped in those words and are primed to go into their lives and livelihoods repeated in their psyches as if on autoplay. Again they think the things I put in the Norman Rockwell characters mouth up there are not only perfectly fine but should be shouted from the rooftops!

...Or promoted widely and interminably across the mainstream media airwaves so again, as they're convinced, the world will be a delightfully utopian place for everyone. It is indeed the duty of the new hegemony which, I hate to say, is the exact same as the old one. It just looks so spiffy with all its talk (ahh, those words again) of some kind of real liberation from the racist and sexist and whateverist oppression.

On the other hand, God in His phenomenal mercy made it so a number of people would write down His words, in a real sense words that comprise God's extraordinarily gracious invitation to His Kingdom. Many of His faithful servants sharing those words were killed or imprisoned for doing so. Huh, they didn't have freedom of speech in any Americanist sense, but they still got those words into the minds and hearts of people who want to live by the Kingdom instead.

Those words -- huh, they are very different from the thousands of imaginatively different kinds of words the World blares.

Ultimately anyone is either saying things that are Kingdom things, Jesus' things, biblical truths or principles that are actually about redemption and restoration and resurrection and healing and saving and actual true living. Or they are saying things that are World things, bilging from one's own iniquity and rage and rebellion, the things Cain's minions speak at the devil's behest. They are one or the other, however much "freedom of speech" is prattled about.

All of this blog post is merely to add a few thoughts related to my latest home page piece, over at the webzine. Enjoy, and I only pray the words shared there, the words shared here, would move you to follow Christ more joyfully, to worship God more richly -- or perhaps if you do not know Him that you turn and ask Him to let you into the Kingdom to begin with. He will, but you've got to enter by Him, He's the Gate.

A true wonderful matter, though, that He does that.

Oh the wonderful words He shares so we may...


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