Human Sacrifice Practitioners Getting Younger and Younger All the Time

We saw a perfectly wretched motion picture last night, Everything Everywhere All at Once. It was about a woman being tossed about from multiverse to multiverse, and while I believe it was trying to make a statement about how nice and non-dysfunctional a family could be, it was actually just a brainlessly meandering, sickeningly creepy, and painfully disturbing hot-mess. After I'd endured
the 57th incident of pointless, tedious, and grotesquely bloody martial arts goofiness at just under an hour-&-a-half in, I was done. Turn this idiocy off.

All of that wasn't even the most disturbing part. The most disturbing part was that there were so many who liked it, both reviewers and audience members. At Rotten Tomatoes alone: among over 300 reviewers it got a 95%, which seems pretty good (I know very little about the site). From the 2,500+ "verified ratings" among those posting with the popcorn icon it got an 89%.

I could get deep into the film and deep into what these people are saying about it. I'm not going to, one reason is because I've shared this a dozen times before. I always ask, What on earth are these people looking at? Even more telling, From whom are they getting their visceral conceptions -- their effectively entrenched "plausibility structure" -- that very thing that governs why they think something like this is entertaining or meaningful in any way?

Some of it does indeed have to do with Inter Mirifica, the mid-1960s command from Rome that its congregants be taught the Magisterium through Hollywood. Really, that's pretty much what it is. And for years and years Hollywood has done an amazing job of injecting the most robust humanist and materialist ideas into the psyche of your average, extraordinarily impressionable young person.

This "Everywhere All at Once" film was a perfect match for that person. With special effects today so easy to produce and so mind-blowingly realistic, something like this can't help but be seductive. It was imaginative, frenetic, visually compelling and completely vapid -- perfect for the individual who needs his or her postmodern sentiments vigorously stirred.

And that there are so many of them. More and more and more of these young people -- raised by the people who were getting filled with this kind of dreck when they were young in the 60s and 70s.

I can't help but be feel tremendous sorrow over this continuing development.

I was watching the morning finance news as I often do, this one CNBC, at around 7:30 on one of these July mornings, and they had a guest on who was talking with the moderators about this thing "the Family Office." This is basically just an organization that takes care of all the exceedingly wealthy family members' financial affairs regarding all the places their money needs to be. The discussion went into how opaque and perhaps even sinister it all is, and maybe it is... most of these kinds of things are.

That wasn't the disturbing part. Yeah, uh-huh, it's something else even worse, and yes, in this case as with the "Everything All at Once" movie...

It has to do with young people.

The guest who was expertly commenting was talking about the younger members of these uber-rich families and what their emphases are when it comes to the places the money should go. And sure enough he mentioned two specifically -- the two things that today just sound so righteous and wholesome to young minds typically ill-equipped to grasp who's really telling them about all this.

Crypto and ESG.

Ahh. You mean crypto as in the massive new scam that has super smiley people trying to get others on board by valiantly touting how great computer numbers are at holding value, you know, not really much unlike the lamest Ponzi? You mean the one that is supposed to work as a medium of exchange but is really only a quasi-arbitrage investing scheme that can never be what they say it will be no matter how much THE ALGORITHM is worshipped?

And, um, you mean ESG as in "Environmental Social Governance" the spectacularly spiffy program of maximum virtue-signaling by all the hifalutin corporate honchos who have not-a-small number of politicians' face cheeks right-smack glued to their butt cheeks? You mean the insistence that intractable climate change mitigation and ferocious critical theory anti-racist extremism in the name of virtue IS NO VICE, when really right now these two are effectively destroying the lives and livelihoods of hundreds of millions of people around the globe?

Are the young superrich talking about those things?


No wonder.

If you look closely...

You'll see where these young people are getting their ideas.

And yes, as I've shared a jillion times in my own modest little webzine and blog ministry here, its disturbing nature inevitably becomes violently distressing unless one sees it with the Kingdom lens.

In the arms of The Savior there is great assurance, provision, and comfort. There you may also truly know how to most proficiently care for the earth He gave us and to treat your fellow man with authentic self-sacrificial love.

Not there? Only subject to the hip, with-it, groovin', (whatever word young people use today to indicate how much they really like something), postmodern, humanist, materialist, psychopathographic hellscape the World System pounds into one's soul?



The image is clipped from the entertainment news site, thank you.



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