The Struggle Session Dominion, Addendum

While I was channel surfing I came across a movie, I believe it was called Greenland, about a family's attempts to escape an extraterrestrial disaster of some kind, you know, meteors or asteroids hitting the earth and all. I don't know, I didn't hang around to see much of it.

But one scene featured people watching events unfold on the television in a bar or restaurant. The news guy was reporting from somewhere, and sure enough a large fireball came from the sky and obliterated his location. As it always happens with these kinds of things, instantly the screen went fuzzy.

Very scary.

I mention this because I just felt compelled to add an addendum to my post from yesterday about what is really going on with the Covid thing, that too many people are so overridden with guilt in particular circumstances that it drives the lockdown protocols -- indeed it drives much of what is ultimately wrecking things today. How many insane policy implementations are destroying our world in the name of doing something about the very things that are destroying our world.

I simply want to reiterate an important truth in all of this, because sure enough in most everything I read about it all, and I do like to read about all these things, the answers are always along the lines of "Join the resistance!" In other words, Let's all be a part of the righteous rebellion against the forces that are nefariously doing these things.

The problem is today the Frankfurt School movement already has the upper hand in doing the rebellion. Well-meaning people see the very real evils that come from that effort but recommend, yes, counter rebellion. This is all World System activity. In fact another piece I was reading, I'm pretty sure it too was from Off-Guardian, was all about how the globalists have overplayed their hand. "They've too openly told us they want one-world government! What a mistake! Now we know for sure! Let's get 'em!"


World government has always been around. The "New World Order" is not new at all. It is already here. Has been for about six millennia. It was no mistake, all of this is arranged to get people to rebel. All the massive protests covering the globe today are a direct result of people first doing the standard Catholicist thing and enabling governments to put these things in motion to begin with, then when they don't like them they are now inspired to hit the streets with their trucks or tractors -- which really, today, are the equivalent of the general-issue pitchforks and torches.

It is precisely what they want.

The only real answer is the biblical one, and you can read about it right there in the sixth chapter of Isaiah and emphasized again in the fourth chapter of Mark -- as well as pretty-much everywhere else in Scripture. Sadly not many people bother to read it at all, much less prayerfully in the mind of Christ with worshippers who worship in Spirit and in Truth.

Well, Isaiah asks God, "What do you want me to do?" God tells him, essentially, "My people are coming under judgment because of their sinfulness, but they could be healed, delivered, and restored -- fully and richly, if they want. But you'll have to wait." Isaiah then asks, "For how long?" God then says, "Until they see the devastating effects of their sin."

It is a bit more elaborate than this, forgive me if you feel I haven't gotten the real thrust of this critically important passage, but there it is. Read it yourself. Thing is, God's words there are repeated a number of times in the New Testament. In Mark is one place. Jesus emphasizes them right after sharing the parable of the sower. The point there is: you and everything you care for -- your lives and families and neighbors and livelihoods and lands and the fruit of your lands would be amazing only if you allowed God's seed to be planted deeply in your souls and hearts and minds so that His righteousness would then pour out in astounding abundance.

Not going to do that?

Then behold all around you the utter dissipation of your world.

Until you see that, you will not know what you are doing. Until then you cannot see the consequences of that from which you you must repent.

It is so very good to grasp what is going on in the World. I do it all the time and write frequently about it, here and at my webzine. It is often, if not all the time, very sorrowful. But the only thing it is good for is to contrast that with the Kingdom. Really, that's it. It is exclusively so one may turn from it and seek rich, joyous, wonderful dwelling in that Kingdom -- and of course see if anyone to whom God introduces you wants to join you there.

The World's requirement for a response to the wicked ugliness all around: Do World System things. Grabbing a pitchfork and torch is as good as any (hey, unctuous institutionally encouraged struggle sessions are good too!) but gripping tax liability preregistrations, girding non-profit organizational statures, participating in civil elections to install people who will keep World System things going as they should -- these are all just as good, and they are indeed allowed by God as necessary instruments of judgment as people continue to request them for proficient management of their affairs.

The Kingdom response is very different, and as Jesus just told us, it does require some measure of commitment to heed His words. I know a lot of System Ops have convinced us "You're a human being not a human doing!" While there is a kernel of truth in that sentiment it is really just an excuse for people not to get up and do the things God wants them to do. Sorry but He did make us human doings too -- we like doing things, nothing wrong with that.

The major question is, are you doing things from the World or from the Kingdom?

Take a look-see at that parable again, the parable of the sower, there in chapter four of Mark. Get a good idea of what it means, then go be Kingdom to others. You'll see the most amazing power in that, and...

It doesn't involve any pitchforks or torches.


The image is from, a Shutterstock image. Thank you.



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